kailasa Posted July 12, 2001 Report Share Posted July 12, 2001 PREDICTION of the PHENOMENON SRI CAITANYA In SASTRA 7 ÀÒÕÀÐÂÀ-ÂÅÄÀ-ÏÓÐÓØÀ-ÁÎÄÈÍÉ-ÓÏÀÍÈØÀÄÈ ÑÀÏÒÀÌÅ ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÂÀÐÍÀ-ÂÈØÍÎÐ ÈÒÉ ÀÍÅÍÀ ÑÂÀ-ØÀÊÒÉÀ ×ÀÈÊÉÀÌ ÝÒÉÀ ÏÐÀÍÒÅ ÏÐÀÒÀÐ ÀÂÀÒÈÐÉÀ ÑÀÕÀ ÑÂÀÈÕ ÑÂÀÌÀÍÓÌ ØÈÊØÀÉÀÒÈ In Atharva-veda Purusa-bodini Upanisad is spoken: In seventh manvantar, in the beginning Kali, Supreme Lord in support of the companions will come on the Earth in golden shape. It(he) will train to recurrence of names of the God. 8 ÀÒÕÀÐÂÀ-ÂÅÄÅ ÈÒÎ ÕÀÌ ÊÐÈÒÀ-ÑÀÍÍÉÀÑÎ ÂÀÒÀÐÈØÉÀÌÈ ÑÀ-ÃÓÍÎ ÍÈÐÂÅÄÎ ÍÈØÊÀÌÎ ÁÕÓ-ÃÈÐÁÀÍÀÑ of a shooting GALLERY - ÑÒÕÎ ËÀÊÀÍÀÍÄÀÉÀÕ ÊÀËÀÓ ×ÀÒÓÕ-ÑÀÕÀÑÐÀÁÄÕÎÏÀÐÈ ÏÀÍ×À-ÑÀÕÀÑÐÀÁÕÉÀÍÒÀÐÅ ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÂÀÐÍÎ ÄÈÐÃÕÀÍÃÀÕ ÑÀÐÂÀ-ËÀÊØÀÍÀ-ÞÊÒÀ ÈØÂÀÐÀ-ÏÐÀÐÒÕÈÒÎ ÍÈÄÆÀ-ÐÀÑÀÑÂÀÄÎ ÁÕÀÊÒÀ-ÐÓÏÎ ÌÈØÐÀÊÕÉÎ ÂÈÄÈÒÀ-ÉÎÃÀÕ ÑÉÀÌ In Atharva-veda Lord speaks: I íèçîéäó on the Earth at coast Ganga, when ìèíåò 5000 years Kali-þãè. I shall be high, perfect sacred brahman, devoted Ãîñïîäó. In me there will be all attributes of the outstanding person. I shall take part sanyas, îòðå÷åííûé an image of life in absence of any material desires. I shall be very advanced on ways bhakti-éîãè, and I shall repeat constantly sacred names, enjoying devoted service to myself. Also will understand me only great devoted. 10 ÊÐÈØÍÎÏÀÍÈØÀÄÈ ÑÀ ÝÂÀ ÁÕÀÃÀÂÀÍ ÉÓÃÅ ÒÓÐÈÉÅ ÏÈ a ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-SACK ÄÆÀÉÀÌÀÍÀÕ ÑÀÐÂÀ ÓÏÀÍÈØÀÄÀÕ ÓÄÄÈÄÈÐØÓÕ ÑÀÐÂÀÍÈ ÄÕÀÐÌÀ-ØÀÑÒÐÀÍÈ ÂÈÑÒÀÐÀÉÈØÍÓÕ ÑÀÐÂÀÍ ÀÏÈ ÄÆÀÍÀÍ ÑÀÍÒÀÐÀÉÈØÍÓÕ ÑÀÐÂÀÍ ÀÏÈ ÂÀÈØÍÀÂÀÍ ÄÕÀÐÌÀÍ ÂÈÄÆÐÈÌÁÕÀÉÀÍ ÑÀÐÂÀÍ ÀÏÈ ÏÀØÀÍÄÀÍ ÍÈ×ÀÊÕÀÍÀ In Krisna Upanisad is spoken: In the Kali Ãîñïîäü Krisna ðîäèòñÿ in family brahman to learn(teach) to the message Upanisad and dharma-sastra. It(he) will overcome ateists and îñêîðáèòåëåé and will establish true vaisnava-äõàðìû. 11 ×ÕÀÍÄÎÃÉÎÏÀÍÈØÀÄÈ ÀÒÐÀ ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-ÏÓÐÀÌ ÍÀÌÀ ÏÓÍÄÀÐÈÊÀÌ ÉÀÄ Ó×ÉÀÒÅ ÒÀÄ ÝÂÀØÒÀ-ÄÀËÀÌ ÏÀÄÌÀ- ÑÀÍÍÈÁÕÀÌ ÏÓÐÀÌ ÀÄÁÕÓÒÀÌ In Chandogya Upanisad is spoken: In that place - wonderful city, as âîñüìèëåïåñòêîâûé ëîòîñ. 12 ÒÀÍ-ÌÀÄÕÉÅ ÄÀÕÀÐÀÌ ÑÀÊØÀÒ ÌÀÉÀÏÓÐÀÌ ÈÒÈÐÉÀÒÅ ÒÀÒÐÀ ÂÅØÌÀ ÁÕÀÃÀÂÀÒÀØ ×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀÑÉÀ ÏÀÐÀÒÌÀÍÀÕ ÒÀÑÌÈÍ ÉÀÑ Ò ÀÍÒÀÐÀÊÀØÎ ÕÉ ÀÍÒÀÐ-ÄÂÈÏÀÕ ÑÀ Ó×ÉÀÒÅ In middle ëîòîñîïîäîáíîãî of city - Mayapur, and at his(its) centre - Antardvipa. This place - native land Sri Caytanya, Âñåâûøåíãî Ïîâåëèòåëÿ. 13 ÌÓÍÄÀÊÎÏÀÍÈØÀÄÈ GARDEN ÏÀØÉÀÕ ÏÀØÉÀÒÅ ÐÓÊÌÀ-ÂÀÐÍÀÌ ÊÀÐÒÀÐÀÌ ÈØÀÌ ÏÓÐÓØÀÌ ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-ÉÎÍÈÌ GARDEN ÂÈÄÂÀÍ to the ÏÓÍÉÀ-DADDY ÂÈÄÕÓÉÀ ÍÈÐÀÍÄÆÀÍÀÕ ÏÀÐÀÌÀÌ ÑÀÌÉÀÌ ÓÏÀÈÒÈ In Mundaca Upanisad is spoken: The one who will see this golden God, Maximum actor, source Maximum Brahman, will receive clearing. 14 ØÂÅÒÀØÂÀÒÀÐÎÏÀÍÈØÀÄÈ ÌÀÕÀÍ ÏÐÀÁÕÓÐ ÂÀÉ ÏÓÐÓØÀÕ ÑÀÒÒÂÀÑÉÀÈØÀ ÏÐÀÂÀÐÒÀÊÀÕ ÑÓ-ÍÈÐÌÀËÀÌ by HIM(IT) ÏÐÀÏÒÈÌ ÈØÀÍÎ ÄÆÉÎÒÈÐ ÀÂÉÀÉÀÕ In Svetasvatara Upanisad is spoken: Lord is Mahaprabhu, source òðàíñöåíäåíòíîãî of inspiration. To be in contact with it(him), means to be in touch with imperishable áðàõìàäæéîòè. PART 2 The citations from Smriti-øàñòðû 15 ÍÀÐÀÄÀ-ÏÀÍ×ÀÐÀÒÐÅ ÁÕÀÊÒÈ-ÏÐÈÉÎ ÁÕÀÊÒÈ-DATE ÄÀÌÎÄÀÐÀ ÈÁÕÀÑ-ÏÀÒÈÕ ÈÍÄÐÀ-ÄÀÐÏÀ-ÕÀÐÎ ÍÀÍÒÎ ÍÈÒÉÀÍÀÍÄÀ-×ÈÄ-ÀÒÌÀÊÀÕ In Narada-pancaratra, Áàëà-Êðèøíà-ñàõàñðà-íàìà-ñòîòðå is spoken: The Creator has a lot of names: Áõàêòè-ïðèÿ (Fond devoted service), Áõàêòè-date (Giving devoted service), Äàìîäàðà (at whom is connected a stomach by a cord), Èáõàñ-ïàòè (Owner of set of the elephants), Èíäðà-äàðïà-õàðà (Ïîïðàâøèé ãîðäûíþ Èíäðû), Àíàíòà (Infinite), Íèòüÿíàíäà (Âå÷íîáëàæåííûé), ×èä -àòìàêà (Spirit)... 16 ×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀ-ÐÓÏÀØ ×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀØ ×ÅÒÀÍÀ-ÃÓÍÀ-ÂÀÐ ÄÆÈÒÀÕ ÀÄÂÀÈÒÀ×ÀÐÀ-ÍÈÏÓÍÎ ÄÂÀÈÒÀÕ ÏÀÐÀÌÀ-ÍÀÉÀÊÀÕ ... ×àéòàíüÿ-ðóïà (in an image ×àéòàíüè), ×àéòàíüÿ (Vital force), ×åòàíà (×àéòàíüÿ), Ãóíà-âàðäæèòà (without material qualities), Àäâàéòà÷àðà-íèïóíà (Expert in spiritual knowledge), Àäâàéòà (Not dual), Ïàðàìà-íàÿêà (Boss)... 