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The boundaries of Chola Dyanasty

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Our history books are misleading when proclaiming Gupta dynasty as golden age of India.I think we must take effort to rephrase it as "Gupta dynasty was golden age of N.India and Chola dynasty was golden age of S.India".

I doubt if Gupta's were even aware of some land mass existing south of Vidhyas!

I have see Gupta age temples.I don't think any hindu monument in N.India can come any close to the grand Chola temples of south.

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The Gupta period was named as the golden period probably due to it's wide reach in the north, ranging from east to o west, but the extent of it's reach into the South is not clear.


More credit is deserved by some of the Southern kings who expanded into Singapore, Malaysia, etc. Although the majority of Singapore consists of Asians of Chinese Origin, the name of the place itself is sanskrit. This and movements of Ramayana, etc., into Indonesia, are just some examples of how wide spread the South kings were.




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that tamils and south indians need not feel ashamed about their past while confronting the arrogant north indians. Tamils and south idnians have a natural inferiority complex with respect to their dark skin, but news like this can account for that, i hope. It is time southies shed their inferiority and take on the northies.

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Which is the more valuable: Kota Gelanggi or the rainforest that embeds it?



KOTA GELANGGI COULD be what it is, though not what it means: a thousand-year-old lost city in Johore that pushes Malaysian history back one and a half millenia. Malaysian history is older than Tun Sri Lanang's Sejarah Melayu (Malay Annals), but its discovery is to enhance newspaper circulation than serious archeological or historical inquiry. The location is a secret, we are told, to forestall bounty hunters and other greedy deizens of the modern world. I suspect it is to control what happens there, allowing in only the politically correct who accepts the modern UMNO-centric political view of what Malaysia is or ought to be. Or to rape the rainforest in which Kota Gelanggi is embedded before the archeological digs start, as the rainforest at the heart of the Bakun hydroelectric dam was




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To the Malays nothing is more important than making money. At this very moment UMNO politicians are looking for ways to make the million buck they were dreaming before being elected to their sests. Forest reserves are leased out for illegal logging. Green lung areas are sold to devolopers foe peanuts and later get a lum sum for their hardwork in approving the site for development. So, Kota Gelanggi is another site for profit. The Malays are not Interseted in history nor their root. All they want is two merz and foru wives.


In the name of islam they indulge in child sex and insest. Old man as old as 75 charged in court for raping his grand daughter of 8 years and it is now very common in Malaysia. Police men cannot be trusted. They arrest you in a false charge and beat the life out of you. If a woman is arrested they strip her naked and molest her in the pretex of body search which the call the stadrard procedure. The world is laughing at Malaysia.


Bujang valley is a historical ground with relics of Hindu civilazation but nothing is done to promote the area for tourism. Bruas is another place in the state of Perak where archeologist discovered Hindu icons and temple grounds dating back to the 6th century but the discovery was only confined to Perak museum staffs and some of the relics have been sold of to collectors. This is the work of Malays who run the country to their whimps and fancies.


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To the Malays nothing is more important than making money. At this very moment UMNO politicians are looking for ways to make the million buck they were dreaming before being elected to their seats. Forest reserves are leased out for illegal logging. Green lung areas are sold to devolopers for peanuts and later get a lum sum for their hardwork in approving the site for development. So, Kota Gelanggi is another site for profit. The Malays are not interseted in history nor their root. All they want is two merz and four wives.


In the name of islam they indulge in child sex and insest. Old man as old as 75 charged in court for raping his grand daughter of 8 years and it is now very common in Malaysia. Police men cannot be trusted. They arrest you in a false charge and beat the life out of you. If a woman is arrested they strip her naked and molest her in the pretex of body search which they term it as stadrard procedure. The world is laughing at Malaysia.


Bujang valley is a historical ground with relics of Hindu civilazation but nothing is done to promote the area for tourism. Bruas is another place in the state of Perak where archeologist discovered Hindu icons and temple grounds dating back to the 6th century but the discovery was only confined to Perak museum staffs and some of the relics have been sold of to collectors. This is the work of Malays who run the country to their whimps and fancies.


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effort to rephrase it as "Gupta dynasty was golden age of N.India and Chola dynasty was golden age of S.India".

I doubt if Gupta's were even aware of some land mass existing south of Vidhyas!

I have see Gupta age temples.I don't think any hindu monument in N.India can come any close to the grand Chola temples of south.



Noone of these were the golden age of india, according to the bhagvad gita these fall under the kali yuga...which is far from the golden age of india...the golden age of india was many many more years ago...yes comapared to today, the gupta and the chola dynasty were golden, but nowhere the golden age of india. Let us not forget our ancient history just because the ruins or structures of the era do not exist...although some people have verified the remains of dwarka and the bridge between india and lanka.

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