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Hare Krisna!

Has read your message on a poisoning.

The understandable business is work American KGB (I do not know as at you refers to as).

It was done(made) not by(with) the diciples. Though for Prabhupad it is the diciples and for him(it) they also remain by them, whether it seems to you what so? It was done(made) under the order by(with) the agents of a service. In the other case would kill them. Now they want new scandal what to reach(achieve) success in work. He(it) did not have output(exit) and the new scandal nothing will improve. Prabhupad of saws a poison,

How you think if to begin wide trial, whether that is a poison for Prabhupad ?

Yours faithfully, kailasa.

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I wouldn't put much into that topic. It has more to do with politics than with any basis in fact. I had one person say just as much several years ago (that he didn't care if it was true or not, so long as his political view of how things should be managed was implemented because of it). It was big a few years back because of naivete about the internet which allowed a few to pretend to be many and spread rumors like wildfire. But everyone has looked into this and it really means nothing. Its unfortunate that although we call ourselves Vaisnavas, often we engage in conduct not becoming of that title.



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The eternally liberated souls are not subject to the laws of nature, as are the conditioned souls. Their entire existence within matter is nothing but an illusion, put on to fool the materialistic minds of non-believers.


It is impossible to subject the liberated saints to material reactions through poisoning, etc. Their very existence is not connected to prarabda karma - for they have descended here for our benefit. The form they manifest to us is not a product of karma, and thus the interactions that occur between their form and the material energy are nothing except their own divine will.


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Though my question not about it, but let will be so.

I saw filming last days, all is obvious. They search for the answer, answer, well the variant of the answer is good. What for letter that to clean(remove)?

> Their very existence is not connected to prarabda karma - for they have descended here for our benefit.

It means what work the disiples could only?

In any case of a thank. kailasa.

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