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The Man lives on hopes and faith in God. At every stage particularly in modern days, he has to facce several risks, hazards and challenges. If he does not have belief that some one unseen is protecting him, he will be worried and there by suffer from mental torture. The air he breathes is polluted and the the food he takes may be contaminated. Who protect him from the ill-effects of these factors? Is there safety when he travels? Still he continues his routine, not realising that a Superior unseen Force takes care of him and the entire humanity. That Unknown, indescribable Supreme authority is called God. Those who repose trust in Him and entrust themselves seeking His protection will be saved while others will get tossed about in life, but they too will one day realise that God alone can be their constant companion.

There are some people who hold the view that GOd is a mere concept..But careful thought would reveal their ignorance in the true nature of God. The real never ceases to exist. God is the only real ultimate source of energy; who is knowledge and bliss combined and is called by several names. He does not change even when everything change. God is eternal truth and knower of everything.He is intelligent power. God alone knows what He is. Besides Him, the God realised soul who has known the reality about Him may give some indication of what is reality.


God shows HIS mercy on every one, administers justice without partiality and loves all equally. With out belief in God it is not possible for any one to investigate His nature and without investigating His true nature one can not get an insight in to it and one can not attain lasting happiness without knowing God. Faith in God stimulates a desire to know His virtues, loving nature and greatness. An endeavour to repeat His names, to meditate on His nature; and to hear and dwell on His virtues wipes out one's sins and helps him to attain Bliss. Those who have faith in God do not indulge in immoral acts. Those who sincerely believe in God have always succeeded in life. Even today those who believe in God and approach Him in a dedicated spirit are seen flourishing.


The Vedas, Puranas and scriptures are useful only when there is faith in God, for all aim at establishing His existence. He is the illumination of all lights and beyond the darkness of ignorance. He is the very embodiment of the wisdom. He is seated in theee hearts of all. God is the supreme soul who is free from five afflictions,namely ignorance,egoism,attachment, vengence and all sorts of desires. God is the truth, knowledge and bliss combined. The various descriptions of God with form and without form, God with attributes and without attributes, God as manifest and un manifest are all correct and in correct. They are correct in the sense , those who stive for God realisation with their eyes fixed on Him as described by the saints and holy men. the vedas and other scriptures are enabled to realise Him. And they are incorrect in the sense that really speaking God is different from what has been described to be, for words fail to describe the real nature of Him.It is proved beyond doubt that God is beyond change,unborn,imperishable,eternal and unquestionably true and unique.


God can be known only by experience and not by experiment. For this constant practice of spiritual exercises is essential .Genuine cultivation of human qualities and adherance to basic virtues will lead one towards God. God lies dorment in the heart of everyone. He should be awakened. The human body is the temple of God. The heart is the sacred place where God resides. The lips which utter the names of God form the enterance. The sense organs are the lamps lit in the shrine. God resides in our mind which should be kept clean. Bad thoughts are bound to creep in ,they can be removed by upholding righteousness . Gita enables us in our journey through life by outlining our charter of duties. The essence of God's declaration is that every one should do only noble deeds. Only pious thoughts should fill our hearts. There should be no room for hatred. Do your duty with out attachmentt leaving the results to God. Be for certain that HIS devotees never fall.


Younger days are more conducive to developing devotion and be of service to God. When the body is firm, words flow without falter, mind takes quick decisions and eye sight is sharp, a person should think of God and adopt measures to lead him to God's vicinity. such a tendancy to God minded should arise, not from suggessions made by others but by one's own will.


It is true that every one of us is eligible for the sight of the Lord with Supreme love and intence yearning. God's names are not mere words but contain the potency to clean all the dirt with in us. God is impartial , evermerciful and always ready to help and protect us. God is our eternal companion who is ever ready to extend HIS grace. May all of us be blessed with HIS divine grace!




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Inspite of knowing that God's names are not mere words but contain the potency to clean all the dirt with in us; God is impartial , evermerciful and always ready to help and protect us, how can you justify the presence of atheists(people who do not believe in God)in this world?

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  • 2 weeks later...

my dear viji,

to be honest with you, i have a son, marco

nino, 16 years old, who is graduating in

high school next year in pope john xxiii

seminary, a school designed to those who

want to become priests, as a vocation for

persons who want to serve God. before this,

marco`s elder brother, matthew, 18 yrs. of

age, wanted to become a priest but later

changed his mind before his graduation in

the seminary to the consternation of his

parents, his priest-responsible, and the

referral of good passage to the college

level, san carlos seminary, from the minore

seminary director himself, monsignor elias

matarlo. matthew now is taking up electro-

nics communication engineering at the uni-

versity of san jose recolletos. thus, i

have two sons, marco nino and matthew, who

are both schooled in the seminary. i don`t

know with marco if he wants to proceed but

he confided to us that he`s planning to go

to med school after his graduation in the


my wife, cecil, is a devout catholic and

the family hears mass on sundays whenever

i`m not on duty at the hospital, minglanil-

la district hospital, where i work as a

resident physician for almost seven years

now. we have a daughter, melsa reina, 9

years of age, who is on her 3rd grade of

study at st. joseph`s academy. my wife

is a full time housewife, thus it`s hard

for us, nowadays, because my income($400

per month) is just not enough to make both

ends meet. with the many debts piling up

i guess you`d say i`m in death row, wai-

ting for the grim reaper to appear before

me. because of this, i have fully surren-

dered myself to God. He can do what He

likes with me. I don`t mind. All I desire

is render service to Him life after life

by writing articles about His pastimes

and His mission: Krishna consciousness. I

don`t want anything from God but at least

He should be more merciful to the children.

