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A Bitter Joke

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A visitor-devotee of Hare Krishna is in the

Temple`s receiving room waiting for its

caretaker to come.

A few hours later... An old maidservant came

to inform the visitor, " I`m sorry, the Mas-

ter can not see you because he has a terrible

headache. Well, " the Temple visitor re-

plied, " ... the more he should me. " The

old maidservant was curious, and she faced

him to ask why. The visitor`s answer was, "

Because I`m a doctor!"


All glories to Lord Kapila!


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  • 2 weeks later...


Once upon a time, the people in a faraway

land, when the King died, opted to select

a successor to the throne. Since there

were two Princes qualified, both of whom

born from different mothers, the people

therefore decided to have an election to

find out which Prince deserved to be their

next King. Unfortunately, however, after

all the votes were counted, the margin was

too close to call that the people decided

on a recount with the consent of the peo-

ple`s tribunal or court to include those

votes which were considered null and void.

Because the recount took so long to end,

the people of the land, the People`s Uni-

ted States, are lamenting because, until

now, they still don`t have a new King.

In our country, the Banana Republic of King

Philip, however, the people are protesting

and shouting because we still have a King.


Note: This joke is real. It`s happening in

the USA and in the Philippines.


Hare Krishna!


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