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Rosaries and Japa malas

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Yes, they are all used for prayer to God.


Although some christians won't like to admit it, the practice of chanting on rosaries originates from India as Japa mala. The sages in ancient India used the japa mala in their meditation. Buddha had also adopted this practice and his followers that set up schools all over the world that promoted it.


Please read the following for more information.





"The name of the rosary, which has obvious similarities to the mala, is said to have come from japa mala. When Roman explorers came into India and encountered the mala, they heard jap mala instead of japa mala. Jap means "rose", and the mala was carried back to the Roman Empire as rosarium, and into English as rosary."

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Well, probably the theory that Christians borrowed the rosaray from the Japa mala is right. But in the Catholic faith, Mother Mary introduced the praying of the rosary to St. Dominic, which in turn taught the praying of the rosary to other Catholic adherents.

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orthodox christians aka russian orthodox, greek orthodox and coptic orthodox use a chotki or a prayer rope, and say the jesus prayer which is a mantra nad meditate as written about in the philaklia (lord jesus christ son of god have mercy on me a sinner)is their mantram, the orthodox christians are an eastern religion the can only be grouped with hinduism and buddhism.

protestant and catholics are western faiths and eastern orthodox is a eastern faith. a orthodox priest i know said the hebrews were from india and the 10 lost tribes lived in india but reverted or converted to the hindu faiths, i dissgree i think the hebrews are some hindu sect, perhaps one day some one will find a manuscript that proves the hebrews were vedics.


orthodox christian in my opinion understand hinduism better then protestants nad catholics.

i took a collage course on world religions and get a A+ on the eastern religion because of my orthodox christian upbringing. i think if i was not raised in orthodox ways i believe that my following of santanadharma would be very had to do. i agree mostly with orthodox religious views i just dissagree with some of their history and their desition in about 300 C.E to remove reincarnation from the bible and the faith. them dropping it was political move to control the populace more so they think the have only one chance to make god happy so they removed it, before 300 C.E. all of christiandom believed in reincarnation. i also believe the paul invented most of the tenants of the christian faith and perverted it. i how heartedly believe in jesus christ the yogi and that he lived and died in india. i think that most of the new testament is corrupted and far from christs teachings. i also believe the jesus was not jew that he live in a jewish land and the the old testament and jewish religion is not the same in anyway. i think hte old testament should not be part of the christian bible.

jesus was by far not a jew in any sence of hte word. he was like a token jew like many people in the past that become muslims do to islamic invation and forcefull persuasion.


jesus was hindu not a jew. all the christian writtings one wants to show me will not change my opinions about what i ahve said here, so please dont even bother to try to change my mind or say i am ignorent. my grandfather was a rosicrucion and then and he belive in jesus christ the yogi hindu holyman.


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To guest


{But in the Catholic faith, Mother Mary introduced the praying of the rosary to St. Dominic, which in turn taught the praying of the rosary to other Catholic adherents.}


I agree with that, it's just the practice of praying with beads was from India. Let's not forget Buddhism also adopted this practice and as it was a missionary religion spread it to the near east areas. Also in the way the rosary prayer is repeated for a certain number of times is just like how mantras are recited.




The eastern orthodox has been in India for almost 2000 years. The St Thomas christians and the syrian church there were established before christianity had spread over most of europe. These christians don't seem to have much problems with their Hindu neighbors which is impressive compared to the southern baptists and evangelical christians of America who despise Hindus without even meeting one, let alone visiting India.


{i how heartedly believe in jesus christ the yogi and that he lived and died in india. i think that most of the new testament is corrupted and far from christs teachings.}


Some believe that in the period of jesus life missing from the bible that christ spent his time in India, among the yogis and that is where he aquired certain siddhis and was able to perform miracles. During his life there were spiritual capitals in India where foreigners did come and learn from the holy men. The site below believes they know where he is buried.




The gnostic gospels are thought to be close to the original christianity and the ideas in them are quite similar to Vedanata and other schools of Hindu philosophy. No wonder the church doesn't recognise them.

Some of christ's sayings in the bible are from buddhism.

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