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Just Before Death!

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Imagime you are struck with deadly accident and you have about 5 mins to live before you die.


What will you do/say/think in these 5 mins? What should be most appropriate for our next live(s)? Does hinduism gives some hint?


Will you prefer taking gangajal and chant some matra? if yes, which one?



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I would chant the same mantra that I chant while doing dhyana every morning: "Asato maa sadgamaya..." because it is the quintessential quest for true knowledge that all human beings seek. Universal knowledge is the only thing that matters, and till death that is all I seek and ever will.


I am Hindu because I believe that truth is contained in the Vedas and Upanishads, but only with God's grace can I understand and comprehend that knowledge. Thus, the prayer "Asato maa sadgamaya" is what I would recite at the time of my death.


Asato maa sadgamaya;

Tamaso maa jyotir gamaya;

Mrutyor maa amrutam gamaya;

Om shanti, shanti, shanti hi.

--Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 1st adhyaya, 3rd brahmana, 28th mantra (1:3-28)

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At the time of death.....


Just say 2 words...cos you wont have time and the awareness to chant, may be due to fear of death and so forth.


SO, if you are in that stage, and if you are lucky enough to know you will die in 5mins and even if you know you will die, if you will accept that you will die (cos some people dont give up easily), so,just say 2 beautiful words cos the words of God are not different from God Himself.


So, at the time of death, one should chant or just utter 2 words which are




if possible say the entire MAHAMANTRA, which is


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!





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There it is. Everyone has different answers to this question. So, which is right?


Or should we say, just remember the deity whom you have trusted/believed through out your life?


Or should we just think "I am now leaving this place. Do what is good for me. I will leave my onward journey in your hands. Om"



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Dying is not a new phenomena. For thousands of years and many more people....

Can anyone give/narrate an experience of the person who knows, he is about to die in next few minutes?

I think, this itself is a revolutionary idea.

And those who know it before, also know what to do then...


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Namaste shravankm


Well I liked what Yeshu christ provides and said in the shastras (Holy Bible)that assures me more than to struggle and think what I will do at the end of my life.


I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies (John 11:25)


I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. (John 14:2-3)


"If the Son (Jesus) sets you free (from wheel of suffering), you will be actually free." (John 8:36)

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Behold, I am coming soon!

I will resurrect you from the dead.

I will return and establish my kingdom within your lifetime.


You cannot know the date of my return.

No one knows the day nor the hour of my return, not me,

not even the angels in heaven.

When I come, I will come quite unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.


Where is he?

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Well, Thanks for your advise, but I think it is more suitable for Christians, as Christ is their belief.


I will not be inclined to follow suit, just because of these assurances, unless one can PROVE these things.


If no religion on earth has ability to prove, I would like to stick to my Hinduism.



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I am not saying you must believe in christ.its your own choice based on your own convictions.the point I was presenting was the most closest for me to be assured that NOT I BUT HE GAINED SALAVATION FOR ME SO I NEED NOT WORRY WHEN I AM GOING TO DIE.


Regarding evidences then again the example of yeshu christ rising from the dead and recorded in history seems more closer to me .what he said about his claims was proven through hs life and the power he displayed.thats closer to all known truth for me about what he said about life after death.

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Yeshu khrist as a person is God in the heavenly realm and does not have a religion called christianity.he is the God of whole universe.for through him all things were created and have their being says the bible.he delivers people from the consequences of their sins and guilt.every person on the earth including a hindu looks for paap kshama (forgiveness of sins)and deliverance from the karmic cycle.yeshu khrist offers this liberation by becoming a paap balidaan or prajapati yaghana.there was no other paap balidaan that could offer us hope and liberation from the karmic cycle.as a hindu the gods that I worshipped were mythological and not real but it was an asipration that looked forward into a reality in a person which I find alone in yeshu christ.


therefore a person irrespective of his religion can look to yeshu christ.I as a hindu ,do beleive christ yeshu because its the fullfillment of what I was looking in the person of God that has led me into an assurance of hope from the karmic chakra into a dwelling place were I enjoy an blissful relationship with my creator.

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You are playing an old game of many

christians from Goa and Kerala. Enough

has been said already in many posts

about your kristhu and his doctrine

of division, violence and war. Yet you

keep playing the same broken record

over and over, again and again.

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namaste narayandasa

YOUR QUESTION :"Can you prove that the bible is authentic? Did Christ write the bible? Can you prove that this was the word of God?


If you ask weather the bible is authentic then the answer is YES.If you ask did christ ever wrote the bible then the answer is NO.yeshu did not come to write anything but entrusted all that to his disciples.The disciples and their associates of yeshu christ wrote that which they saw,experienced,learned from yeshu.thousands of copies were made and preserved by the next generation till today.hence all the gospels are accounted from the first hand witnesses of the events.the followers of yeshu were jewish with strong jewish faith.they would never budge to any foreign religious ideas because of what God has done in their lives in the past.when yeshu came many of them could not belive that he was claiming himself as God incarnate.yeshu told them that he came as a sacrifice for the sins of the world and fulfillment of all the jewish scriptures.he exactly fulfilled all the prophecies of the suffering messiah.


what made the followers of yeshu beleieve that he was God incarnate inspite of their strong resistance to yeshu? something they saw,understood from the hundred of prophecies made in jewish scriptures getting fulfilled in yeshu,felt the power of yeshu to raise people from dead,heal the sick,blind,lame,lepers etc saw his power to conquer the natures fury by silencing the sea waves,walked on the sea,drived out demons,heard the demons confessing yeshu as son of God ,they saw his sinless life and finally saw him after he was raised from the dead .yeshu stayed with them for mroe than 40 days after his rising from the dead telling them about the prophecies about him and they saw him ascending into heaven in fron of their eyes.hearing such things are unbelievable but thats what we expect God to do-unbelievable things.then later they saw their life and others geting transformed from evil nature and in the name of yeshu they could perform miraclese etc.after all these confirmations they understood he was not just another human being but was what he claimed to be as the son of God.


The bible from beginning to the end has one story in unity inspite of 40 diffrent writers writing from three diffrent continents of asia ,africa and europe ,with diffrent temperament in hostile situations and conditions,some without meeting each other over a period of 1500 years of history.they have one united message of God restoring mankind from their sin through sacrifice,new heavens and the earth in future,end of all suffering and day of judgement etc,the diagnosis of human nature,the solution to get freed from punishment of sins,honest in describing reality,prophecies told which got fulfilled about christ and the israel and some predictions of future getting fulfilled,its historical reliability etc all these provides a basis to beleive in the realm of reason that its truly the word of God.Of course the prophets heard,some saw God speaking to them.Jesus himself who is God incarnate affirmed the reality of the jewish scriptures and entursted with his power for his disciples to be guided in his spirit so that they can write what they saw,heard and experienced.


hence it is logical to believe it and there is no propoganda as you may tend to think.these are writings of real experiences and not mythologies or aspirations of human mind.its upto to us with all evidences provided by the supreme being to either take it to reject it.

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Jai Sriman Narayana:



I see you have again referred to various people to have heard, seen miracles etc etc etc and this is the basis to believe Bible is word of God.


Would you accept the same arguments (and even much much stronger ones) to accept Vedas, Bhagavad Gita etc as word of God?


The reason I ask this question is because even Islam and other religions can provide such arguments to why they are autoritative.

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