17 ÍÈËÀÕ ØÂÅÒÀÕ ÑÈÒÀÕ ÊÐÈØÍÎ ÃÀÓÐÀÕ ÏÈÒÀÌÁÀÐÀ-××ÕÀÄÀÕ ØÀ×È-ÑÓÒÀ-ÄÆÀÉÀ-ÏÐÀÄÀÕ ... Nile (Òåìíîëèêèé), Øâåòà (Ñâåòëîëèêèé), Sieve (Light), Êðèøíà (Âñåïðèâëåêàòåëüíûé), Ãàóðà (Light), Ïèòàìáðà-÷÷õàäà (In yellow clothes), Øà÷è-ñóòà (Son Øà÷è) and Äæàÿ-ïðàäà (Winner). 18 ÝÊÀÄÀØÀ-ÑÊÀÍÄÕÅ ÊÐÈØÍÀ-ÂÀÐÍÀÌ ÒÂÈØÀÊÐÈØÍÀÌ ÑÀÍÃÎÏÀÍÃÀÑÒÐÀ-ÏÀÐØÀÄÀÌ ÉÀÃÉÀÈÕ ÑÀÍÊÈÐÒÀÍÀ-ÏÐÀÉÀÈÐ ÉÀÄÆÀÍÒÈ ÕÈ ÑÓ-ÌÅÄÕÀÑÀÕ In Øðèìàä Áõàãàâàòàì (11.5.32) is spoken:SB “ Per one century Kali by reasonable joint recurrence of names of the God will worship an embodiment of the God, which will sing constantly names Êðèøíû. Though colour of His(its) body not black, it(he) - Itself Êðèøíà. It(he) will be accompanied with the companions, servant and weapon. 19 ÝÊÀÄÀØÀ-ÑÊÀÍÄÕÅ ÄÕÉÅÉÀÌ of a GARDEN ÏÀÐÈÁÕÀÂÀÃÕÍÀÌ ÀÁÕÈØÒÀ-ÄÎÕÀÌ ÒÈÐÒÕÀÑÏÀÄÀÌ ØÈÂÀ-ÂÈÐÈÍ×È-ÍÓÒÀÌ ØÀÐÀÍÉÀÌ ÁÕÐÈÒÉÀÐÒÈ-ÕÀÌ ÏÐÀÍÀÒÀ-ÏÀËÀ to ÁÕÀÂÀÁÄÕÈ-SWEATS ÂÀÍÄÅ ÌÀÕÀ-ÏÓÐÓØÀ THOSE ×ÀÐÀÍÀÐÀÂÈÍÄÀÌ In Øðèìàä Áõàãàâàòàì (11.5.33 and 34) is spoken: Respectfully we bow ëîòîñíûì to stops the Sirs, object of our meditation, it(he) eliminates the insults devoted, carries away their griefs and satisfies their desires. It(him), îáèòåëè of sacred places and ïðèáåæèùó wise, worship Áðàõìà and Øèâà. It(he), as a boat for ïîëóáîãîâ, in which is possible to cross ocean of birthes and death. 20 ÒÉÀÊÒÂÀ ÑÓ-ÄÓÑÒÉÀÄÆÀ-ÑÓÐÅÏÑÈÒÀ-ÐÀÄÆÉÀ-ËÀÊØÌÈÌ ÄÕÀÐÌÈØÒÕÀ ÀÐÉÀ-ÂÀ×ÀÑÀ ÉÀÄ-ÀÃÀÄÀÐÀÏÉÀÌ ÌÀÉÀ-ÌÐÈÃÀÌ ÄÀÉÈÒÅÏÑÈÒÀÌ ÀÍÂÀÄÕÀÂÀÄ ÂÀÍÄÅ ÌÀÕÀ-ÏÓÐÓØÀ THOSE ×ÀÐÀÍÀÐÀÂÈÍÄÀÌ We are declined to ëîòîñíûì to stops the Sirs, object of meditation everyone, it(he) has left the house, having left the eternal spouse, which admire even íåáîæèòåëè with, and has set off to a wood to rescue ïàäøèå of soul, îêóòàííûå by illusion of material energy. 21 ÈÒÒÕÀÌ ÍÐÈ-ÒÈÐÉÀÃ-ÐÈØÈ-ÄÅÂÀ-ÄÆÕÀØÀÂÀÒÀÐÀÈÐ ËÎÊÀÍ ÂÈÁÕÀÂÀÉÀÑÈ ÕÀÌÑÈ ÄÆÀÃÀÒ-ÏÐÀÒÈÏÀÍ ÄÕÀÐÌÀÌ ÌÀÕÀ-ÏÓÐÓØÀ GRAZE ÉÓÃÀÍÓÂÐÈÒÒÀÌ ×ÕÀÍÍÀÕ ÊÀËÀÓ ÉÀÄ ÀÁÕÀÂÀÑ THREE - ÉÓÃÎ ÒÕÀ ÑÀ ÒÂÀÌ In Øðèìàä Áõàãàâàòàì (7.9.38) is spoken: Mine Ãîñïîäü, you ñðàæàåøü of enemies of the world in The numerous embodiments among the people, animal, ïîëóáîãîâ, ðèøè, fishes and others. So you îñâåùàåøü the worlds by spiritual knowledge. About Ìàõàïóðóøà, per one century Êàëè you sometimes are in the latent embodiment. Therefore you name Òðèþãà (the one who comes only in three epoch). 22 ÀÄÈ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÍÀÐÀÄÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ×À ÀÕÀÌ ÝÂÀ ÄÂÈÄÆÀ-ØÐÅØÒÕÎ ÍÈÒÉÀÌ ÏÐÀ××ÕÀÍÍÀ-ÂÈÃÐÀÕÀÕ ÁÕÀÃÀÂÀÄ-ÁÕÀÊÒÀ-ÐÓÏÅÍÀ ËÎÊÀÌ ÐÀÊØÀÌÈ ÑÀÐÂÀÄÀ In Adi Purana and Íàðàäà Ïóðàíå Itself Ãîñïîäü speaks: I îñâîáîæó the worlds, having accepted shape áðàõìàíà, devoted God, and my internal essence will be latent. 23 ÊÓÐÌÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÊÀËÈÍÀ ÄÀÕÉÀÌÀÍÀÍÀÌ ÓÄÄÕÀÐÀÉÀ ÒÀÍÓ-ÁÕÐÈÒÀÌ ÄÆÀÍÌÀ ÏÐÀÒÕÀÌÀ-ÑÀÍÄÕÉÀÉÀÌ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÒÈ ÄÂÈÄÆÀËÀÉÅ In Kurma Ïóðàíå is spoken: To release(exempt) the caused souls burning on fire of sufferings Êàëè-þãè, I, Âñåâûøíèé the God, shall take part birth in family áðàõìàíà in first ñàíäõüå of this century. 24 ÃÀÐÓÄÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÊÀËÈÍÀ ÄÀÕÉÀÌÀÍÀÍÀÌ ÏÀÐÈÒÐÀÍÀÉÀ ÒÀÍÓ-ÁÕÐÈÒÀÌ ÄÆÀÍÌÀ ÏÐÀÒÕÀÌÀ-ÑÀÍÄÕÉÀÉÀÌ ÊÀÐÈØÉÀÌÈ ÄÂÈÄÆÀÒÈØÓ In Garuda Ïóðàíå Ãîñïîäü speaks: To release(exempt) the caused souls burning on fire of sufferings Êàëè-þãè, I, Âñåâûøíèé the God, shall take part birth as áðàõìàí in first ñàíäõüå of this century. 25 ÃÀÐÓÄÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÀÕÀÌ ÏÓÐÍÎ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ÉÓÃÀ-ÑÀÍÄÕÀÓ ÂÈØÅØÀÒÀÕ ÌÀÉÀÏÓÐÅ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ØÀ×È-ÑÓÒÀÕ In Ãàðóäà Ïóðàíå Ãîñïîäü speaks: In the beginning Êàëè-þãè in primary, perfect spiritual form, I shall become the son Øà÷èäåâè in Íàâàäâèïå (Ìàÿïóðå). 