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The Real Hindu Caste System !!!!!

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Caste, correct name is Varna Based System. The perfect system of Governance.


Brahmin : Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousness — these are the natural qualities by which the brahmins work. (Bhagavad Gita 18.42)


The Brahmins who possess these qualities should be Advisers, Teachers.


Ksatriyas : Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and leadership are the natural qualities of work for the ksatriyas.(Bhagavad Gita 18.43)


The Ksatriyas who posses these qualities should be Rulers, Warriors and should get advice from the Brahmins on how to govern a society.


Vaisyas and Sudras : Farming, cow protection and business are the natural work for the vaisyas, and for the sudras there is labor and service to others. (Bhagavad Gita 18.44)


Vaisyas are supposed to provide Food and Clothing to the entire Society. They are also traders, Merchants etc. While the Sudras provide Manual Labor for the Vaisyas like working the farm, Helping the Ksatriyas in devoloping weapons and providing the Brahmins with the neccessary service.


All four Varna Divisons should have a Common Goal.


All four division should have a common goal, and that goal is offering its fruits from their respective service to God, instead of gaining it for themselves. So when a Sudra works on a farm, he should have a conscious of doing it for God rather then doing it for himself. A Vaisyas should have a Concious that "I'm building this Farm for God and not for my personal Gain". A Ksatriya should Fight for God, so in this aspect he should make sure that No Women,Children,Old and the sick be killed. Finally a Brahmin should educated the Society and offering its fruits to God instead for himself.


When there is a Common Goal, like God Conciouss then only the Society will be peaceful and Stable.



A Common Goal where everyone should work for God(Krishna) instead for themselves.




The excerpt is part of a transcript of a conversation between Srila Prabhupada and Professor Grigoriy Kotovsky,(then)head of the India Department at the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Indian studies department at the University of Moscow.The conversation took place in 1971 in the U.S.S.R


Prof. Kotovsky: But by creating brahmanas from different social classes of society, you deny the old prescription of the Hindu scriptures.


Srila Prabhupada: No, I establish it.


Prof. Kotovsky: According to all scriptures--the Puranas, etc.--every member of one of these four classes of varnas has to be born within it.


Srila Prabhupada: No, no, no, no.


Prof. Kotovsky: That is the foundation of all the varnas...


Srila Prabhupada: No, no. I am sorry.


Prof. Kotovsky: The foundation of all the varnas...


Srila Prabhupada: You have spoken incorrectly. With great respect I beg to submit that you are not speaking correctly. In the Bhagavad-gita (4.13) it is stated, catur-varnyam maya-srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah. "These four orders of brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras were created by Me according to quality and work." There is no mention of birth.


Prof. Kotovsky: I agree with you that this is the addition of later brahmanas who tried to perpetuate these qualities.


Srila Prabhupada: That has killed the Indian culture. Otherwise there would have been no necessity of the division of part of India into Pakistan. Not only that, but from the historical point of view this whole planet was Bharata-varsa, and it was controlled by one flag up to the time of Maharaja Pariksit. Then it gradually separated. This is history. Lately they have separated Pakistan. So Bharata-varsa is now crippled into a small piece of land. Otherwise, according to Vedic scripture, this whole planet is called Bharata-varsa. Formerly it was named Ilavrta-varsa. But since Emperor Bharata ruled this planet, it is called Bharata-varsa. So this culture, Krsna consciousness, was always existent. Consider any religion--Christian, Muhammadan, Jewish. They are at most two to three thousand years old. But you cannot trace out the beginning of this Vedic scripture. It is therefore called sanatana, eternal. This culture is for this whole human society. It is not a religious faith. Religious faith you can change, but real dharma you cannot change. Try to understand Krsna. In the Bhagavad-gita (18.66) He says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: "Give up all other forms of religion and just surrender to Me." That is real knowledge--to surrender to the Supreme. You or I--anyone--is surrendered to someone. That is a fact. Our life is by surrender, is it not? Do you disagree with this point?


Prof. Kotovsky: To some extent you surrender.


Srila Prabhupada: Yes, to the full extent.


Prof. Kotovsky: You have to surrender to the society, for instance. To the whole people.


Srila Prabhupada: Yes, to the whole people, or to the state or to the king or the government or whatever you say. This surrender must be there.("Spiritual Communism")

So you can see that according to the Bhagavad Gita, the four orders of brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras were originally created by Krishna according to quality (guna) and work (karma), not by mere station of birth.

I think it would not be inaccurate to say that the caste system, as in the four orders of brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras exist in virtually all societies. In every society, there is an elite group of intellectual people like professors, politicians and the clergy. These people would constitute the brahmana order. Then there would be the military men responsible for defending the country. These people would constitute the order of the ksatriyas. Then there would be the commercial traders in charge of the economic welfare of the country ---the vaisyas.Then there are the workers who do the manual labour necessary to maintain the assets of the society like various infrastructure. The Brahmana can be compared to the brain of the society, the Kshatriya its arms, the Vaisyas its stomach and the Sudra its feet. It is quite evident that these four orders are present in virtually all societies.

