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Why do some people get vision about future?

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If someone floats around by defying the laws of Gravity, that would be a miracle.


There was a program on Discovery a couple of days back, about levitation. As expected, India came in Posted Image. One guy named Mahesh yogi claims to fly by Yogic powers and has an impressive following in the west. The disciples practising meditation are supposed to be levitating. What they were actually doing was simple hopping. It looked stupid, at best. And Mahesh yogi's flying feat itself has never been captured on camera [obviously] till date. One Indian critic said, "If Mahesh yogi can fly, why does he have 6 choppers to carry him around? We are still waiting for an answer from him." It is amazing how many people have become his followers. People want to believe.


The conclusion was, whether levitation is possible or not, it has not been seen till date.




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And does everything necessarily have to have a purpose.

Which is a question that I have too.


By the way, do you believe in fairies and other such devas? Just curious.

I don't believe in a thing. Devas may exist or not, in reality. But the important thing is I have no way of knowing if they exist. That is reason enough for me to dismiss them.




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Originally posted by shvu:



If someone floats around by defying the laws of Gravity, that would be a miracle.

I think this computer is a miracle. I think that the brains behind this computer are miracles. I think the law of gravity is a miracle.


There was a program on Discovery a couple of days back, about levitation....

I too think this hoax is ridiculous. I also think it's miracle that so many believe in it. (But I also believe that a person can fly if he/she knows how. I have understood how to do this in dreams, and the ability is based in large part on will. But when I wake up I can't remember the trick.)





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Let me give one example. You may not believe but it is true. Once I was feeling extreme weakness. I suddenly fainted while working. My colleagues took me to hospital. It was found that I had extremely low BP. After getting hospitalised for a few days, I was discharged. After about two months, I went to my home town in order to settle my sister's marriage. There also, I suddenly started feeling giddiness. Without telling anyone, I went to a hospital. The doctor was either an extremely wicked person or completely ignorant. He named some disease. I do not remember what word he used. I started thinking "May be I am not aware of medical terms and therefore I have not heard of this disease." According to the doctor, I had to undergo an operation which was going to cost a lot. If I did not undergo operation very fast, I would die in just a few months. After much thinking over this I decided to choose death. Because I had saved some money for my sister's marriage. I did not want to spend money on myself and leave her unmarried. Also, I had responsibilities towards my younger brothers. I started thinking "If I spend all money on my operation and still do not survive, then what will happen to them?" I wanted them to live with dignity (i.e. without being dependent on others) even after my death. I did not want to borrow from anybody (just because of self respect). I decided to get my sister married fast enough and then save as much money as I could in my brothers' names. I used to keep very quiet. Everybody used to ask me as to what had happened. But I used to just bring forced smile on my face and say that nothing happened. During my sister's marriage, my uncle asked me if any doctor had told me about some big disease. I was surprised but I lied to him that no doctor had said any such thing. Then he said that he had a vision. In the vision, I was consulting some doctor in Bangalore. I was showing the doctor some prescription and asking him if I had any serious disease. Then I asked my uncle as to what the doctor would say. He said that I would have to undergo a few tests and nothing serious would be found in that. Then I asked him as to what disease if any would be found. He said "something low". But he could not say "low what" but said that it would not be some very serious disease. Still I did not tell my uncle the truth. My uncle started thinking that the first time his vision was going to be false. After my sister's marriage, I came back to Bangalore with my brothers (they are studying here). I started depositing money in my brothers' accounts. They used to ask me as to why I was doing that when I was with them. They used to tell me to keep money in my account only. But I did not listen. I used to always tell them to learn to be independent and to learn to distinguish between good and bad people. They were very much surprised by my behaviour because before that I never gave them such teachings. I even started searching jobs for them even though I had earlier told them not to worry about job without finishing their studies. I was fully convinced that I was going to die fast. Then one evening, I suddenly decided to go to a clinic. Everything happened as my uncle had told. Lots of tests were done. Then I came to know that doctor in my home town was wrong.

He must be wrong because I am still alive. Posted Image

(I was found to be having low calcium.)

I have still not said about all these to anyone in my family or relation.

Since I was fully convinced about my death, I will consider this as an auspiscious vision. Posted Image

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Originally posted by shvu:

I don't believe in a thing. Devas may exist or not, in reality. But the important thing is I have no way of knowing if they exist. That is reason enough for me to dismiss them.



But do you believe only in things you can see with your physical eyes, or those things which scientists (who often retract their original findings) have "proven"? Don't you ever get a "sense" of things, beyond the ordinary perceptional senses that we kaliyuga people are so used to relying on? Also, I am curious: if you believe in nothing (excepting your belief that believing in nothing is the most viable and logical way to be--did I get that right?) does everything seem quite ordinary and bland to you? Do you ever feel existential angst? A futile purposelessness to living? I am also way intrigued as to why you are attracted to Vaisnava forums (this expressed with no offense intended). Do you think religion is opiate for the masses? Forgive if this is too many questions or they offend you in any way.