26 ÊÀËÅÕ ÏÐÀÒÕÀÌÀ-ÑÀÍÄÕÉÀÉÀÌ ËÀÊØÌÈ-ÊÀÍÒÎ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÒÈ TO GIFT - ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-ÑÀÌÈÏÀ-ÑÒÕÀÕ ÑÀÍÍÉÀÑÈ ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÂÈÃÐÀÕÀÕ In Ãàðóäà Ïóðàíå is spoken: In first ñàíäõüþ Êàëè-þãè Ãîñïîäü will accept golden shape. In the beginning it(he) will be the spouse Ëàêøìè, and then becomes ñàííüÿñè, worshipping Ãîñïîäó Äæàãàííàòõå in Ïóðè. 27 ÉÀÄ ÃÎÏÈ-ÊÓ×À-ÊÓÌÁÕÀ-ÑÀÌÁÕÐÀÌÀ-ÁÕÀÐÀÐÀÌÁÕÅÍ And ÑÀÌÂÀÐÄÕÈÒÀÕ ÉÀÄ ÂÀ ÃÎÏÀ-ÊÓÌÀÐÀ-ÑÀÐÀ-ÊÀËÀÉÀ a RANK ØÓÁÕÀÍÄÈ ÊÐÈÒÀÌ ÉÀÄ ÂÐÈÍÄÀÂÀÍÀ-ÊÀÍÀÍÅ ÏÐÀÂÈËÀÑÀ× ×ÕÐÈÄÀÌÀ-ÄÀÌÀÄÈÁÕÈÑ ÒÀÒ ÏÐÅÌÀ-ÏÐÀÊÀÒÀÌ ×ÀÊÀÐÀ ÁÕÀÃÀÂÀÍ ×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀ-ÐÓÏÀÕ ÏÐÀÁÕÓÕ In Ãàðóäà Ïóðàíå is spoken: Âñåâûøíèé Ãîñïîäü, enjoying famous games with Øðèäàìîé, Lady and others ïàñòóøêàìè in woods Âðèíäàâàíû, who loved to throw sights on a breast ãîïè, again will come in this world to open a nature of pure(clean) spiritual love. It(him) will call ×àéòàíüÿ. 28 ÉÎ ÐÅÌÅ ÑÀÕÀ-ÁÀËËÀÂÈ ÐÀÌÀÉÀÒÅ ÂÐÈÍÄÀÂÀÍÅ to ÕÀÐ-NICHES ÉÀÕ ÊÀÌÑÀÌ ÄÆÀÃÕÀÍÀ to a ÊÀÓÐÀÂÀ-WOUND ÉÀÕ ÏÀÍÄÀÂÀÍÀÌ ÑÀÊÕÀ WITH ÉÀÌ ÂÀÈÍÀÂÀ-ÄÀÍÄÀ-ÌÀÍÄÈÒÀ-ÁÕÓ ÄÆÀÕ ÑÀÍÍÉÀÑÀ ÂÅØÀÕ ÑÂÀÉÀÌ ÍÈÕÑÀÍÄÅÕÀÌ ÓÏÀÃÀÒÀÕ ÊØÈÒÈ-ÒÀËÅ ×ÀÉÒÀÍÉÀ-ÐÓÏÀÕ ÏÐÀÁÕÓÕ Ãîñïîäü, enjoying games with ãîïè, day and night íàïîëíÿâøèé of the inhabitants Âðèíäàâàíû by happiness, that. Who has killed Êàìñó, and who in war wanted to reconcile Êàóðàâîâ with Ïàíäàâàìè, undoubtedly again will come on the Earth. In His(its) hand will be áàìáóêîâàÿ äàíäà. It will be ñàííüÿñè on a name ×àéòàíüÿ. 29 ÄÅÂÈ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÍÀÌÀ-ÑÈÄÄÕÀÍÒÀ-ÑÀÌÏÀÒÒÈ ÏÐÀÊÀØÀÍÀ-ÏÀÐÀÉÀÍÀÕ ÊÂÀ×ÈÒ ØÐÈ-ÊÐÈØÍÀ-×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀ- ÍÀÌÀ ËÎÊÅ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÒÈ In Devi Ïóðàíå is spoken: Âñåâûøíèé again will come in this world under a name Øðè Êðèøíà ×àéòàíüÿ to distribute recurrence of sacred names of the God. 30 ÍÐÈÑÈÌÕÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÑÀÒÜÅ ÄÀÈÒÉÀ-ÊÓËÀÄÕÈ-ÍÀØÀ-ÑÀÌÀÉÅ ÑÈÌÕÎÐÄÕÂÀ-ÌÀÐÒÉÀÊÐÈÒÈÑ ÒÐÅÒÀÉÀÌ ÄÀØÀ-ÊÀÍÄÕÀÐÀÌ ÏÀÐÈÁÕÀÂÀÍ ÐÀÌÅÒÈ ÍÀÌÀÊÐÈÒÈÕ ÃÎÏÀËÀÍ ÏÀÐÈÏÀËÀÉÀÍ ÂÐÀÄÆÀ-ÏÓÐÅ ÁÕÀÐÀÌ ÕÀÐÀÍ ÄÂÀÏÀÐÅ ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÀÕ ÏÐÈÉÀ-ÊÈÐÒÀÍÀÕ ÊÀËÈ-ÉÓÃÅ ×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀ-ÍÀÌÀ ÏÐÀÁÕÓÕ In Nrisimha Ïóðàíå is spoken: The Supreme Person of the God being in the Ñàòüÿ-south ÷åëîâåêîëüâîì to remove æóòêóþ illness äàèòüåâ, in the Òðåòà-south - as a Frame to strike äåñÿòèãîëîâîãî of a demon Ðàâàíó, and in the Äâàïàðà-south - to facilitate burden of the Earth and to protect the shepherds Âðàäæà-ïóðû, again will come in the Êàëè-south of golden colour under a name ×àéòàíüÿ. It(he) will scoop pleasure in recurrence of names of the God. 31 ÏÀÄÌÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÉÀÒÐÀ ÉÎÃÅØÂÀÐÀÕ ÑÀÊØÀÄ ÉÎÃÈ-×ÈÍÒÉÎ ÄÆÀÍÀÐÄÀÍÀÕ ×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀ-ÂÀÏÓÐ ÀÑÒÅ ÂÀÈ ÑÀÍÄÐÀÍÀÍÄÀÒÌÀÊÀÕ ÏÐÀÁÕÓÕ In Padma Ïóðàíå is spoken: The Supreme Person of the God executed of bliss saving devoted from misfortunes, mister éîãè and object of meditation éîãîâ, will be in òðàíñöåíäåíòíîì shape under a name ×àéòàíüÿ. 32 ÊÀËÅÕ ÏÐÀÒÕÀÌÀ-ÑÀÍÄÕÉÀÉÀÌ ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÎ ÕÀÌ ÌÀÕÈ-ÒÀËÅ ÁÕÀÃÈÐÀÒÕÈ-ÒÀÒÅ ÐÀÌÉÅ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ØÀ×È-ÑÓÒÀÕ In Ïàäìà Ïóðàíå Itself Ãîñïîäü speaks: In first ñàíäõüþ to the Êàëè-south I shall come on the Earth in golden shape in a perfect place at Ãàíãè. I shall become the son Øà÷èäåâè. 33 ÍÀÐÀÄÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÀÕÀÌ ÝÂÀ ÊÀËÀÓ ÂÈÏÐÀ ÍÈÒÉÀÌ ÏÐÀ××ÕÀÍÍÀ-ÂÈÃÐÀÕÀÕ ÁÕÀÃÀÂÀÄ-ÁÕÀÊÒÀ-ÐÓÏÅÍÀ ËÎÊÀÍ ÐÀÊØÀÌÈ ÑÀÐÂÀÄÀ In Narada Ïóðàíå Âñåâûøíèé confirms: About áðàõìàí, having hidden The essence, per one century Êàëè I shall come as devoted of the God äàðîâàòü clearing installed. 