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Three issues brought up by reading the archives...

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sabrina King

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1) Why is it that those who would aspound to live by the rule of all faiths being equal and going toward the same God...be so incredibly threatened by anyone saying anything contrary to them? I find people who have opinions against my own challenging only in so much as they realign my own beleifs..but I am never threatenend by their presence. I see alot of bickering in these posts...and less dialogue...as if some have a need to be the "right" one...You are all "right" children..you just see the world through different glasses.


2) Whatever happened to the idea of action being superior to intellect? The Gita reitterates this point endlessly..to act without want for effect..but the action being superior to the philosophising..so why is it the entire discussion on this forum which is supposably about spiritual discussion is about qutoing texts..and not practical worhsip? I'd liek to learn more of how you all lvie in the real world..nto what you think about what you read...a book is a book. You are alive...don't any of you ever leave the library? Posted Image


3) Misoginy (spelling) Why is it that one of the central tenants of the Sutras and Vedas is so often quickly explained away by men proclaiming to be Hindu? Do you all need to get laid so badly that you will forsake the more elementary and beautiful lessons of your faith to do so?

I am drawn to Hinduism because it has a strict gender code. And I am a woman. I don't understnad the dismissal of the words of the Sutras just to be "politically correct."


At any rate, I think I shall get back to living in my house, serving my husband...this would seme to me the best way to serve any form of God, as I am.


thank you fo ryour hospitality


sabrina King

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A few quick responses (and I'm not saying I'm above what I say here, because I often fall into the same trap).


1. This is Kali Yuga, the age of quarrel and hypocrisy. The internet gives equal voice to the anti-devotional, devotional, pseudo-devotional, pretend-devotional etc... voices of the world. It levels the playing field. Those who want to discuss contructively will, those who don't won't. Not much we can do except control our own tongue.


2. Its just much easier arguing than actually having a real spiritual life Posted Image There are some who do practice a real sadhana daily, and others who have none but like to appear scholarly on the internet. It kind of goes with point 1 above.


3. With regard to women, I think many people bring with them their own baggage. The Vedic scriptures say many things which may appear contradictory until you realize to whom they are being addressed. So on the one hand we may see quotes that say women are the cause of one's spiritual downfall (perhaps said to a renunciate) and then see another quote saying women are the source of spiritual strength (said to a householder).


Hopefully I sorta, kinda answered your questions Posted Image




[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 08-15-2001).]

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Dear King Sabrina, Please accept my respects.

Why should I leave the library?

1) My taxes help pay for my library to stay open.

2) I plan to leave my body in a library.

Much quieter than Vraj, especially at night.

3) Lower percentage of poisoners per capita in our library population than in our VrndAvan (or New VrndAvan) population.

Action over intellect, yes.

That's why we librarian vegetarians (prasAdam pushers) type KC as well as perform HarinAm Street Sankirtan.

4) A book is a book, but are we really alive?

Night of the Living Dead is going on before our eyes 24/7.

We're thinking, "Hmm. I should do this, I should do that."

Actually we don't know what to do until we read that book.

So in our neophyte condition, who's more alive, Gita or you?

Your reference to misogyny I didn't quite understand. Please specify a bit more.

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I see alot of bickering in these posts...and less dialogue...as if some have a need to be the "right" one...You are all "right" children..you just see the world through different glasses.


OK, daadi amma :-) Hey, you called us children, so I have right to use this word for you.


It is true that you will find quarrels in this forum, but then, it has nothing to do with Hinduism in general. I have found quarrels in all many religious forums. (This is not to justify quarrels but just to say that quarreling in a forum is not surprising, though bad).

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you just see the world through different glasses.


I do not wear glasses. Posted Image


why is it the entire discussion on this forum which is supposably about spiritual discussion is about qutoing texts..and not practical worhsip?


On an Internet forum, we can not know how a person worships in pratice unless he or someone who knows him writes that. But if participants in this forum start filling up the forum by writing how they worship, then that also won't look good. It would seem as if they are glorifying themselves even if that is not their intention. After all, there is one forum here to share spiritual experiences. This forum is for spiritual discussions. So, there is nothing wrong in having discussions here.

It is true that it is better to follow a teaching rather than just quoting it. But, if some people quote a teaching, that does not prove that they do not live by it. It is highly possible that they quote it as well as follow it. It is not possible to do any kind of discussion without quoting sources which are considered to be authentic.


Like Tarun ji, I also did not understand what you are saying about misoginy (the correct spelling is misogyny).

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Just a quick note on the "bickering". Actually these forums are a model of politeness compared to some that have existed on the Internet. Believe me, there are/were "Vaisnava" forums out there that are/were simply awful, with nothing but fighting, complaining, and attacking. Though we might make mistakes here, I think we aren't doing all that bad - mostly because we have a fairly strict moderator.



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Originally posted by jndas:

Sorry for being late. I wasn't able to check the forums lately. If anyone see's something objectionable, please send me an email. jndas@

JNdas prabhu,


You weren't late.You took care of the problem within just a few hours.It's appreciated.A great contrast to another popular forum where great souls are regularly kicked on with impunity.






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Sabrina; just one comment. Not everybody goes to the library to go on line. Many have their own personal computers at home. You seem to be under the impression that most people don't have a life outside the net, but most devote anywhere from 15 minutes a day to a couple of hours reading and posting, judging from the lengths of the average posts. I can assure you that, like most other humans, we all have other activities that include working at jobs, cooking, cleaning, raising children (in some cases), interacting with friends outside the net and other family members, bicycling, mountain climbing. And of course taking the time for private bhajan and meditation.


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