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Love of God

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If you want love of God then please read this book:



It will surpass impersonal liberation, merging with impersonal aspect of God, and even Vaikunthaloka. You will experience a transcendental feelings. Gauranga comes once in a day of Brahma [billions of years +]. So it is very rare. Krishna comes like that as well. Many claim to be incarnations such as Krishna etc, but they don;t know that in Sastra it says He comes once in a very long time. Even though Krishna says whenver their is decline in relgious pracice He comes. He comes only according to Sastra [Holy Books] Because He knows past/present/future. So of cource Krishna can work out easily everything. SO fools don't proclaim them self as incarnations. Even after 100 Years after Gauranga left fools said they were His incarnations, anyway so to avoid this. We need to goto Sastra. Otherwise we can be lost. Gaura premanande Hari Haribol!


Also if anybody claims to not have a Guru or they don't need one you may proceed to run kill hell. DOn't even see the face of such a person. Haribol! Why? Because they think they have become Godly. Only Krishna is God. You cannot become God[ly] by reading a Book. Only by God's mercy [Krishna] can you know who you are. That is to say servant of Krishna. It is not sectarian. BUT it is VERY rarely attained. By Gauranga Mahaprabhu mercy it can be so, and Lord Nityananda. They are Krishna and Balarama. All they ask is a small faith. Nothing else.


We are not out to defeat anybody but to give something better. Gaura haribol!!





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This is a picture of Head of Mayavadis Prakashananda Saraswati taking Mahaprabhu by the hand. They talked., he was convinced that Mahaprabhu is Krishna. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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