34 ÄÈÂÈÄÆÀ ÁÕÓÂÈ ÄÆÀÉÀÄÕÂÀÌ ÄÆÀÉÀÄÕÂÀÌ ÁÕÀÊÒÀ-ÐÓÏÈÍÀÕ ÊÀËÀÓ ÑÀÍÊÈÐÒÀÍÀÐÀÌÁÕÅ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ØÀ×È-ÑÓÒÀÕ About ïîëóáîãè, please, ðîäèòåñü in the Êàëè-south devoted the Sirs on the Earth. I shall come as the son Øà÷è to begin Movement ñàíêèðòàíû. 35 ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÊÀËÅÕ ÏÐÀÒÕÀÌÀ-ÑÀÍÄÕÉÀÉÀÌ ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÎ ÕÀÌ ÌÀÕÈ-ÒÀËÅ ÁÕÀÃÈÐÀÒÕÈ-ÒÀËÅ ÁÕÓÌÍÈ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ÑÀÍÀÒÀÍÀÕ In Brashma Ïóðàíå Ãîñïîäü speaks: In first ñàíäõüþ Êàëè-þãè I shall be on the Earth at coast Ãàíãè in The eternal image of golden colour. 36 ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÀÍÀÍÄÀØÐÓ-ÊÀËÀ-ÐÎÌÀ- ÕÀÐØÀ-ÏÓÐÍÀÌ ÒÀÏÎ-ÄÕÀÍÀ ÑÀÐÂÅ of the MUMS ÝÂÀ ÄÐÀÊØÉÀÍÒÈ ÊÀËÀÓ ÑÀÍÍÉÀÑÀ-ÐÓÏÈÍÀÌ In Bhavisya Ïóðàíå Ãîñïîäü speaks: About a wise man, whose riches are àñêåçû, per one century Êàëè everyone will see me in shape ñàííüÿñè, bliss, spilling tears, and on whose body âîëîñêè cost(stand) äûáîì in ecstasy. 37 ÀÃÍÈ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÏÐÀØÀÍÒÀÒÌÀ ËÀÌÁÀ-ÊÀÍÒÕÀÑ ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÀØ ×À ÑÓÐÀÂÐÈÒÀÕ In Agni Ïóðàíå is spoken: In an environment of set sacred devoted Ãîñïîäü will be in a golden body with a long neck and óìèðîòâîðåííûì heart. 38 ÑÀÓÐÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÑÓ-ÏÓÄÆÈÒÀÕ of a GARDEN ÃÀÓÐÀÕ ÊÐÈØÍÎ ÂÀ a ÅÄÀ-KIND ÄÂÈÄÆÀÕ In Ñàóðà Ïóðàíå is spoken: Âñåâûøíèé is in two forms: as òåìíîëèêèé Êðèøíà, esteemed by everything, and as ñâåòëîëèêèé Ãàóðà, expert in Âåäàõ áðàõìàí, 39 ÌÀÒÑÉÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÌÓÍÄÎ ÃÀÓÐÀÕ ÑÓ-ÄÈÐÃÕÀÍÃÀÑ THREE - ÑÐÎÒÀÑ-ÒÈÐÀ-ÑÀÁÕÀÂÀÕ ÄÀÉÀËÓÕ ÊÈÐÒÀÍÀ-ÃÐÀÕÈ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ÊÀËÀÓ ÉÓÃÅ In Ìàòñüÿ Ïóðàíå Ãîñïîäü speaks: I shall take part in the Êàëè-south birth in a place of merge òðå of the rivers. I shall be perfect and high, with áðèòîé by a head. I shall be very mercy and I shall be is inspired to repeat sacred names. 40 ÂÀÉÓ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ØÓÄÄÕÎ ÃÀÓÐÀÕ ÑÓ-ÄÈÐÃÕÀÍÃÎ ÃÀÍÃÀ-ÒÈÐÀ-ÑÀÌÓÄÁÕÀÂÀÕ ÄÀÉÀËÓÕ ÊÈÐÒÀÍÀ-ÃÐÀÕÈ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ÊÀËÀÓ ÉÓÃÅ In Âàþ Ïóðàíå speaks: I shall take part in the Êàëè-south birth at coast Ãàíãè. I shall be perfect both high, mercy and frank. I âäîõíîâåííî shall repeat sacred names. 41 ÌÀÐÊÀÍÄÅÉÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÃÎËÎÊÀÌ ×À ÏÀÐÈÒÉÀÄÆÉÀ ËÎÊÀÍÀÌ ÒÐÀÍÀ-ÊÀÐÀÍÀÒ ÊÀËÀÓ ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÀ-ÐÓÏÅÍÀ POUR - ËÀÂÀÍÉÀ-ÂÈÃÐÀÕÀÕ In Ìàðêàíäåÿ Ïóðàíå Ãîñïîäü speaks: In the Êàëè-south I ïîêèíó Ãîëîêó and for rescue of the people of the world shall become perfect, èãðèâûì Ãîñïîäîì Ãàóðàíãîé. 42 ÂÀÐÀÕÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÀÕÀÌ ÝÂÀ ÄÂÈÄÆÀ-ØÐÅØÒÕÎ POUR - ÏÐÀ×ÓÐÉÀ-ÂÈÃÐÀÕÀÕ ÁÕÀÃÀÂÀÄ-ÁÕÀÊÒÀ-ÐÓÏÅÍÀ ËÎÊÀÍ ÐÀÊØÀÌÈ ÑÀÐÂÀÄÀ In Âàðàõà Ïóðàíå Ãîñïîäü speaks: I shall become áðàõìàíîì, devoted of the God. Ïðîâîäÿ set of joyful games, I shall release(exempt) the people of the world. 43 ÂÀÌÀÍÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÊÀËÈ-ÃÕÎÐÀ-ÒÀÌÀÑ-×ÕÀÍÍÀÒ ÑÀÐÂÀÍ À×ÀÐÀ-ÂÀÐÄÆÈÒÀÍ ØÀ×È-ÃÀÐÁÕÅ ×À ÑÀÌÁÕÓÉÀ ÒÀÐÀÉÈØÉÀÌÈ ÍÀÐÀÄÀ In Âàìàíà Ïóðàíå Ãîñïîäü speaks: About Íàðàäà, ðîäÿñü from a bosom Øà÷èäåâè I of the ladies ãðåøíèêàì clearing from captivities êðîìåøíîãî of a gloom Êàëè-þãè. 44 ÓÏÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÀÕÀÌ ÝÂÀ ÊÂÀ×ÈÄ ÁÐÀÕÌÀÍ ÑÀÍÍÉÀÑÀØÐÈÒÀÌ ÀØÐÈÒÀÕ ÕÀÐÈ-ÁÕÀÊÒÈÌ ÃÐÀÕÀÉÀÌÈ ÊÀËÀÓ the DADDY - ÕÀÒÀÍ ÍÀÐÀÍ In Óïàïóðàíàõ Ãîñïîäü speaks: About expert áðàõìàí, sometimes I accept renunciation of the world to inspire the people on devoted service to the God. 45 ÂÀÉÓ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÏÀÓÐÍÀÌÀÑÉÀÌ ÏÕÀËÃÓÍÀÑÉÀ ÏÕÀËÃÓÍÈ-ÐÈÊØÀ-ÉÎÃÀÒÀÕ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÅ ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÐÓÏÅÍÀ ØÀ×È-ÃÀÐÁÕÅ ÏÓÐÀÍÄÀÐÀÒ In Âàþ Ïóðàíå Ãîñïîäü speaks: Per one month Ïõàëãóíà, when the star ïõàëãóíè coincides with a full moon, I shall be in the golden form at Äæàãàííàòõè Ìèøðû and Øà÷èäåâè. 