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Srila Prabhupada's Rings

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Dear Forum Members:

I know this might sound like a frivilous post, but I am really curious to know why Srila Prabhupada wore gold rings.I have seen photographs where he is shown wearing three gold rings!I don't believe that it was for vanity's sake and I don't think that as a sannyasi, he could or would wear wedding rings.Could it be (and I'm speculating here)that the rings have any astrological or spiritual purpose?

Although I was born after Srila Prabhupada left this material planet, I am somehow very attracted by the personality of this great soul and I want to know more about him --- even the little details.I would be evry grateful if anyone can enlighten me.Yours Very Sincerely


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This isn't directly related to the rings, but there have been a number of stories about watches Srila Prabhupada wore. He would often get gifts from disciples or admirers and would accept them. There is a story one disciple narrates from the "Memories" videos by ITV. Some person gave Srila Prabhupada a very expensive Rolex watch. Of course he accepted the kind gesture and put it on. He wore it for a day or so then took it off and gave this very expensive watch to some disciple.



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Srila Prabhupada would wear the gifts given by his disciples, which included gold rings, watches, and even on one occassion a diamond studed pair of female sunglasses. By accepting our offerings he is giving us tremendous sukriti and burning away countless sinful reactions. It is a sacrifice on his part to accept these mostly useless and troublesome gifts. On some occassions Srila Prabhupada would be wearing three watches at a time - so many disciples gave him watches and he wanted to accept all of their offerings.

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Of Srila Prabhupada accepting his devotees' offerings, this reminds me of when I and a Godsister, Lalita-sahki prabhu, made thirty-one simply wonderfuls for Srila Prabhupada, each one of them different. Bhagavan was going to see Srila Prabhupada in Los Angeles, and as we were only first initiates at the time we were told that we could not cook for him, but could prepare something uncooked which Bhagavan would deliver for us. There was a lemon sweetball, carob, peppermint, one with a nut hidden inside, raisins, etc. etc. We prepared these with a feeling of great awe, washing our hands everytime we touched our sari. When Bhagavan returned from his visit, he shared with us that Srila Prabhupada had taken a bite out of each!!! If that isn't simply wonderful, I don't know what is. We felt truly blessed.



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Originally posted by JRdd:

Of Srila Prabhupada accepting his devotees' offerings, this reminds me of when I and a Godsister, Lalita-sahki prabhu, made thirty-one simply wonderfuls for Srila Prabhupada, each one of them different. Bhagavan was going to see Srila Prabhupada in Los Angeles, and as we were only first initiates at the time we were told that we could not cook for him, but could prepare something uncooked which Bhagavan would deliver for us. There was a lemon sweetball, carob, peppermint, one with a nut hidden inside, raisins, etc. etc. We prepared these with a feeling of great awe, washing our hands everytime we touched our sari. When Bhagavan returned from his visit, he shared with us that Srila Prabhupada had taken a bite out of each!!! If that isn't simply wonderful, I don't know what is. We felt truly blessed.



Dear JRdd:

Thank you for your inspiring post.Have you ever had direct association with Srila Prabhupada? How was he like on a personal, day to day practice? I'm really curious and at the same time happy to simply know more about Srila Prabhupada although I was born a year after he left this material world. I hope you will not find my questioning too nosy, and I understand if you deem your association with Srila Prabhupada too personal to be shared.Yours Very Sincerely



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NO I was not fortunate in that way, to have close association with Srila Prabhupada. I do have bits of experiences like the above, which sometimes rise to the surface and come out. I have been blessed with his glance, as so many have, whenever they were born.




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  • 9 months later...

The folowing is an excerpt from My Glorious Master by Bhurijana Dasa:


Stealing a heart


During Prabhupada's transit through Hong Kong,I had heard that he was dissatisfied with ISKCON leadership and had temporarily disbanded the GBC.with boyish naivete and the desire to encourage hin,I brought him a 24-karat gold ring and engraved it with the words,"Jaya ISKCON." I presented this ring to Prabhupada in Hong Kong before we travelled together to Tokyo.Now as I sat with Prabhupada in Tokyo during his massage,Sudama carefully rubbed mustard oil onto Prabhupada's chest,back,legs,and hands.Sudama then noticed Prabhupada's golden "Jaya ISKCON" ring.

"Prabhupada," he asked, "you have a new ring."


"Who gave it to you?" Sudama asked,as he massaged the back of Prabhupada's neck.

Prabhupada slowly lifted his head and stared at me.Only the three of us were in the room and I felt softened by Prabhupada's glance.

"Who gave you the ring,Prabhupada?" Sudama repeated.

Prabhupada kept looking at me and said softly,"Oh, someone."




Prabhupada could have told Sudama that I had given him the ring.Instead,he replied,"Oh,someone." When he said those two words,my heart melted and flowed to his loyus feet in the intimacy of our simple and loving secret.





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The Respect of a Vaisnava


When Prabhupada arrived,we had offered him a 24-karat gold ring with a raised "P" on it,a gold necklace with a "P",and a gold bracelet engraved with the full word, Prabhupada.We had also arranged a Rolls Royce to carry him from the airport to his luxurious hotel suite.Prabhupada appreciated our recognition of his position as the representative of Krsna and told Satsvarupa Maharaja,"This is a great credit for the one who has made these arrangements."




I had asked Sudama Vipra Swami how to greet and honor Prabhupada,and I made opulent arrangements according to his advice.When I heard both Prabhupada's appreciation of our offerings and his strong criticism,I said,"Prabhupada,I know you appreciated the arrangements we made for you.I learned this from Sudama Vipra Swami.So he helped me."

Prabhupada's reply was dour."That is nice.They may have helped you in the past,but they cannot help you anymore."

"Then how should I treat him and Siddha-svarupa now?

"You should treat them with respect," prabhupada replied."A Vaisnava treats everyone with respect,even an ant!"




(From My Glorious Master by Bhurijana Dasa,Hong Kong 1974 --- Part I)


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Non-attachment to a good ring


Srutakirti vigorously massaged sandalwood oil into Prabhupada's head.I sudenly noticed that he still wore the gold ring with the engraved "P" on it that I had given him when he visited Hong Kong in 1974.

"You still have the ring,"I said in near surprise."Yes,"said Prabhupada,"It is a good ring."




That Prabhupada not only accepted but wore my ring offering for years thrilled me.I saw him wearing the ring many times.Because the gold was pure and soft and the ring-size expandable,he would at times wear it on one finger and then move it to another.Years after Prabhupada's departure from this world,I learned what finally became of that ring.Prabhupada's "son" had come to see him in Calcutta and had requested him again and again for money and bangles for his daughter.Prabhupada finally gave him the ring and he left,satisfied.Prabhupada then turned to his servant and said,"I am not attached."


(From My Glorious Master by Bhurijana Dasa, Melbourne 1975)


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A special ring


As we entered and offered our obeisances,Prabhupada was grave.Slowly he removed a thin,gold wedding ring from his finger.He held it delicately between his thumb and forefinger and turned to Jagattarini."This is for you." Prabhupada extended his arm and placed the ring into her outstreched palms.He appeared thoughtful,gentle,and soft like a loving father.Jagattarini bowed her head and began to cry.




Medicine is at times bitter and difficult to digest.Prabhupada,more careful than the most concerned doctor,was concerned for his patient's health.He knew that kindness was needed,and out of affection,he gave Jaggatarini a full dose.


(From My Glorious Master by Bhurijana Dasa,Hong Kong 1974 --- Part I)



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