You see, I have lost credibility, when I

couldn`t pay the monthly dues from my cre-

ditors. the cardnetwork is so effective

that everytime i have attempted to apply

for a visa card, i always get this message,

" sorry, we can`t accomodate you at this

time." i know that God Hari, takes from

you inauspicious things and leave you what

is essential for your spiritual progress.

my dear friend viji, i`m telling you this

because you understand human nature. i`m

no superperson. i too have weaknesses the

body sometimes can`t refuse. my lord, i`m

nothing and in my deepest melachonly, i

hope you will always be there for me. as

always, hare krishna. i love you and take




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Dear Melvin,

If you need help you should always seek the help of God. That is what indicated by Krishna's lila in lifting the Govardhana mountain. Surrender to Him, He will take care of you & your family. Leave everything in His hands, do your duty, you will be taken care of. No one is exempt from fate. All of us are destined to do something & we will do that inspite of what ever obstacles we face. Man thinks about God only when he is in trouble or difficulties. The more difficulties we face the more sins already committed get destroyed. Remember this and carry your duty leaving the results to Lord Krishna. He will take care. Do not worry. Worrying is not going to help anyway. As a doctor you know that. Chant Hari's name, spread His message & live peacefully. I pray to Lord Krishna to give happiness & prosperity to you and your family.

Hare Krishna.

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dear viji,

thank you so much for the message. i

was just venting out my pent-up emo-

tions to you and everyone on this fo-

rum. in fact, God Krishna knows this

already even if i have not started

posting this emotions of mine on the

bulletin board. God in His thinking

form is manifstd as Vasudeva. in His

emotional form, God is represented

as Sankarsana, and God in His acting

form is representd as Balarama. God

therefore is a cognizant Person and

very much an individual, like us.

Only, He, as Krishna or Govinda, is

the greatest amongst us. He is one

without a second and that`s why we

refer to Him as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

(Supreme Living Force) because of

His being the Cause of all causes.

May our Supreme Guru have mercy on

us all. As always, hare krishna.

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It is Krishna's wish to let your emotion like this. There is nothing wrong in it. It is always better to let out our emotions in one way or other. Those who think of God for everything gets His help when it is needed. So do not worry about anything. We have come to this world to achieve Him. Let us try to attain our goal by His grace. Hare Krishna!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Viji,

In Hindu religion, there are many people who do not believe in God. Well, I agree with you that it may seem bad to a devotee of God. But, it has a positive side too. Because, instead of believing in something blindly, if people believe in it after discussions, then their belief will be much stronger, because then they will feel that their belief is really logical and not just because somebody asked them to believe in it.

You will definitely agree with me that it is the flexible neature of hindus that enables them to listen to the good things in other religions too.

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Dear animesh,

Our Hindu religion teaches us tolerance that is why we apprecite what is good in other religions. Our religion never says blindly accept God. You can ask as many questions as you like. In Vedas you can find Jabali Muni who asked all the queries raised by our youngsters & Veda Purusha also gave answer to all queries. Inspite of this freedom why some of the hindus are atheists?

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  • 3 weeks later...

My preception:


Sri Krsna is perfect in every way. Subsequently his actions are perfect in everyway.


Perhaps, our sufferings are the results of our Karma.


Perhaps, the misery, caused by suffering, is an indication of our ignorance.


Perhaps, in suffering or in celebrations one must perform his precribed duties without attachemet and without expectations.


Perhaps, jubilations and sufferings are mere maya. Jubilations and sufferings loses it's meaning as one advances on spiritual path.


Even the Demi Gods and the Rishi's fail to understand Sri Krsna completely. Then, what to speak of mortals like me.


In hard times, I normally try to perform my duties and leave the rest to the One Who Knows Everything.





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  • 2 months later...

Hi Viji,

You see its very easy to brainwash humans. U for example may have been an aethist had u not come across people u actually came across in life. Some people r aethists becuase they relate the control of some external power to something other than God. I have a cousin who has almost become a criminal and has no regrets in life about all this. He faithfully says that Money was the reason that had made him take to criminal ways ( he has not recieved good treatment from his family in terms of money). So we all experience in life that certain things r actually beyond our control. And then we relate that this happened because of "...". This "..." makes u an aethist, if its not Him. And Hindus particularly r given complete freedom to determine what this "..." is.




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We can not justify our bad actions under any circumstancas. No body is responsible for our sufferings. Everything is because of our past karmas. Echo deponds on sound. If you are God fearing you will hesitate to do prohibited acts. People who are corrupt will be born as dogs in next janma. But people think they are going to live permanently happy. They are enjoying temporary pleasures which will also going to bring them sufferings. God conciousness will also make you polite, friendly, simple & lovable. People who justify their bad acts are immature. Only pessimists will have the tendency to become atheists. Also the sadists who want to project their bad actions on somebody else be atheists. It is easy to convert people who are atheists.I have converted one atheist in to a devotee. It is difficult to convert people who keep one leg in theism & another leg atheism. They do not completely accept God & do not deny also. When you do not know what is going to happen next moment , how can you say there is no God? True Devotees will never blame God for anything under any circumstances. You read 7th chapter of Gita. It will help you to understand about past karmas.

Hari Bhol!

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