46 TO ÑÂÀÐÍÀÄÈ-SHOOTING GALLERIES ÀÑÒÕÀÉÀ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ ÄÆÀÍÀØÐÀÉÅ ÒÀÒÐÀ ÄÂÈÄÆÀ-ÊÓËÀÌ ÏÐÀÏÒÎ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ÄÆÀÍÀËÀÉÅ I shall be ðîæäåí in áðàõìàíè÷åñêîé to family in Íàâàäâèïå on a coast Ãàíãè. 47 ÁÕÀÊÒÈ-ÉÎÃÀ-ÏÐÀÄÀÍÀÉÀ ËÎÊÀÑÉÀÍÓÃÐÀÕÀÉÀ ×À ÑÀÍÍÉÀÑÀ-ÐÓÏÀÌ ÀÑÒÕÀÉÀ ÊÐÈØÍÀ-×ÀÉÒÀÍÉÀ-ÍÀÌÀ-ÄÕÐÈÊ I shall take part ñàííüÿñó to show ìèëîñòü to the people Êàëè-þãè, having borrowed(occupied) their devoted service. Then me will call Øðè Êðèøíà ×àéòàíüÿ. 48 ÉÅÍÀ ËÎÊÀÑÉÀ ÍÈÑÒÀÐÀÑ ÒÀÒ ÊÓÐÓÄÕÂÀÌ ÌÀÌÀÃÉÀÉÀ ÄÕÀÐÈÒÐÈ ÁÕÀÂÈÒÀ ×ÀÁÕÈÐ ÌÀÉÀÈÂÀ ÄÂÈÄÆÀ-ÄÅÕÈÍÀ All. Please, release the people of the world under my instruction(indication). In The image áðàõìàíà I shall relieve the Earth of fear. 49 ÂÈØÍÓ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÍÈÕÑÂÀÄÕÉÀÉÀ-ÂÀØÀÒ-ÊÀÐÎ ÑÂÀÄÕÀ-ÑÂÀÕÀ-ÂÈÂÀÐ ÄÆÈÒÅ ÒÀÒÀÕ ÏÐÀÂÈÐ ÀÑÀÓ ÂÈÏÐÀÕ ÊÂÀ×ÈË ËÎÊÅ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÒÈ In Âèøíó Ïóðàíå is spoken: The Supreme Person of the God will be as áðàõìàí, when in the world ïîçàáóäóò Âåäû and will cease to carry out(spend) îáðÿäû with recurrence ìàíòð âàøàò-êàðà, ñâàäõà and matchmaker. 50 ÀÍÀÍÒÀ-ÑÀÌÕÈÒÀÉÀÌ TO ÑÂÀÐÍÀÄÈ-SHOOTING GALLERIES ÀØÐÈÒÉÀ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ ÄÂÈÄÆÀËÀÉÅ ÑÀÌÏÐÀÄÀÒÓÌ ÁÕÀÊÒÈ-ÉÎÃÀÌ ËÎÊÀÑÉÀÍÓÃÐÀÕÀÉÀ ×À In Àíàíòà-ñàìõèòå is spoken: Âñåâûøíèé the Master will appear in the house áðàõìàíà on a coast Ãàíãè in Íàâàäâèïå to give ìèëîñòü to the people as devoted service. 51 ÑÀ ÝÂÀ ÁÕÀÃÀÂÀÍ ÊÐÈØÍÎ ÐÀÄÕÈÊÀ-ÏÐÀÍÀ-ÂÀËËÀÁÕÀÕ ÑÐÈØÒÉ-ÀÄÀÓ ÑÀ ÄÆÀÃÀÍÍÀÒÕÎ ÃÀÓÐÀ ÀÑÈÍ ÌÀÕÅØÂÀÐÈ About Ìàõåøâàðè, Itself Êðèøíà, Maximum person, the life Ðàäõàðàíè, Âëàäûêà installed in its(her) creation, maintenance and destruction, will be as Ãàóðà. 52 ÀÂÀÒÈÐÍÎ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ÊÀËÀÓ ÍÈÄÆÀ-ÃÀÍÀÈÕ ÑÀÕÀ ØÀ×È-ÃÀÐÁÕÅ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ ÑÂÀÐÄÕÓÍÈ-ÏÀÐÈÂÀÐÈÒÅ In the Êàëè-south I with The companions íèçîéäó on the Earth. I shall take part birth from a bosom Øà÷èäåâè in Íàâàäâèïå, surrounded Ãàíãîé. 53 and 54 ÀÏÐÀÊÀØÉÀÌ ÈÄÀÌ ÃÓÕÉÀÌ ON ÏÐÀÊÀØÉÀÌ ÁÀÕÈÐ ÌÓÊÕÅ ÁÕÀÊÒÀÂÀÒÀÐÀÌ ÁÕÀÊÒÀÊÕÉÀÌ ÁÕÀÊÒÀÌ ÁÕÀÊÒÈ-ÏÐÀÄÀÌ ÑÂÀÉÀÌ ÌÀÍ-ÌÀÉÀ-ÌÎÕÈÒÀÕ ÊÅ×ÈÍ ON ÃÉÀÑÉÀÍÒÈ ÁÀÕÈÐ-ÌÓÊÕÀÕ ÃÉÀÑÉÀÍÒÈ ÌÀÄ-ÁÕÀÊÒÈ-ÉÓÊÒÀÕ ÑÀÄÕÀÂÎ ÍÉÀÑÈÍÎ ÌÀËÀÕ Ñáèòûå with sense by my illusion will not understand great secret of my occurrence in this world in my personal form, form of an embodiment devoted, form carrying a name devoted, form devoted, and form giving devoted service. This form will comprehend only pure(clean), sacred, îòðå÷åííûå devoted, engaged by service to me. The notes: this verse similar to a verse from ×àéòàíüÿ-÷àðèòàìðèòû, Àäè 1.14, Describes Ïàí÷à-òàòòâó. 55 ÊÐÈØÍÀÂÀÒÀÐÀ-ÊÀËÅ ÉÀÕ ÑÒÐÈÉÎ ÉÅ ÏÓÐÓØÀÕ ÏÐÈÉÀÕ ÊÀËÀÓ THOSE ÂÀÒÀÐÈØÉÀÍÒÈ ØÐÈÄÀÌÀ-ÑÓÁÀËÀÄÀÉÀÕ My expensive(dear) friends and girlfriend led by Øðèäàìîé and Subscarlet, ïðèõîäèâøèå during my arrival as the Sirs Êðèøíû, again will come in the Êàëè-south. 56 ×ÀÒÓÕ-ØÀØÒÈ-ÌÀÕÀÍÒÀÑ THOSE ÃÎÏÀ ÄÂÀÄÀØÀ ÁÀËÀÊÀÕ ÄÕÀÐÌÀ-ÑÀÌÑÒÕÀÏÀÍÀÐÒÕÀÉÀ ÂÈÕÀÐÈØÉÀÌÈ ÒÀÈÐ ÀÕÀÌ Ãîïû become 64-ìÿ ìàõàíòàìè and twelve ãîïàëàìè. I shall enjoy with them set of games to revive religion. 57 ÊÀËÅ ÍÀØÒÀÌ ÁÕÀÊÒÈ-ÏÀÒÕÀÌ ÑÒÕÀÏÀÉÈØÉÀÌÉ ÀÕÀÌ ÏÓÍÀÕ ÃÀ××ÕÀÍÒÓ ÁÕÓÂÈ THOSE ÏÓÒÐÀÕ ÄÆÀÉÀÍÒÀÌ ÁÕÀÊÒÀ-ÐÓÏÈÍÀÕ ÄÕÀÐÌÀ-ÑÀÌÑÒÕÀÏÀÍÀÌ ÊÀËÅ ÊÓÐÂÀÍÒÓ THOSE ÌÀÌÀÃÉÀÉÀ So I shall restore a way of devoted service deformed with current of time. My sons also should reach on the Earth as devoted, and under my instruction(indication) to help me to revive principles of true religion. 