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I saw part of that show on Discovery.I watched only snippets as I had seen it before.


Frauds abound.No doubt.But I remain a believer in mystic siddhis in principle.Like a hummingbird in flight for instance.It is a miracle to me,but natural laws are also working, it is not that the hummingbird is working outside natural laws.So siddha's are still using natural laws.


What about that English inventor[Laithwaite?].He found how by using magnetic energy passing through aluminum a massive train could be levitated and propelled.And he has been proven correct.


So why not unseen[ by us] laws of subtle nature that can act within the human frame also?It doesn't seem so unreasonable.



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There is some other natural thing that aids in assimilation of calcium, but I can't think what it is. Apparently even taking calcium supplements does not assure one of enough calcium. Anyway sesame, sunflower seeds, and lots of other things have it in it besides milk.


Your story shows the purpose behind some visions, for you had the choice of whether to heed your uncle's prediction, or the doctor's prediction; if you'd chosen the former...and then it is interesting though that heeding the doctor's vision inspired you to share your wisdoms with your relatives. Choice, free will, is some kind of miracle too. (Sorry if I go on too much about miracles.)



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Originally posted by JRdd:

There is some other natural thing that aids in assimilation of calcium, but I can't think what it is. Apparently even taking calcium supplements does not assure one of enough calcium. Anyway sesame, sunflower seeds, and lots of other things have it in it besides milk.


Are you thinking about the herb shavegrass?


animesh, I accept your story about your uncle's telling you about your medical condition as proof.I hope you have told him how it worked out.





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Lots of questions.


But do you believe only in things you can see with your physical eyes, or those things which scientists (who often retract their original findings) have "proven"?

When they retract, I do too. That is how science works.


Don't you ever get a "sense" of things, beyond the ordinary perceptional senses that we kaliyuga people are so used to relying on?



Anyway, this kali-yuga concept itself came less than a couple of thousand years back and I don't buy it. Man is actually improving over time, which is against this fancy Kali-yuga theory put forth [for obvious reasons] by someone.


Also, I am curious: if you believe in nothing (excepting your belief that believing in nothing is the most viable and logical way to be--did I get that right?) does everything seem quite ordinary and bland to you?


You got that right. And one does not have to believe in anything to find life beautiful. I was a believer until a few years back, and my view of life has actually become better now.


A futile purposelessness to living? I am also way intrigued as to why you are attracted to Vaisnava forums (this expressed with no offense intended)


I don't see a purpose to life as someone creating us for a reason. I don't see a reason. But that does not mean that one should not live. This is not a vaishnava forum, as it does not say so anywhere. No offense taken.


Do you think religion is opiate for the masses?

One hundred percent.






[This message has been edited by shvu (edited 06-04-2001).]

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Some of it is a benediction and some is the way the left cerebral cortex of the brain is "wired".


Those who have such experience generally take very well to the Bhakti Marga. If not "hardwired" in such a way that the doors of mysticism open there is always the empiracle path or non God centered path if seeking mukti.


[This message has been edited by Dharma (edited 06-04-2001).]

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Is due to karma that some people are more sensitive and intuitive than others. Normally persons that have visions can use them to help people if they know how to channel the gift that they have. Destiny is there but also free will.

Most of goods astrologers, tarot readers, visionaries, etc, will tell you the tendencies and the most probably thing that will happen because actually nothing is certain because if we surrender to God everything may change in a second. "Just surrender to me...." How is that sloka?

I think if an astrologer reads Animesh's uncle's astrological chart he may find that he has the Moon in the 12th house or Rahu in it, or planets in the 8th. Nothing is without a purpose, those visions are for a reason.


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See not eyes, sees intelligence (mind(wit) reflects, the intelligence distinguishes). As the intelligence concerns to set of all elements, thus it is possible to see the past and future. At some it occurs spontaneously, by virtue of the last merits.

The man does not know the future because it(he) could not enjoy, the ignorance enables to invent prospect, which as a rule is not present. The people want to break the laws of a nature and thus to not receive punishment, it is not possible, but the ignorance allows on what that time to imagine itself free from all it.

The man does not know the past, for the same reason, everyone perfectly would know in such case all. In the last life it(he) was born, has grown up, had set of the plans, has grown old and has died, in the last last life it(he) was born, has grown up, had set of the plans, has grown old and has died, in the past last last..... Therefore man is born from a "pure"("clean") sheet differently it would be not possible to be "happy". It at his(its) desire, if for example we speak these things to the people, they refuse them to accept, " it not so is important, now we build the new plans, it is grandiose, newest project of the great future! It is necessary only to trust. All glory to me, science and light future. It is necessary to trust, all will be speed well, why, I already almost at the purpose Posted Image. Or the evolution goes and soon on the liver, spoiled by fertilizers, we shall think up an artificial kidney, who will tell what it not progress? " Certainly progress.

