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Earthquake in India....

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I was very sorry to hear this evening that there was a massive earthquake that has killed hundreds of people in Gujarat. I just wanted to express my hopes that the people in that region recover as quickly as possible. During the cyclone disaster in Orissa last year (I think it was last year??) my temple held a few programs to raise money for food relief and medical help. They put on some nice Odissi dance performances and such. Perhaps the temple management will engage in similar activities to help the people of this disaster.


As a side note, I was thinking that temples from all denominations should unite their members to create a sort of disaster relief fund. This wouldn't be a fund to dip into for every day occurences but just the really big natural catastrophes. It could be managed professionally, accruing interest, and then once every few years when something like this occurs there can be a targetted effort with these funds to relieve the situation as quickly as possible.



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It is really very sad to see the Nature's fury at Gujarat. Nearly 17000 people were feared dead. Your idea of collecting money & keeping it in FD for such disasters is good. Each individual must do something to this situation. May God give stength to the relatives of the victims to bear the tregedy!


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There are 1000s of people dying out of starvation in India on a regular basis. And many more who are living in utter poverty. (Note that the dead are redeemed from this pain, but the living are the troubled ones). Compared to that, this figure of 15000-20000 is nothing.


We are so thick-skinned that it does not bother us. We have learnt to live with that. We would rather have nice cars, eat rich food and make merry. If that does nothing to our indifferent attitudes, why is the earth-quake incident bothering us ?


The answer is that, we know that starvation is not likely to happen to us or our people, but an earthquake can still kill us, no matter where we are, or how rich.


It is this fear that makes us feel 'sorry' and 'sad'.



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Dear Shvu,

It is true that very rarely we feel sorry for others. But, I can tell that the happiness one gets after helping people is immeasurable. Right now, I am earning enough. But I have felt the pain of hunger, living without house etc. I am supporting a little girl (around 6 yrs old). I can not say that I have adopted her. Because she lives with her mother. Her father left them long ago. I did not ask her mother the exact reason of that. Because I did not want to cause her more pain by asking such questions. Her mother wanted me to keep her with me. But I did not want to deprive her from motherly love. They stay 9 to 10 km. from my residence. I have taken it upon myself to get her clothes, toys, show her Bangalore, teach her and sponsor for her education. Recently I got her admitted to a school. Initially, her mother did not want her to join any school as she found it as useless. But, fortunately, I could convince her easily. The school is close to my residence.

I have written these things not to boast. If I wanted to just show that I am generous, then I would have written here the details of myself, like where I live, where I work etc., so that everybody can know me. But I am not doing that. Even my name Animesh is not correct. But you can call me by that name. I have written these just to say that if you help others without any ulterior motive, then smile on their faces will bring you immense happiness.

Now I am thinking about the people in Gujarat.

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Yes, I agree Animesh. Service to those who are in need will alway bring joy to the heart. While we often may become slack in our duty to help others less fortunate, it is during tragedies that we are shaken out of our complacency. It is good to hear of your good charitable work.


It is interesting to note that it is during our most terrible times that we see both the worst and best in people. During natural disasters often there are looters who steal the final meager possessions of the distraught. But there are also those who unite as a community in helping their fellow man. During war there are those who bring death (Hitler) and those that reinforce life (Oscar Schindler).



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