58 ÊÐÈØÍÀØ ×ÀÉÒÀÍÉÀ-ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÎ ÃÀÓÐÀ×ÀÍÄÐÀÕ ØÀ×È-ÑÓÒÀÕ ÏÐÀÁÕÓÐ ÃÀÓÐÎ ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÕÀÐÈÐ ÍÀÌÀÍÈ ÁÕÀÊÒÈ-ÄÀÍÈ ÌÅ Then me will call so: Êðèøíà ×àéòàíüÿ, Ãàóðàíãà, Ãàóðà÷àíäðà, Øà÷èñóòà, Ìàõàïðàáõó, Ãàóðà and Ãàóðàõàðè. The recurrence of these names will present with fidelity to me. 59 ÍÀÐÀÉÀÍÀ-ÑÀÌÕÈÒÀÉÀÌ ÄÂÀÏÀÐÈÉÀÈÐ ÄÆÀÍÀÈÐ ÂÈØÍÓÕ ÏÀÍ×ÀÐÀÒÐÀÈÑ THAT ÊÅÂÀËÀÈÕ ÊÀËÀÓ THAT ÍÀÌÀ-ÌÀÒÐÅÍÀ ÏÓÄÆÉÀÒÅ ÁÕÀÃÀÂÀÍ ÕÀÐÈÕ In Íàðàÿíà-ñàìõèòå is spoken: In the Äâàïàðà-south devoted Âèøíó and Êðèøíû made devoted service on ïàí÷àðàòðèêå. But this century Êàëè Ãîñïîäó worship, repeating His(its) names. 60 ÒÀÍÒÐÅ ÝÂÀÌ ÀÍÃÀ ÂÈÄÕÈÌ ÊÐÈÒÂÀ ÌÀÍÒÐÈ ÄÕÉÀÉÅÄ ÉÀÒÕÀ×ÉÓÒÀÌ ÊÀËÀÉÀ-ÊÓÑÓÌÀ-ØÉÀÌÀÌ ÄÐÓÒÀ-ÕÅÌÀ-ÍÈÁÕÀÌ THAT ÂÀ In Òàíòðàõ is spoken: Dear friend, man following rules ïèñàíèé, should meditate on the infallible Sirs in two shapes: dark, as öâåòîê êàëàÿ, and light, as ðàñïëàâëåííîå gold. 61 ÓÐÄÕÂÀÌÍÀÉÀ-ÒÀÍÒÐÅ ÑÀÍÄÕÀÓ ÊÐÈØÍÎ ÂÈÁÕÓÕ ÏÀØ×ÀÄ ÄÅÂÀÊÉÀÌ ÂÀÑÓÄÅÂÀÒÀÕ ÊÀËÀÓ ÏÓÐÀÍÄÀÐÀÒ ØÀ×ÉÀÌ ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÐÓÏÎ ÂÈÁÕÓÕ ÑÌÐÈÒÀÕ In Óðäõâàìíàéà-òàíòðå Ãîñïîäü speaks: In ñàíäõüþ in the end Äâàïàðà-þãè I was as Ãîñïîäü Êðèøíà, son Âàñóäåâû and Äåâàêè. In the Êàëè-south I shall come as golden Ãîñïîäü ×àéòàíüÿ, son Äæàãàííàòõè Ìèøðû and Øà÷èäåâè. 62 ÀÂÀÒÀÐÀÌ by HIM(IT) ÊÐÈÒÂÀ ÄÆÈÂÀ-ÍÈÑÒÀÐÀ-ÕÅÒÓÍÀ ÊÀËÀÓ ÌÀÉÀÏÓÐÈÌ ÃÀÒÂÀ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ØÀ×È-ÑÓÒÀÕ To release(exempt) the caused souls Êàëè-þãè I shall come in Ìàÿïóð and I shall become the son Øà÷èäåâè. 63 ÊÀÏÈËÀ-ÒÀÍÒÐÅ ÊÂÀ×ÈÒ ÑÀÏÈ ÊÐÈØÍÀÌ ÀÕÀ ØÐÈÍÓ ÌÀÄ-ÂÀ×ÀÍÀÌ ÏÐÈÉÀ ÁÕÀÂÀÒÀ ×À ÑÀÕÀÈÊÀÒÌÉÀÌ È××ÕÀÌÈ ÁÕÀÂÈÒÓÌ ÏÐÀÁÕÎ In Êàïèëà-òàíòðå is spoken: Ðàäõà has told Êðèøíå: beloved, listen to me. I want to become uniform with you. 64 and 65 THE MUM ÁÕÀÂÀÍÂÈÒÐÀÌ ÐÓÏÀÌ ÕÐÈÄÀÉÀÕËÀÄÀ-ÊÀÐÀÍÀÌ ÏÀÐÀÑÏÀÐÀÍÃÀ-ÌÀÄÕÉÀ-ÑÒÕÀÌ ÊÐÈÄÀ-ÊÀÓÒÓÊÀ-ÌÀÍÃÀËÀÌ ÏÀÐÀÑÏÀÐÀ-ÑÂÀÁÕÀÂÀÄÕÉÀÌ ÐÓÏÀÌ ÝÊÀÌ ÏÐÀÄÀÐØÀÉÀ ØÐÓÒÂÀ THAT ÏÐÅÉÀÑÈ-ÂÀÊÉÀÌ ÏÀÐÀÌÀ-ÏÐÈÒÈ-ÑÓ×ÀÊÀÌ Please, show me the form, in which we shall merge in embrace, form executed by my love to you, form participating in áëàæåííûõ games, form bearing(carrying) óñëàäó to heart and uniting my and your nature. Listening love, joyful words Beloved... 66 ÑÂÅ××ÕÀÉÀÑÈÄ ÉÀÒÕÀ ÏÓÐÂÀÌ ÓÒÑÀÕÅÍÀ ÄÆÀÃÀÄ-ÃÓÐÓÕ ÏÐÅÌÀËÈÍÃÀÍÀ-ÉÎÃÅÍÀ ÕÉ À×ÈÍÒÉÀ-ØÀÊÒÈ-ÉÎÃÀÒÀÕ ... Ãîñïîäü Êðèøíà with hot feeling has embraced Her(it). From it, due to incomprehensible energy... 67 ÐÀÄÕÀ-ÁÕÀÂÀ-ÊÀÍÒÈ-ÞÊÒÀÌ ÌÓÐÒÈÌ ÝÊÀÌ ÏÐÀÊÀØÀÉÀÍ ÑÂÀÏÍÅ THAT ÄÀÐØÀÉÀÌ ÀÑÀ ÐÀÄÕÈÊÀÉÀÈ ÑÂÀÉÀÌ ÏÐÀÁÕÓÕ ... Their bodies have merged in the uniform magnificent form in mood of divine love Ðàäõè. All this Êðèøíà has shown to it(her) in dream. 68 ÊÐÈØÍÀ-ÉÀÌÀËÅ ÀÕÀÌ ÏÓÐÍÎ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ÉÓÃÀ-ÑÀÍÄÕÀÓ ÂÈØÅØÀÒÀÕ ÌÀÉÀÏÓÐÅ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ ÂÀÐÀÌ ÝÊÀÌ ØÀ×È-ÑÓÒÀÕ In Êðèøíà-ÿìàëå Ãîñïîäü speaks: In first ñàíäõüþ Êàëè-þãè I íèçîéäó with ýíåðãèÿìè and glory in Ìàÿïóð, Íàâàäâèïó, also shall become the son Øà÷èäåâè. 69 ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-ÉÀÌÀËÀ ÀÒÕÀÂÀÕÀÌ ÄÕÀÐÀ-ÄÕÀÌÍÈ ÁÕÓÒÂÀ ÌÀÄ-ÁÕÀÊÒÀ-ÐÓÏÀ-ÄÕÐÈÊ ÌÀÉÀÉÀÌ ×À ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ÊÀËÀÓ ÑÀÍÊÈÐÒÀÍÀÃÀÌÅ In Áðàõìà-ÿìàëå Ãîñïîäü speaks: Sometimes I personally come on the Earth in attires devoted. As the son Øà÷è I come in the Êàëè-south to begin Movement ñàíêèðòàíû. 70 ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-ÉÀÌÀËÅ ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÀÌ ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÄÈÏÒÀÍÃÀÌ ÏÀÒÕÅÒ ÑÒÎÒÐÀÌ ÊÐÈÒÀÍ ÄÆÀËÈÕ ÍÀÍÄÀ-ÃÎÏÀ-ÑÓÒÀÌ ×ÀÈÂÀ ÍÀÌÀÑÉÀÌÈ ÃÀÄÀÃÐÀÄÆÀÌ In Áðàõìà-ÿìàëå is spoken: With the combined palms it is necessary to read the following pray in glory the Sirs Ãàóðàíãè, whose êîíå÷íîñòè of colour ðàñïëàâëåííîãî of gold: I am declined before the son Íàíäû, senior brother Ãàäû. 71 ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-ÉÀÌÀËÅ ÊÀËÀÓ ÏÐÀÒÕÀÌÀ-ÑÀÍÄÕÉÀÉÀÌ ÕÀÐÈ-ÍÀÌÀ-ÏÐÀÄÀÉÀÊÀÕ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÒÈ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ ØÀ×È-ÃÀÐÁÕÅ ÄÆÀÍÀÐÄÀÍÀÕ In Áðàõìà-ÿìàëå is spoken: In first ñàíäõüþ Êàëè-þãè Ãîñïîäü Êðèøíà will be in Íàâàäâèïå from a bosom Øà÷èäåâè. In this embodiment it(he) will learn(teach) the people to repeat sacred names of the God. 72 ÄÆÈÂÀ-ÍÈÑÒÀÐÀÍÀÐÒÕÀÉÀ ÍÀÌÀ-ÂÈÑÒÀÐÀÍÀÉÀ ×À ÉÎ ÕÈ ÊÐÈØÍÀÕ ÑÀ ×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÎ ÌÀÍÀÑÀ ÁÕÀÒÈ ÑÀÐÂÀÄÀ So for the sermon of glory of sacred names and clearing of the caused souls Ãîñïîäü Êðèøíà will appear as Ãîñïîäü ×àéòàíüÿ. 