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The Examiner

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Maharaja Pariksit, in Srimad Bhagavatam,

is The Examiner because he was always

looking for that Supreme Person he saw

while he was still inside the womb of his

mother, Kuntidevi. That Supreme Person

protected Maharaja Pariksit from the heat

unleashed from the Brahmastra weapon re-

leased by Asvatthama, the son of Drona-

carya. This nuclear weapon(Brahmastra) was

directed at Maharaja Pariksit while still

inside his mother`s womb. To prevent Maha-

raja Pariksit from being aborted from his

mother`s womb because of this powerful

Brahmastra weapon released by Dronacarya`s

son, Kuntidevi- Pariksit`s mother there-

fore prayed to Lord Krishna, the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, for protection.

Thus, Lord Krishna, immediately appeared

inside Kuntidevi`s womb in order to protect

Maharaja Pariksit from the blast of Asvat-

thama`s nuclear weapon, the Brahmastra.

While Lord Krishna was busy deciminating

the heat of the Brahmastra to prevent Ma-

haraja Pariksit from being burned, the

latter saw Him, Lord Krishna, in His Visnu

form showing His four hands carrying res-

pectively, a conchshell, mace, lotus flower,

and a disc. It was therefore this Visnu-

form of Lord Krishna which Maharaja Parik-

sit couldn`t forget from the time he was

inside the womb of his mother until the

time he was cursed by the son of a Brahmana,

that he would die after seven days after

being bitten by a poisonous snake. Because

of this, Maharaja Pariksit fasted for seven

days without taking in any food or water,

using this opportunity to hear Srimad Bhaga-

vatam from a pure devotee of Lord Krishna,

whom we know as Sukadeva Goswami, the son

of Sri Vyasadeva, the compiler of the Vedas.

Srimad Bhagavatam was written by Vyasadeva

because Srila Narada Muni wanted the great

author to do so. The great sage Narada Muni

took compassion on Vyasadeva because the

latter was not satisfied after he wrote the

book Mahabharata.

Maharaja Pariksit therefore is called The

Examiner because it was from Sukadeva Gos-

wami that he finally found the Supreme Per-

son whom he saw while inside the womb of

his mother, Kuntidevi.

We should, in other words, follow Maharaja

Pariksit`s footsteps if we want to see, face

to face, Lord Krishna, the Supreme Person-

nality of Godhead.

May all of you, devotees of God, pass the

test. So, good luck in your exams.


Hare Krishna!



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Dear Melvin,

Kuntidevi is Parikshit's great grand mother. Parikshit's mother is Uttara. His father is Abimanyu ,son of Arjuna & Subadra. Parikshit means the person who searches where is Narayana where is Narayana. Parikshit from his mother womb searches for Narayana. He also got the name because he was born after whole of Pandavas' race is destroyed.

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To see Krishna face to face & pass the examination we should get a teacher like Suka maharishi & We (Pupil) should be like Parikshit. We should search for God like our thirst for materials. It is possible to attain Him in this age of Kaliyuga by His grace. We can attain Him easily by chanting HIS names always.

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my dear viji,

i`m not really feeling well today. i`m

caught with a respiratory infection

three days ago. everytime i have this

problem, i immediately remember the erup-

tion of Mt. Pinatubo, a dormant volcano

located in the northern Philippines which

erupted in the `90s considered to be the

largest blast in the history exploding

volcanoes. The ash that was spewed by Mt.

Pinatubo into the air even reached the

uppermost layer of the sky, distributing

its product from the earth`s core through-

out the world, therefore, thining further

the earth`s ozone layer, thus, leaving a

big hole on the earth`s atmosphere.

everytime i therefore cough, " Ubo..ubo.."

i`m reminded of Mt. Pinatubo, seven days

after i wrote an article to The Freeman

about a symptom, Cough, and that it`s

caused by a virus. and all along i had been

telling them that the word, Krishna, is

the virus and i had been infected with It.

and that the moment one loads the article

into anybody`s file, anything goes.

