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Audarya Fellowship

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We received a nice suggestion through email for the name of the forums, and we decided to go with it. The new name is 'Audarya Fellowship', and hopefully this will reflect the type of content we will get. Audarya means magnanimity or generosity; to give liberally. A fellowship is basically a union of friends or equals sharing similar interests. A nice definition for fellowship in the dictionary runs like this:


"a. The condition of being together or of sharing similar interests or experiences, as do members of a profession, religion, or nationality; companionship; b. The companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms."


We hope that these forums can create a congenial atmosphere for everyone to discuss philosophy and spirituality on equal terms. We can have vigorous debates, and strong discussions, but they should always be high class. We hope that the discussions will stay focussed on the philosophy, and not degrade into personal insults - for then the forums will not foster a congenial atmosphere for discussion. While writing we should always keep in mind our purpose - to become Audarya. We should not write for the sake of arguing, defeating others, or showing ourselves to be scholars. In our heart we should strive to attain a platform of selflessness. That is the purpose of this fellowship, so that we can help each other transcend the mundane and selfish conceptions of this world, and be fixed in pure generosity - acting for the welfare of the world. Though the discussions here may be broad and not limited to a particular school of thought, I cannot say this conceived design is not influenced by Sri Chaitanya, for He was the exemplification of magnanimity - as He gave openly and freely without discrimination - and it was His instruction that we should rise to that platform.


All too often internet forums are used not for truly engaging in discussion, but rather to attack others and to quarrel. We are now deep within the age of Kali, and at this point there is no necessity to propagate hatred, for it will spread naturally on its own. The need is to create spiritual generosity to counter the influence of Kali. Again, this was Sri Chaitanya's mission, and it is definitely the need of the present.


The spiritual vacuum in society today is so vast and all-encompasing. I am sure everyone would agree that in such a situation, discussion or propagation of any spiritual teaching would be beneficial for society. With that in mind, we hope these forums, the Audarya Fellowship, would be broad minded and open to all kinds of spiritual thought and discussion.


Again, vigorous debate is welcome and encouraged, but we hope everyone will try their best not to offend others by criticizing individuals (whether gurus, saints, or practitioners). Please focus the debates on the philosophy, and avoid hurting the sentiments of the faithful followers.


The Gita says the minds of the faithful should not be shaken before establishing them in a higher truth, for as a result they will simply give up their present practice and be left with nothing.



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