73 ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-ÉÀÌÀËÅ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÌÈ ×À ×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀÕ ÊÀËÀÓ ÑÀÍÊÈÐÒÀÍÀÃÀÌÅ ÕÀÐÈ-ÍÀÌÀ-ÏÐÀÄÀÍÅÍÀ ËÎÊÀÍ ÍÈÑÒÀÐÀÉÀÌÉ ÀÕÀÌ In Áðàõìà-ÿìàëå Ãîñïîäü speaks: In the Êàëè-south I shall come as Ãîñïîäü ×àèòàíüÿ to begin Movement ñàíêèðòàíû. Having given the people process of recurrence of names the Sirs Õàðè, I shall bring by him(it) clearing. 74 ÂÈØÂÀÑÀÐÀ-ÒÀÍÒÐÅ ÃÀÍÃÀÉÀÕ ÄÀÊØÈÍÅ ÁÕÀÃÅ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ ÌÀÍÎÐÀÌÅ ÊÀËÈ-ÏÀÏÀ-ÂÈÍÀØÀÉÀ ØÀ×È-ÃÀÐÁÕÅ ÑÀÍÀÒÀÍÈ In Âèøâàñàðà Òàíòðå Ãîñïîäü speaks: About the eternal goddess to wash off sins Êàëè-þãè, I shall take part birth from a bosom Øà÷èäåâè on a southern coast Ãàíãè in perfect Íàâàäâèïå. 75 ÄÆÀÍÈØÉÀÒÈ ÏÐÈÉÅ ÌÈØÐÀ- ÏÓÐÀÍÄÀÐÀ-ÃÐÈÕÅ ÑÂÀÉÀÌ ÏÕÀËÃÓÍÅ ÏÀÓÐÍÀÌÀÑÉÀÌ ×À ÍÈØÀÉÀÌ ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÂÈÃÐÀÕÀÕ About Beloved, in a full moon of month Ïõàëãóíà I shall be in the golden form in the house Äæàãàííàòõè Ìèøðû. 76 ÊÀÏÈËÀ-ÒÀÍÒÐÅ ÄÆÀÌÁÓÄÂÈÏÅ ÊÀËÀÓ ÃÕÎÐÅ ÌÀÉÀÏÓÐÅ ÄÂÈÄÆÀËÀÉÅ ÄÆÀÍÈÒÂÀ ÏÀÐØÀÄÀÈÕ ÑÀÐÄÕÀÌ ÊÈÐÒÀÍÀÌ ÏÐÀÊÀÒÈØÉÀÒÈ In Êàïèëà Òàíòðå Ãîñïîäü speaks: I shall take part in the awful Êàëè-south birth on the Earth in the house áðàõìàíà in Ìàÿïóðå. In support of The companions I shall begin Movement ñàíêèðòàíû. 77 ÊÓËÀÐÍÀÂÀ-ÒÀÍÒÐÅ ÒÀÒÀÕ ÊÀËÅ ×À ÑÀÌÏÐÀÏÒÅ ÊÀËÀÓ TO ÏÈ ÌÀÕÀ-ÍÈÄÕÈÕ ÕÀÐÈ-ÍÀÌÀ-ÏÐÀÊÀØÀÉÀ ÃÀÍÃÀ-HYPHEN ÄÆÀÍÈØÉÀÒÈ In Êóëàðíàâà Òàíòðå is spoken: In the Êàëè-south the Supreme Person of the God, great treasury òðàíñöåíäåíòíîé of glory, ðîäèòñÿ at coast Ãàíãè to learn(teach) to recurrence of names of the God. 78 ÄÆÀÈÌÈÍÈ-ÁÕÀÐÀÒÅ ÁÕÀÊÒÈ-ÉÎÃÀ-ÏÐÀÊÀØÀÉÀ ËÎÊÀÑÉÀÍÓÃÐÀÕÀÉÀ ×À ÑÀÍÍÉÀÑÀØÐÀÌÀÌ ÀØÐÈÒÉÀ ÊÐÈØÍÀ-×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀ-ÐÓÏÀ-ÄÕÐÈÊ In Äæàéìèíè-áõàðàòå is spoken: ßâèòü ìèëîñòü to the people, training their science of devoted service, Ãîñïîäü will come on the Earth. It(he) will accept ñàííüÿñà-àøðàì and His(its) name becomes Øðè Êðèøíà ×àéòàíüÿ. 79 ÀÍÀÍÒÀ-ÑÀÌÕÈÒÀÉÀÌ ÃÀÓÐÈ ØÐÈ-ÐÀÄÕÈÊÀ ÄÅÂÈ ÕÀÐÈÕ ÊÐÈØÍÀÕ ÏÐÀÊÈÐÒÈÒÀÕ ÝÊÀÒÂÀ× ×À ÒÀÉÎÕ ÑÀÊØÀÄ ÈÒÈ ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÕÀÐÈÌ ÂÈÄÓÕ In Àíàíòà-ñàìõèòå is spoken: The perfect goddess Ðàäõó call Ãàóðè, and Sirs Êðèøíó - Õàðè. The wise men, knowing, that they were united in one form Øðè ×àéòàíüè, name It(him) Ãàóðàõàðè. 80 ÀÍÀÍÒÀ-ÑÀÌÕÈÒÀÉÀÌ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ ×À ÑÀ ÊÐÈØÍÀ ÀÄÀÉÀ ÕÐÈÄÀÉÅ ÑÂÀÉÀÌ ÃÀÄÆÅÍÄÐÀ-ÃÀÌÀÍÀÌ ÐÀÄÕÀÌ GARDEN ÐÀÌÀÉÀÒÅ ÌÓÄÀ In Àíàíòà-ñàìõèòå is spoken: Ãîñïîäü Êðèøíà will be in Íàâàäâèïå. Ãîñïîäü Êðèøíà will please Ðàäõó again and again, having taken Her(it), graceful, in The heart. 81 ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ THAT ÒÀÕ ÑÀÊÕÉÎ ÁÕÀÊÒÀ-ÐÓÏÀ-ÄÕÀÐÀÕ ÏÐÈÉÅ ÝÊÀÍÃÀÌ ØÐÈ-ÃÀÓÐÀ-ÕÀÐÈÌ ÑÅÂÀÍÒÅ ÑÀÒÀÒÀÌ ÌÓÄÀ About Beloved, having accepted shape devoted, ãîïè also ðîäÿòñÿ in Íàâàäâèïå. Testing huge happiness, they will serve continuously Ãàóðàõàðè, joint form Ðàäõè and Êðèøíû. 82 ÉÀ ÝÂÀ ÐÀÄÕÈÊÀ-ÊÐÈØÍÀÕ ÑÀ ÝÂÀ ÃÀÓÐÀ -ÂÈÃÐÀÕÀÕ ÉÀ× ×À ÂÐÈÍÄÀÂÀÍÀÌ ÄÅÂÈ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÀÌ ×À ÒÀÒ ØÓÁÕÀÌ About the goddess, Ðàäõà and Êðèøíà will incorporate in one golden form, and Âðèíäàâàíà becomes perfect Íàâàäâèïîé. 