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Srila Narottama das Thakur Mahasaya

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Dear Devotees,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!


Hare Krishna! My name is Sudevi dasi, I am currently an Honours student at the University of Western Australia. Rather than writing my thesis on mundane subject matters, I want to write my thesis on the life and works of Srila Narottama das Thakur Mahasaya. I was wondering if any of you out there would be able to point me to resources, and people I can talk to about learning about about Thakura Mahasaya, his life, his precepts, his disciples, his books, his descendents [if any] and any other information you think might be useful. Also, I'd like to know more about his influence in the various areas in India, such as Orissa... I am looking forward to an encouraging and informative discusstion. Thank you so much! i remain,


Your humble servant

Sudevi dasi


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Dear Sudevi,


The best starting point is a Bengali doctoral dissertation...


NOw I just went searching through my library and I found my photocopied version of the thesis, which was published by the University of Calcutta around 20-25 years ago, but it is incomplete and I don't have the title page! A great help I am. You might be able to find a reference in one of David Haberman's books.


Anyway. I think that what would be interesting to look into for the second generation leaders of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, is their involvement in the spreading of lila kirtan. In the Gaudiya Math, one often hears that Mahaprabhu discussed intimate topics of Radha-Krishna lila in private, while speaking on the Holy Name and other, more general matters amongst the wider public. Yet it is my impression that Narottam, etc., deliberately used lila kirtan to attract people into the fold.


I have the impression that this might be be a difficult topic to research, but it would be very fruitful. Donna Wulff is, as far as I know, the Western scholar with the greatest knowledge of lila kirtan. So if you are at all musical, I suggest you check this topic out.


Good luck,


Your servant,


Jagadananda Das.



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Dear prabhus,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to SRi SRi Guru and Gauranga!


Hare KRishna! Thank you for the advice. I will definitely try to follow your leads and see where that takes me. I've been on Google, but it doesn't seem to have that many links on this topic. Anyways, by Srila Thakura Mahasaya's mercy, I will be directed to the right places. Thanks again! Haribol!


Sudevi dasi

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