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Tattva Prakasha - Illuminations of Truth

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We just created an online archive for the back issues of our news letter (Tattva Prakasha) located at:




The following are the topics of the first eight issues:


"Gods, Demigods and Incarnations", (Volume 1, Issue 1) [Also contains the article "Sex in the spiritual world?")

"Siddhis, Riddhis and Mystical Experiences", (Volume 1, Issue 2)


"From Death to Immortality", (Volume 1, Issue 3)


"Incarnation for the Modern Age", (Volume 1, Issue 4)


"Peace, Happiness and the Perplexities of Life", (Volume 1, Issue 5)


"The Ten Subjects of Srimad Bhagavatam", (Volume 1, Issue 6)


"The Vedic Conception of Sound in Four Features", (Volume 1, Issue 7)


"Mahabharata: The Great War and World History", (Volume 1, Issue 8)


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