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Paramatma`s Janardana and Keshava

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It is stated in Srimad Bhagavatam(2.2.9)that

the all-pervading, and omnipotent Supreme

Person(Krishna) expands Himself in His ple-

nary form as Garbhodakasayi Vishnu, Who

resides within everyone`s heart. He is said

to be approximately 8 inches in size( from

the ring finger to the tip of the thumb ),

Who holds in His hands a lotus flower, disc,

conchshell, and a club. His name is Janar-

dana because He controls anything that has

mass. There are other forms, however, that

may rise, like Keshava, if the objects the

Paramatma(Supersoul) carry are arranged with

the symbolic lotus flower being the first,

from right to left, followed by the conch-

shell, disc, and club, respectively. Keshava

in short is in-charge with fulfilling our

desires, Who appeared before Dhruva Maharaj

in order to grant the latter`s wish of ac-

quiring some piece of land. But when Dhruva

saw the Lord, he refused Keshava to grant

him that wish. Nevertheless, Keshava awarded

Dhruva the right to rule the planet, Pole-

star, where it serves as the pivot for whom

all the other stars revolve.

I don`t know yet how the other Paramatmas

function with names according to how the

symbols( lotus, mace, etc.) They each carry

and arranged. These Paramatma forms are as

follows; Purusottama, Acyuta, Narasimha,

Trivikrama, Hrsikesa, Madhava, Aniruddha,

Pradyumna, Sankarsana, Vasudeva, Damodara,

Narayana, Hari, Padmanabha, Vamana, Madhu-

sudana, Govinda, Krishna, Vishnumurti,

Adhosaja, and Upendra.

I would like therefore to know how these

other Paramatmas function.




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All the names of the lord Achuta, Padmanaba etc represent the same Supreme lord Vishnu, who is eternal. There is no god equal to lord Vishnu who is omnipotent and omnipresent & all pervading. He is the Supreme reality, friend, refuge & shelter. He is pleased to take any form for the sake of His devotee. God takes avatars to protect His devotee and while protecting His devotees it so happened to punish the evildoers. Vishnu likes Narasimha avatar because He wanted to prove His devotee Prahlad's words that He is all pervading. He is the great god who can give Motcha(salvation). He tells Arjuna in gita

Sarva dharman parithyagja mamekam charanam vraja aham dhwam sarvapapepyo motchasyami ma sucha: meaning to what ever religion you belong come and surrender unto me I will give you salvation.

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Hare Krishna!

Yes, Lord Vishnu, Who is no other than

Lord Krishna in His plenary form awarded

award Arjuna the gift of liberation or

mukti but it became an obstacle in his

progress for spiritual perfection when

he refused to fight his relatives in the

Battle of Kuruksetra.

Mukti or liberation is a state of mind

or self when he has merged his persona

in the Lord`s Brahmajyoti, a philosophy

on the science of impersonalism prac-

ticed by Mayavadis.

Only after Krishna showed Arjuna His

universal form that the latter was con-

vinced to fight in that great Battle of

Good and Evil. This willingness to

engage in implementing the Lord`s order

is called Bhakti.

Lord Krishna therefore prefers that His

devotee desires from Him the gift of

Bhakti(devotional service) instead of


" It is neither practical nor necessary

for one who is already engaged in Bhakti

and whose minds is fixed in samadhi to

endeavor for the cultivation of knowledge

and renunciation, " Krishna`s answer to

Uddhava`s questions about certain contra-

dictions regarding the study of Yoga.

In other words, Bhakti should be foremost

in the yogi`s mind than Mukti.

Hare Krishna!

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Hi Melvin,

I also agree that Bhakthi is superior to mukthi. God will give mukthi easily than bhakthi because He has to bind for Bhakthi. Yasodha & Sahadeva could bind Lord Krishna because of their Bakthi. In Gita also Lord says Bhakthi yoga is superior to Jnana yoga & karma Yoga. In 18th chapter Krishna asks Arjuna to sacrifice even the desire of attaining Mukthi.( Moksha sanyasa yoga:). We have to take religious path with out any desires. May God help everybody to follow Him!

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The Connections



The missing pieces of the puzzle how Lord

Garbhodakasayi Vishnu`s different forms

control the cosmos were described began

when the Vaisnava almanac became the

standard of reference. From this book, we

learned that the twelve months of the year

were named after the twelve representatives

of Lord Krishna`s four-handed plenary form

as Narayana and His predominating Deity

incarnations, each of which represents the

twelve months of the year in the calendar,

beginning from Margasirsa, late october to

early November, then to Keshava, late No-

vember, followed by Narayana representing

the month of December, Madhava representing

the month of January, Govinda represnting

February, Vishnu representing March, Sri

madhusudana representing April, Trivikrama

represnting May, Vamana represnting June,

Sridhara representing the month of July,

Hrsikesa representing August, Padmanabha

representing September, and Damodara repre-

senting October. These plenary expansions

of the Lord therefore control eternal TIME.


Other Paramatmas defined:



1) Adhoksaha- Lord Krishna`s is said to be

beyond the range of experimental know-


2) Padmanabha- He entered the universe as

the Garbhodakasayi Visnu where the first

living entity, Brahma, was born in His

transcendental lotus navel.

3) Hari- One who takes away from His pure

devotee which he doesn`t need in his ad-

vancement in Bhakti-yoga.

4) Pradyumna- Incarnation of Sanat-Kumara,

born of the son of Lord Krishna and Laks-

midevi Rukmini, the principal Queen of

Dvaraka. He is therefore one of the ple-

nary expansion of Lord Krishna.

5) Vamana- The dwarf incarnation of the

Lord who took two steps by steping for-

ward quickly, Urukrama, to obtain the

right to possess the whole of kingdom of

Bali Maharaja( the grandson of Prahlada

Maharaja) after the Lord asked Bali Ma-

raja a piece of land from him in just

three steps, which Bali Maharaj obliged

without ado thinking that Lord Vamana

was an ordinary beggar.


( To be continued)

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