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karna's dilema

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what lessons can we draw from karna's dilema?

what was the right thing for him to do- to be loyal to durydohana thus sacrificing his own life for the sake of his vows, or to admit that his hatred for the pandavas was wrong and to to turn to their side?

krishna dharmas version said that durydohana was actually a manifestation of kali- so does that mean that kara was the true hero of that epic cutting the ties to his biological mother for the sake of the divine mother- is the point of the epic that its all krishnas play, or is it all shiva and kalis play? are shiva and kali one- if so is krishna also comprised of two genders?




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The lesson one should learn from Karna is that however great a person can be, he can not be successful if accompanies adharma . You should always go in dharmic way to attain your goal. If you take righteousness God will help you till the end. Duryodana is kali of kaliyuga & not Kaali. Karna helps him & so falls inspite of his talents & gifts. There is no doubt that Krishna is all Pervading, Omnipotent & Omnipresent.


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Duryodana is kali of kaliyuga & not Kaali


true this war was the begining of the kailiyuga, but i'm faairly sure that krishna dharma meant that duryodana was actually an incarnation of kali- have you ever heard this theory before. It set up an intersting

pairing as he also said that shiva gave dushashana a magic sword which gave him the ability to kill draupadis sons and all of the kshatriyas in the pandava camp.

which makes us wonder- what was the point of that war since all of the kshatriyas died in the end- another interesting part of his book was when gandarhi looked at durydohana and made him invulnerable everywhere but on his thighs- was this part of the story influenced by achilles or the other way around








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  • 1 year later...

I think this is a great thread. I hope y'all will discuss it more.


I feel alot of empathy for Karna for some reason, maybe because he is the underdog. And I think there are many lessons in his exemplary life.


How tragic to be born king of the world and forsaken by your mother! What consequence to aspire to and win the jealously guarded portals of Histanapura only to be ruined by three blamless curses.


Krsna had tears in his eyes as he told Radheya of his birth and offered him the world.


Yet, being sworn to duty and truth, he stood fast by Duryodhana knowing he was doomed: "I have followed a certain pattern of life. I have formed my friendships and my loves and my enmities."


There is a place where Krsna compares his many qualities to his brothers. Alas! Fate is insurmountable.


A very nice edition of the Mahabharata is by Kamala Subramaniam.


I would love to know if there's a complete or unabridged version that reads like a well-written story (like the one above) and not just some poetry or sloppy translation.



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  • 2 weeks later...

If superiors hide truth too long, inferiors suffer.

Kunti devi should have revealed Karna's position long before.

Just like with Bushwhacker. If anyone knows y Bushing is pushing for Amerika to so quickly Iraq attack, such a person would never fight for such a rascal surrounded by select rogues.

So many Kuntis in Congress. She set such a fine example. (not)

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