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The Mind

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In the neighborhood is this cripple young man in a wheelchair. The other day walking behind him I overhead him commenting about a very good looking girl who was crossing the street. Inmediately I felt sorry for him because even though he is inmobilized, his mind is not and is full of desires. What a horrible situation, where he can't even satisfy his sensual desires and he can't have mental peace.

Yesterday I met him again and he asked me for help. On his lap he had few letters and one hand was covering them. He asked me to put his hand on the side of the wheelchair because he can't even do that! I took his hand and very carefully move it to the side, his hand started shaking really hard, he told me just to keep my hand on top of it for a while and the shaking would stop. Eventually did. I felt so sorry for him and started a conversation. I found out so many things about him. Now I can practice with him his language, that I used to know (portuguese). Maybe in the future I can tell him about Krsna and how to control the mind (I know that first I should control mine).


The point that I wanted to make was how true is it that the mind can be our best friend or our worst enemy. This man is suffering so much because of unfulfilled desires and there is not hope for him to satisfy his senses.


One more chance to count my blessings, thanks God that I have good health and a body to take me everywhere..


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kamo manyur mado lobhah


karma-bandhas ca yan-mulah

svikuryat ko nu tad budhah


"The mind is the root cause of lust, anger, pride, greed, lamentation, illusion and fear. Combined, these constitute bondage to fruitive activities. What learned man would put faith in the mind?"

- Srimad Bhagavatam 5.6.5



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Originally posted by atma:

In the neighborhood is this cripple young man in a wheelchair. The other day walking behind him I overhead him commenting about a very good looking girl who was crossing the street. Inmediately I felt sorry for him because even though he is inmobilized, his mind is not and is full of desires. What a horrible situation, where he can't even satisfy his sensual desires and he can't have mental peace.

...... Maybe in the future I can tell him about Krsna and how to control the mind (I know that first I should control mine).


Maybe he is not so different to us - desiring the spiritual in our crippled state.


Perhaps he has something to tell you but first you must control your mind......


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  • 2 years later...

kamo manyur mado lobhah


karma-bandhas ca yan-mulah

svikuryat ko nu tad budhah


"The mind is the root cause of lust, anger, pride, greed, lamentation, illusion and fear. Combined, these constitute bondage to fruitive activities. What learned man would put faith in the mind?"


- Srimad Bhagavatam 5.6.5


What about my mind?

Who will save me from my horrendous mind

which I so closely associate with

and identify myself with

This mind is subtle matter binding me to vikarma

I'm a bloody fool

for taking my mind as 'my soul'

When o when will I conquer this mental machine

which takes me on whirlwind tours of illusion ?


The Bhagavat states clearly:

The mind is the root cause of lust, anger, pride, greed, lamentation, illusion and fear.


Please Conquer this mind

and the cause of my lusty desires

anger and my false pride

the glutton who cannot control my tongue

and the tireless lament of havenots

The sin cover

a miraje world

and the spin throw of deluding potency

leaves me in fear of my breaking out

like a rat cornered

in fear.


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We pretend to know many Things!But what is in our Mind?Mind is the most Complex entity in this Creation.Mind of Man can make a Hell out of Heaven & vice versa.Nothing is good or bad,our thinking makes it so.In Bhagavad-Gita the Lord Krishna says that one is his own friend or enemy.One has to Uplift Oneself by His own effort.Shri Krishna will help to those who do that.Why?Because we are all on a Grand journey to Unite with Him.Every one is important.Every one is dear to The Lord Shri Krishna.If one has a mind then one can take His Holy Name.He will guide further to the Destiny.He will Bless all.*HARI OM TAT SAT*

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