This life is necessary what as a minimum to leave from here, instead of to try will be arranged by the sinking ship, battling for comfortable cabins. Devoted live as well as everything, but it is simple for masking. Posted Image

If who has that a little reason and has decided(solved) to return to the God, gradually it(he) can all realize. Devoted are involved(attracted) bhakti than its(her) collateral elements simply more. Practising this or that spiritual system devoted rises above and above, realizing gyana, tapa, brahma loku, viradja and Vaikuntha.


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Originally posted by shvu:


Do you think religion is the opiate for the masses

One hundred percent.




And Vaisnavism is the XTC for a few


Sarva dharman parityaja mam ekam saranam vraja


"Give it all up, lay it down, and I will give you Me in its place"


Rough translation but you know what I mean

Gaura Hari bol



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"Give it all up, lay it down, and I will give you Me in its place"


Which is exactly what is meant by saying religion is the opiate for the masses ( No offense meant to anyone).


Just out of curiosity, who is actually giving it all up? In my opinion, the count will be a single digit number ( Again no offense meant to anyone).





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I took medicines and also milk. (I never take tea and coffee). My uncle believes in astrology. So, he must have got his astrological chart prepared. But, I do not know what is there in that because I never asked him. Even if I had asked, I would not have understood a thing.


And Shvu,

I have not watched the movie Majboor. I am not sure about my brothers. May be that when I was away from my house for study, then they might have watched. Or, may be they also have not watched.

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Originally posted by shvu:


Which is exactly what is meant by saying religion is the opiate for the masses ( No offense meant to anyone).


Just out of curiosity, who is actually giving it all up? In my opinion, the count will be a single digit number ( Again no offense meant to anyone).




Hey Shvu, Thanks for the idea! With so many `vaisnavas` taking offense so easily I thought my signature needed changing...





No offense meant to anyone...

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Originally posted by JRdd:

I think even if your signature was changed you would still find some way to feel offended.


No offense intended. I am going to pray to Kanea for all the wounded hearts.

Me offended? Read the signature again, prabhu. Yet another example of muddle-brained misunderstanding projecting offensively back at others! Oh well, don't worry, Krsna and guru will protect you from all nasty consequences...

p.s. Didn't you just say that you weren't talking to me anymore? Guess this post means I'M obsessively following YOU around, too! I'll continue praying to Radharani for all the confused ex-I$KCON `devotees`.



No offense meant to anyone...


[This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 06-05-2001).]

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The Sweetheart of My Sweet Heart


aham bhakta paradhino hy

asvatantra iva dvija

sadhubir grasta-hrydayo

bhaktair bhakta-jana-priyah

S.Bhag. 9.4.57

“I do not know anyone but My devotees. All the saints are my sweetheart and I am also their sweet heart. They do not know anyone but Me and I also don’t care to know anyone but them.”

He is for the devotees and the devotees are for Him. And how many devotees there are we can't even imagine.


Srimate Radhrani prays, “You have captured my heart fully. Every atom of my body wants only you, but the circumstances are so cruel that we are parted. So I will jump into that deep well, taking my own life. I pray You will come and take my position and I will take Yours, Oh Krishna, Oh Sri Nandanandan, then You will realize what hopelessness I am going through and will understand my trouble.”

In that self-same mood Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “My friends, save Me by showing Me Krishna. Otherwise I can’t maintain My existence, what I once saw, touching My heart like lightning then withdrawing, show Me once again for I cannot tolerate the separation. How many times can one die in a second to earn that fortune, to get a moments perception of Krishna? I am ready to die millions of times. My heart bursts without having a second view of that wonderful thing. I had a little experience previously, but beauty and sweetness can be so cruel. If I don’t get that vision I shall die.”



The bittersweetness of a devotional life

by Srila Sridhara Maharaj

Or how much can we take, without giving?


I really want to know you Lord but it takes so long my Lord. My sweet Lord


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Originally posted by shvu:


Which is exactly what is meant by saying religion is the opiate for the masses ( No offense meant to anyone).


Just out of curiosity, who is actually giving it all up? In my opinion, the count will be a single digit number ( Again no offense meant to anyone).





That's for the Lord to decide prabhu I'll probably be the last on the line. But I've seen and met many glorious candidates in my life who have dovetailed their lives to the will of the Lord.

"Be sure to entertain strangers for they may have entertained Angels unawares"


No offence taken personally

Krsnas Love is sssssssssoooooo imeasurable!!

But unfortunately mine is non existent

So please be kind to this heart of mine


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