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The question is do we actually exist (not Lord Krishna)

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If a person 500 years ago wanted to determine our existence now, it would be based on speculatation, and thus there would remain a pretty good chance that we actually don't exist at present. [in the absence of any concrete evidence at that time].


Furthermore, me and you (or you and I) are not part of tomorrow's history which we don't know today. The fact that we don't know that we are part of tomorrow's history proves we are not part of tomorrows history. No one can prove that we will be part of tomorrow's history, thus the odds are we actually don't exist at present. [in the absence of any concrete evidence of tomorrow's history.]


Even if tomorrow, archeologically they find proof that we existed today, how can we be sure that the evidence points to us today and not us yesterday? Since there is no factual proof that the evidence points to us today, we can conclude that today we don't exist, even if we did exist yesterday. But there is always the chance that the evidence which we think points to us yesterday actually points to us tomorrow, Then it is all just a matter of faith - and faith does not necessarily make reality.


Also we should take into consideration the fact that chinology and indonesiology haven't found any evidence of our existence - neither in the present nor in the past. Furthermore breadology and chemistrology also don't record any mention of us existing. Thus the odds point to the fact that we actually do not exist - neither in the past nor in the present.


What to speak of breadology not speaking about us, we don't even find proof of the existence of breadology itself! Thus to prove our existence we would first need to prove that breadology exists, and that breadology indeed does speak about our own existence. But to prove that breadology exists, we would need to exist ourselves, which we haven't yet proven. The non-existent certainly can't prove the existence of something else. This is common sense. Thus the odds are certainly against all this occuring.


Another important information that we need to take into account is the statistics on death. If we were to count the number of people who lived over the last million years, and then compare it to the number of people who died, we would find that hardly 0.0000000000000001% of the population didn't die. If my numbers are correct, aproximately 5 billion or so people in the last million years haven't died - out of countless trillions of people. Are we to believe that you and I, who both "claim" to be alive, belong to the 0.0000000000000001%? This is statistically impossible! The odds of this being true are so slim, that only a fool would believe such a statement. It would be like winning a lottery while at the exact same moment being struck by lighting and simultaneously being elected president of the united states - one thousand times in a row! Thus all scientific evidence points to our non-existence, unless of course we were to die. Then statistically there are better odds that we in fact did exist.


There is one last very important evidence we need to look at. Lacking any solid proof, the existence of each and everyone of us is likely to be cooked up. If we even give a 50% chance that each of us exists, the chance that we all exist together is infinitesimal.


The odds that both myself and ggohil exist is only 25% (.5 x .5). The odds that myself, ggohil and shvu exist are only 12.5% (.5 x .5 x .5). The odds that myself, ggohil, shivu and animesh actually exist are 6.25%. If we were to take 30 or so members of this forum, the odds that we all actually exist would be:




Or roughly 4 hundred-millionths of a percent. Would anyone DARE to take such odds? All of these points very firmly prove that none of us actually exist - neither in the present, nor in the past. There is no other logical conclusion that one could come to. Foolish people may quote from some "holy" books to prove that we all exist, but scientifically and logically we can see it is not at all possible.


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To put it in a very simple form, the existence of jndas, Sumeet, ggohil, Bill Gates and Amitabh Bachchan can all be verified. Which means the fact that they existed at some point of time is 100% sure.


Which unfortunately is not possible for people whose existence cannot be verified. [Like Rama, Krishna and Jesus] making the probability of having existed as 50%.



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