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The Hindu Puranas

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"Is it possible that any moral man can tolerate the supremely disgusting and insufferable stuff to be found in the Hindu Puranas. They are books of recorded shame, tales of utter indecencies and obscenities. Does such books teach religion? If the reply be in the affirmative, then I say that they teach religions which can only debase the people. No genuine follower of true ethics and morals can help resenting the perfidious concoctions of the authors of these Books. And of me nothing less could have been expected." Swami Virjanand


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FYI, there are millions of Hindus who are happy enough with their Puranic style Hinduism. You would also be surprised that the majority of them would not be interested in a new age 'true religion', such as scientology, for example.


And yes, they also have no problems with being moral. So things are fine the way they are.



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