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Destruction of Ancient Buddhist Statues....

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Its a shame whats going on in Afghanistan right now. Apparently, the militant leadership that controls 95% of that country has ordered the destruction of all images of the Buddha, claiming them to be idolatrous. In the process they are destroying a piece of world history. Some of these statues are 2,300 years old. Its amazing to think that these statues have been around so long. They existed when Christ was cruxified, when the Vikings roamed the world, when the American Revolution took place, when man developed the light bulb ... and now some moron with a bazooka can tear down such a piece of world history. These were expressions of man's inner creativity. Some were over 170 feet tall. Sadly, I believe they have already been destroyed, despite international outrage at such an act. If you'd like to read an article on this you can go to:




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And what a reason is being given- that the statues are un-Islamic. By making such a statement, they are trying to say that Allah hates Buddha who is an epitome of compassion and love towards all beings. But it is just impossible that Allah can hate such a person. What is being done in Islam right now is completely un-islamic.

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Yes these guys are dangerous fanatic.

Just see how they treat the women. Their behavior is intolerable, and I am surprise that occidentals gouvernement do not try stronger to make them change their attitude through economical pression.


Jaya Sri Krsna.

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  • 11 months later...

Originally posted by jndas:

It is kind of strange that for 2,000 years none of the Muslim rulers of the area thought they needed to destroy these statues. I guess suddenly some genious leader has come along who understands things that no one else understood for 2,000 years... Or maybe he is just a fanatic.

They were not true Muslims. Taloban are the real Muslims, because they have displayed the true violent spirit of Islam.



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