In the past, the caste system was abused. description of the process of this abuse as follows:

The upper classes gradually neglected their duties. The test of ability and character slowly disappeared. Birth became the chief consideration in determining caste. All the castes fell from their ideals and forgot all about their duties. The Brahmins became selfish and claimed superiority over others by mere birth, without possessing the necessary qualities. The Kshatriyas lost their chivalry and spirit of sacrifice. The Vaishyas became avaricious and greedy. They did not earn their wealth by honest means. They did not look after the economic welfare of the people. They did not do charity. They also lose the spirit of sacrifice. The Sudras gave up service. They became officers. They wished that others should serve them. The greed and pride of man created discord and disharmony.E(Kingly Science Kingly Secret by Swami Sivananda, Chapter 6: The Caste System)

As I understand it, the caste system, i.e. the four orders of intellectuals, warriors, merchants and labourers are a very natural division of the classes of people found in virtually every society. But due to abuse, discord and disharmony crept into the caste system of India. Maybe with education, more and more people will eventually understand the real meaning of the caste system and the abuses, discord and harmony will be avoided.




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Brigu said,"There is really no distinction between the different orders. The whole world at first consisted of Brahmanas. Created equal by the Creator, men have in consequence of their acts, become distributed into different orders. They that became fond of indulging in desire and enjoying pleasures, possessed of the attributes of severity and wrath, endued with courage, and unmindful of the duties of piety and worship, - these Brahmanas possessing the attribute of Passion, - became Kshatriyas.


Those Brahmanas again who, without attending to the duties

laid down for them, became possessed of both the attributes of Goodness and Passion, and took to the professions of cattle-rearing and agriculture, became Vaisyas. Those Brahmanas again that became fond of untruth and injuring other creatures, possessed of cupidity, - engaged in all kinds of acts for a living, and fallen away from purity of behaviour, and thus wedded to the attribute of Darkness, became Sudras.


Separated by these occupations, Brahmanas, falling away from their own order, became members of the other three orders. All the four orders, therefore, have always the right to the performance of all pious duties and of sacrifices. Even thus were the four orders at first created equal by Brahma (the Creator) who ordained for all of them (the observances disclosed in) the words of Brahma (in the Vedas). Through cupidity alone, many fell away, and became possessed by ignorance.


Bharadwaja said:" By what acts does one become a Brahman? By what a Kshatriya? By what acts again does one become a Vaisya or a Sudra? Tell me this, O foremost of speakers."


He is called a Brahmana in whom are truth, gifts, abstention from injury to others, compassion, shame, benevolence and penance.


He who is engaged in the profession of battle, who studies the Vedas, who makes gifts (to Brahmanas) and takes wealth (from those he protects) is called a Kshatriya.


He who earns fame from keep of cattle, who is employed in agriculture and the means of acquiring wealth, who is pure in behaviour and attends to the study of the Vedas, is called a Vaisya.


He who takes pleasure in eating every kind of food, who is engaged in doing every kind of work, who is impure in behaviour, who does not study the Vedas, and whose conduct is unclean, is said to be a Sudra.


If these characteristics be observable in a Sudra, and if they be not found in a Brahmana, then such a Sudra, is no Sudra, and such a Brahmana is no Brahmana.


From The Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva

section CLXIV


All men are equal in respect of their physical organism.

All of them, again, are possessed of souls that are equal

in respect of their nature. When dissolution comes, all else dissolve away. What remains is the inceptive will to achieve Righteousness.


From the Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva

Section CXLIII

If the Sudra desires to be a Vaisya, he should abstain from meat of animals not slain in sacrifices. He should be truthful in speech, and free from pride and arrogance


If a Vaisya,( after becoming a Kshatriya, wishing to become a Brahmana), goes through the usual purificatory rites, becomes invested with the sacred thread, and betakes himself to the observance of vows, he should make presents, adore the deities in great sacrifices with plentiful Dakshinas (gifts), study the Vedas.


Even a Sudra that has purified his soul by pure deeds and that has subjugated all his senses, deserves to be waited upon and served with reverence as a Brahmana.. This has been said by the Self-born Brahman Himself


The boon giving Brahma, while he created all creatures, himself said that the distribution of human beings into the four orders dependent on birth is only for purposes of classification. The Brahmana who wishes to achieve his own good should always adhere to the path of righteousness. He should always be devoted to the study of the Vedas, but he should never derive the means of sustenance from such study.


From The Mahabharata, Santi Parva

Section CCXL:


Vyasa said: Even if a person happens to belong to the inferior order (Sudra), even if one happens to be a woman, both of them, by following in the path of Yoga, will surely attain to the highest end.



From The Mahabharata, Santi Parva



Vyasa said:


In the Kali Yuga, the duties of the respective order

disappear and men become afflicted by inequity.


So now it must be clear to all.Sudras if they want can do any job.THey even can become bhramins.Bhramins can become sudras.Varna comes by birth and nature.One can do any trade as he wishes.Varna by birth is just for classification.You can rise high.

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