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How Sri Hari descends to this world?

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Sri Krsna says in the Bhagavad-Gita 4.6. 'My birth and my pastimes on earth are supra logical transcendental and done by My yoga maya.'


Bhagavan Sri Krsna further says "Between the births of ordinary jivas and descents of mine, there is a great gulf of difference because I descend through my yogamaya (my essential power) while the jivas are born of my mahamaya (deluding or illusory potency). My transcendental form is neither a subtle nor gross, for My divine personality is one and the same with My body, mind and soul. No amount of human reasoning, however intelligent, is competent to comprehend My transcendental lila.


My Sat-Cit-Ananda-Vigraha is beyond the scope of human understanding and mundane rules and regulations and I can make my descent in any world retaining my entire divinity, glory and power, unhampered and un-impaired in the least."


Further the Lord says: "All those persons, who have anything to do with the activities of Mine, of My descents (avatars) are My eternal associates. They come to participate in My activities; but they themselves do not know this fully, as such knowledge may take away the possibility of these activities. So Yogamaya modifies their knowledge to that extent. This apparent obscuration of knowledge that is thus found in My devotees serves to augment the joy of My pastimes, and is totally different from the effect caused by the operation of the deluding power that shuts out the view of the divinity from the fallen souls of this world by the screen of the material world."


Any further comment?


dasa dasanudasa

Satyaraja dasa


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