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What a shame!

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I find it quite distressing that some people here use angry words and racsist remarks towards others in this forum. They are just petty tyrants who claim to be hindus and think that if others do not agree with their linear views that that other person is somehow wrong or ignorant and they try to belittle them and reprimand them, like they are so great and all knowing. I was excited when I found this forum thinking that I could interact and have intelligent conversations with brothers and sisters. Instead I find haters dominating alot of these threads telling others they cannot participate in certain threads if they are not Vaishnavs and the likes of this. I read posts using racsist remarks and accusing people of being "suspects" and other pathetic comments and these people behave like bratty, spoiled little children. You say you love Krishna yet you use the mouth and mind that you claim you use to talk to God and use foul language and hurtful words towards your brothers and sisters. You are the ones who do not understand what Hinduism is about. You accuse your brothers and sisters of being "suspects" and such, yet you are no better than the people you are accusing them of being. I still embrace the haters and have love for them like family because they just do not understand and without right understanding how can you treat others correctly? If you are really hindu you could argue you points with compassion and wisdom and patience. Not anger, ignorance and hurtful words. You all have a right to speak your mind and I do not deny you that right, I am not any better or more important than you and I don't want to come off like I'm on a soap box. It just astounds me that people who claim to be part of such a great belief system could treat others so impatiently and harsh, rather than embracing them and trying to understand one another. That is pretty much all I have to say on the matter so haters start haterizing and rip me to shreds now. No matter what you say to me I still love you like brothers. You cannot stop me and your harsh words to me are like blessings. Shanti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With much love, Vayu The Yankee Hindu

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jai Swaminarayan

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Vayu, the yankee hindu, i like you very much! i completely agree with your whole post!!!


yes, the people here are not controlling their egos (the cause of all bondage!)!! control your egos you "haters."


go vayu! good post!! propz!!


Om Namah Shivaya

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Thank you for your reply and the props Ravi!!!!!!

When I was in third grade I had a very good friend named Ravi so your name brings back good memories for me!!!

Anyway, thanks again for your response! SHANTI!!!!!!!!!!!Vayu /images/graemlins/wink.gif Jai Swaminarayan

Satyam Sivam Sundaram

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