P.S. i`m sorry for the mistake. true, Maha-

raja Pariksit`s mother was Uttara. but the

word Kuntidevi could also be correct if

Uttara was a maidservant of Queen Kunti.

thus the name, Kuntidevi, Radhadevi, Sita-

devi, etc.


Hare Krishna


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YES! your absolutely correct, my dear Viji.

This Krishna virus is most beneficial to

all who are concerned. You see, during those

times when I was still contributing articles

to The Freeman about Krishna consciousness,

many weired events had occurred days before

and after I sent those transcendental

articles which I copied from the purports of

Srila Prabhupada in the book Srimad Bhagava-

tam. Journalism and newspapering is a field

where it involves almost everything, from

politics, economics, religion, sports, arts,

education, medicine, environment, and etc.

It has something to do with Quantum Physics,

that the results of the Olympic games may

affect a decision on a particular case or

jurisprudence, outside of what is supposed

to be just an entertainment. The Olympic

games and any other sports for that matter

affects the people`s way of thinking. That

the country who earns the most number of

golds may actually can be considered the

most powerful nation in the world, isn`t it?

So that was how I observed everytime I sub-

mit a Krishna conscious article to a publi-

cation, hoping the editor would have it

published for all to read and hear Govin-

da`s(Krishna) name and His pastimes.

At first, when I started to have those ar-

ticles of Swami Prabhupada printed, the

Freeman readers thought that it was me who

wrote them. The fact is that I copied these

purports or commentaries of His Divine

Grace approriate enough to answer a particu-

lar issue in that newspaper for the entire

week. The impact was spectacular because

even the Bishops of the Catholic Church had

no way of defeating those arguments written

by Prabhupada himself. What a way to go be-

cause they thought I was the one of wrote

those commentaries.

Thus, everytime, a Krishna conscious article

gets printed in the newspaper, everyone

thinks it`s somekind of an alien or virus,

afraid of being infected if they continue to

read and follow its instructions. Having

linked it to the HIV virus, the owners and

stockholders of The Freeman therefore had

no choice but to totally ban its publica-

tion for fear there might be a howl of pro-

tests from the religious.

Hence, when they finally cremated my column,

a Grain of Devotion, my make believe world

came to an end. I was no longer Naradadeva

Bhagavan but the Melvin, the plagiarist.

A person treated as if he was infected with

Hansen`s disease(Leprosy).

It`s really a sad story, and everytime I

thought about it, my dear Viji, my heart

aches of knowing that people do not really

care about God, Lord Govinda(Krsna). They

would rather worship the Abstract instead

of the paying attention to the beautiful

smiling face of Lord Visnu.


Hare Krishna


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Dear Melvin,

As I always say if people could think of God in their Joy one can easily develop love or devotion for Him. People always blame God in their sorrow. Never think Him in their joy. That is why Queen Kunti asks Krishna to give her more sorrow that she can always remember Him. When you are praising how beautiful the nature is try to think how beautiful would be the creator Lord Vishnu!


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Dear Viji,

Yes, Lord Visnu should always be remembered.

When we wake up from our slumber, we should

remember Him as if He were sleeping with us

in bed all through the night. You see, this

realization came upon me when I saw the Lord

next to my pillow. I had a rough day before.

Problems here and problems there. And I

thought that it would never end, like a

nightmare. As my habit, however, I always

try to read before bedtime until the sandman

from the neitherland sends me off to dream-

land. And I did slept well inspite of some

ER (emergency) calls in the dead of the

night. Thus, when I finally made up my bed

when the sun came up, there I realized that

I have slept with the Lord, or with a hard-

bound book, so to speak, entitled The Tea-

chings of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. After

having gone through a horrible time when I

saw the Lord, it made me cry.

How good and all-merciful is the Lord. He

is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, my worshipa-

ble Lord Visnu.


Hare Krishna


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Dear melvin,

You are a pure devotee. That is why you feel the presence of God every where.The presence of God should be felt & no body can make you see Him. As said in Gita let us surrender to Him alone, think about Him, pray to Him & try to attain Him we will definitely attain Him today itself, as it is easy in Kaliyuga to attain Him by just reciting His names with selfless pure devotion. Be certain that Hari's devotees never fall!

Hari Bhol!

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