83 and 84 ÂÐÈÍÄÀÂÀÍÅ ÍÀÂÀÄÂÈÏÅ ÁÕÅÄÀ-ÁÓÄÄÕÈØ ×À ÉÎ ÍÀÐÀÕ THERE ÝÂÀ ÐÀÄÕÈÊÀ-ÊÐÈØÍÅ ØÐÈ-ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÅ ÏÀÐÀÒÌÀÍÈ ÌÀ×-×ÕÓËÀ-ÏÀÒÀ-ÍÈÐÁÕÈÍÍÀ- ÄÅÕÀÕ WITH ÏÈ ÍÀÐÀÄÕÀÌÀÕ ÏÀ×ÉÀÒÅ ÍÀÐÀÊÅ ÃÕÎÐÅ ÉÀÂÀÄ ÀÕÓÒÀ-ÑÀÌÏËÀÂÀÌ I shall kill by a trident anyone, who thinks, that Âðèíäàâàíà and Íàâàäâèïà are excellent(different), that are excellent(different) Ðàäõà-Êðèøíà and Ãàóðàíãà, or, that Ãàóðàíãà - not the Supreme God! To think so can only most äåãðàäèðîâàâøèå the people. They should burn in a terrible hell before flooding installed. 85 ÊÐÈØÍÀ-ÉÀÌÀËÅ ÈÒÈ ÌÀÒÂÀ ÊÐÈÏÀ-ÑÈÍÄÕÓÐ ÀÌØÅÍÀ ÊÐÈÏÀÉÀ ÕÀÐÈÕ ÏÐÀÑÀÍÍÎ ÁÕÀÊÒÀ-ÐÓÏÅÍÀ ÊÀËÀ ÀÂÀÒÀÐÈØÉÀÒÈ In Êðèøíà-ÿìàëå is spoken: With such ideas Ãîñïîäü Êðèøíà, the ocean ìèëîñòè, has decided(solved) to reach as devoted in the Êàëè-south. 86 ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÎ ÍÀÄÀ-ÃÀÌÁÕÈÐÀÕ ÑÂÀ-ÍÀÌÀÌÐÈÒÀ-ËÀËÀÑÀÕ ÄÀÉÀËÓÕ ÊÈÐÒÀÍÀ-ÃÐÀÕÈ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÒÈ ØÀ×È-ÑÓÒÀÕ It(him) êîíå÷íîñòè will be çîëîòèñòû, and the vote is deep. It(he) will be very mercy. It(he) will be aspires constantly to feel íåêòàð of The sacred names, continuously repeating them. It(he) will be very much adhered to this process. It(he) becomes the son Øà÷èäåâè. 87 ÌÀÒÂÀ ÒÀÍ-ÌÀÉÀÌ ÀÒÌÀÍÀÌ ÏÀÒÕÀÍ ÄÂÉ-ÀÊØÀÐÀÌ Ó××ÀÊÀÈÕ ÃÀÒÀ-ÒÐÀÏÎ ÌÀÄÎÍÌÀÒÒÀ ÃÀÄÆÀÂÀÒ ÂÈÕÀÐÈØÉÀÒÈ Loudly repeating The two-complex(two-difficult) sacred names, Ãîñïîäü the elephant will enjoy by games, as îïüÿíåííûé, not paying attention to public reserves. 88 ÁÕÓÂÀÌ ÏÐÀÏÒÅ THAT ÃÎÂÈÍÄÅ ×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀÊÕÉÀ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÒÈ ÀÌØÅÍÀ ÒÀÒÐÀ ÉÀÑÉÀÍÒÈ ÒÀÒÐÀ ÒÀÒ-ÏÓÐÂÀ-ÏÀÐØÀÄÀÕ ÏÐÈÒÕÀÊ ÏÐÈÒÕÀÍ ÍÀÌÀÄÕÅÉÀÕ ÏÐÀÉÀÕ ÏÓÐÓØÀ-ÌÓÐÒÀÉÀÕ So Ãîñïîäü Êðèøíà will receive a name ×àéòàíüÿ. His(its) eternal companions too will come in this world under different names. Basically, they will be the men. 89 ÂÈØÍÓ-ÉÀÌÀËÅ ÊÐÈØÍÀ-×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÀ-ÍÀÌÍÀ ÉÅ ÊÈÐÒÀÉÀÍÒÈ ÑÀÊÐÈÍ ÍÀÐÀÕ ÍÀÍÀÏÀÐÀÄÕÀ-ÌÓÊÒÀÑ THOSE ÏÓÍÀÍÒÈ ÑÀÊÀËÀÌ ÄÆÀÃÀÒ In Âèøíó-ÿìàëå is spoken: The one who will make a name Êðèøíû ×àéòàíüè will be released îòî of all insults and will clear all worlds. 90 ÄÆÀÈÌÈÍÈ-ÁÕÀÐÀÒÅ ÀÍÉÀÂÀÒÀÐÀ ÁÀÕÀÂÀÕ ÑÀÐÂÅ ÑÀÄÕÀÐÀÍÀ ÌÀÒÀÕ ÊÀËÀÓ ÊÐÈØÍÀÂÀÒÀÐÀÑ THAT ÃÓÄÕÀÕ ÑÀÍÍÉÀÑÀ-ÂÅØÀ-ÄÕÐÈÊ In Äæàéìèíè-áõàðàòå is spoken: Ãîñïîäü Êðèøíà comes in this world under different names. However in the Êàëè-south His(its) embodiment carries the latent character. It(he) will appear as ñàííüÿñè. 91 ÁÐÀÕÌÀ-ÐÀÕÀÑÉÅ ÊÐÈØÍÀ-×ÀÈÒÀÍÉÅÒÈ ÍÀÌÀ ÌÓÊÕÉÀÍ ÌÓÊÕÉÀÒÀÌÀÌ ÏÐÀÁÕÎÕ ÕÅËÀÉÀ ÑÀÊÐÈÄ Ó××ÀÐÉÀ ÑÀÐÂÀ-ÍÀÌÀ-ÏÕÀËÀÌ ËÀÁÕÅÒ In Áðàõìà-ðàõàñüå is spoken: Name Êðèøíû ×àéòàíüè - íàèâàæíåéøåå from names the Sirs. Having repeated this name even of time, the man receives fruits of recurrence of all other sacred names. 92 ÉÎÃÀ-ÂÀØÈØÒÕÅ ÊÀËÅÕ ÏÐÀÒÕÀÌÀ-ÑÀÍÄÕÉÀÉÀÌ ÃÀÓÐÀÍÃÎ ÑÀÓ ÌÀÕÈ-ÒÀËÅ ÁÕÀÃÈÐÀÒÕÈ-ÒÀÒÅ ÐÀÌÉÅ ÁÕÀÂÈØÉÀÒÈ ÑÀÍÀÒÀÍÀÕ In Éîãà-âàøèøòõå is spoken: In first ñàíäõüþ Êàëè-þãè Âñåâûøíèé will be in the golden form on the Earth on a perfect coast Ãàíãè. 93 ÂÈØÍÓ-ÑÀÕÀÑÐÀ-ÍÀÌÀ-ÑÒÎÒÐÅ ÑÓÂÀÐÍÀ-ÂÀÐÍÎ ÕÅÌÀÍÃÎ ÂÀÐÀÍÃÀØ ×ÀÍÄÀÍÀÍÃÀÄÈ ÑÀÍÍÉÀÑÀ-ÊÐÈ× ×ÕÀÌÀÕ ØÀÍÒÎ ÍÈØÒÕÀ-ØÀÍÒÈ-ÏÀÐÀÉÀÍÀÕ In Âèøíó-ñàõàñðà-íàìà-ñòîòðå is spoken: In early games it(he) - äîìîõîçÿèí of golden colour. It(him) êîíå÷íîñòè are perfect, and the body, óìàùåííîå ñàíäàëîâîé by paste, seems ðàñïëàâëåííûì by gold. In late games it(he) - ñàííüÿñè, counterbalanced and óìèðîòâîðåííûé. It(he) - îáèòåëü of the world and fidelity, as breaks arguments èìïåðñîíàëèñòîâ. 94 ÑÊÀÍÄÀ-ÏÓÐÀÍÅ ÀÍÒÀÕ ÊÐÈØÍÎ ÁÀÕÈÐ ÃÀÓÐÀÕ ÑÀÍÃÎÏÀÍÃÀÑÒÐÀ-ÏÀÐØÀÄÀÌ ØÀ×È-ÃÀÐÁÕÅ ÑÀÌÀÏÍÓÉÀÌ ÌÀÉÀ-ÌÀÍÓØÀ-ÊÀÐÌÀ-ÊÐÈÒ In Ñêàíäà Ïóðàíå ãîñïîäü speaks: Ñâåòëîêîæèé, but inside Êðèøíà, I shall take part birth from a bosom Øà÷èäåâè. Accompanied by The companions, servants and weapon, I shall play a role of the usual man. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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