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what does one do with sexual energy?

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this question is for true practioners of yoga. what does a person do with the sexual energy in their system? how does one handle sexual desire? can it be refocused elsewhere? how should it be controlled, and is there a practical / spiritual benefit to doing so?

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I have read some where that it needs to diverted some where else. If it gets subdued it will come back up with more force.


If you are an alcholic or a smoker inorder to quit you need to take up some constructive habit to get over it.


Sexual energy is probably is one of the most difficult urges to control.

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Yoga is just one methods, there are other methods which works as well, which includes Meditations, Martial Arts and sports.


Basically, controlling the sexual urge is like tampering iron to make into a sword. Ever seen how a sword is tampered? They do it in a hot furnace.


They put iron into the fire, heat it till it become red hot, bang it to shape, shove it into cold fire, put it into fire again and repeat the process.


Same way is controlling one's sexual urges.


You perform your physical feats till you drop of exhaustion. Then rest a bit. When you have rested, get up and continue to perform the physical feat again till you drop and repeat the process over and over again.


The logic here is, sexual urges comes from sexual energy (for guys, its their semen), but when you are hurt or exhausted, you will notice that your sexual urges don't become active. This is because the body actomatically takes the energy which it had conserved to release as sexual energy and use it to repair the damages onto the body.


So, Hindus in Ancient times formulated that IF young boys were forced to perform to their best, their bodies will become exhausted and "damaged". During the time they resting, their sexual energies will be used (by their bodies without them knowing it) to repair the damage, make them stronger and set new limits which later, the same boys will be pushed toward breaking it and the process continues.


Now, I know some may think that this won't work and its all based on mumbo jumbo of past history. Unfortunately, this is what people who are stuck in India without knowing what going on in the World could think.


Did you know that Buddhist countries ALREADY followed this methods since independence in early 1950s? Some of the countries which follows this method are :-


1. Thailand - ALL boys from age 15 onward MUST choose whether they going to become Monks OR enrol into Soldier program till the age of 21 years old. After that, they are allwoed to become whatever they want to become.


2. Singapore (a CHRISTIAN COUNTRY) - follows the method, except boys are given ONE option - Soldier program.


3. Japan has the same procedure, where Sports IS one of the main program which students MUST pass in order to perform well in High Schools.


4. Korea (South, not sure about North) follows the same procedure where Martial Arts, Soldier program and Sports become main programme which students MUST choose.



It is sad that the country (India) which developed this methods for enhancing boys to become refined individuals have not taken such practise despite of being independent for 60 years. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

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There are various yogic positions, and special vegeterian diets that hindu monks have used to control sexual energy.

When Krishna handed arjuna the yogic knowledge one of the main reasons was to control our lusts.

for eg. I know refraining from onions and garlic helps control your sexual urge a little bit, there are many more ways...check with an ayurvedic expert and yogic expert.

Even christian priests in kerela have used yoga to copntrol their sexual urges.It works wonders if you know what you are doing.

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produce god conscious children that one can raise well,

or control sex desire and activity like a brahmachari.


No children are born with God's Consciousness. Even Pralathan was taught by Sage Narade in his womb.


And I don't think Brahmachari will work without other means to support it. There is too many obstacles and too many temptations for a person to remain as Brahmachari.


ONLY way I could think of is Military Training and Discipline, then combine it with Brahmachari-way of living.

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by 'god conscious' i meant: raise children in dharmic family environment so that they understand dharma and live per it.


ture, to remain brahma chari is very difficult.

swami sahajananda has said that if one does not go for sex to any one other than one's wife, then one is as good as a brahmachari. of course, no sex unless there is desire to produce a child.



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If anybody wants to stay brahmacari here is a recipe you should follow.


1) Always think about Krishna and never forget Him

2) You should marry with philosophy; study , read at every second you have time.

3) Maintaine sattva-guna

4) Eat simple food - not protein rich

5) don't become proud you are good in the above things

6) Pray to Lord Balaram to give you spiritual strength


So, everything depends on your higher taste; focus of your mind and you should have a special reason to stay Brahmacari







Hare Krishna



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And where is this Dharmic family environment, may I ask?


Every guru who comes, comes to proclaim he is a way and people follow him blindly. No one seems to stating God is the way or follow Gita.


Most Hindus don't even voice out their dislike of Muslims and Christianity since stating so could mean that they are not wanting to live in peace, as if Muslims and Christians are embodiments of peace (Sarcasm) BUT this same people have NO problem whatsoever insulting their own beliefs.


I don't see a Dharmic family environment. If you know one, please show me and example.

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Swami Sivananda says:


"Ojas is spiritual energy that is stored up in the brain. By sublime thoughts, meditation, Japa, worship and Pranayama, sexual energy can be transmuted into Ojas Shakti and stored up in the brain. This energy can be utilised for divine contemplation and spiritual pursuits."


- i believe (this is what Ramakrishna did) that everyone who desires to control his sex desires, must look upon every woman as incarnation of Divine Mother. then how can the sex desire come? every woman is Divine Mother!

it actually works. everyone should try it.

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