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The Science of Atoms

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It was on 1808 when John Dalton proved

that atoms form clusters of an element

called " Compounds."


A Chemical reaction, for example, bet.

Iron(ferrous atom) and Oxygen form a

compound known as Ferrous oxide, or

RUST, which Dalton has described as an

actor on stage that appears in one act,

disappears, changes costumes and then

shuttle back on stage to play another


Hence, if you search through the ashes

of a fire, you could never find the ac-

tor within the wood, or discover the

rust that manifested on the iron.


Cintamani das, like other atoms say,

melvin108, can be identified as actors

in a chemical change, although a lone

atom, Prabhupad82, can take the place

of another atom say, Abhay101, in a

cluster, or larger clusters divided in-

to smaller ones( one disappears and two

new ones taking its place) that remain

the same as before, even if things have


Atoms such as Cintamani das or melvin108

are therefore actors/actresses who have

never left the stage but continue to ap-

pear in other roles with new groups or



By learning from John Dalton, I don`t

see why an atomic particle like Cintamani

das should be barred from participating

in indiadivine.com`s discussion forums

since the role taken by Cintamani das is

based on scientific facts.


Source: The Book of Knowledge

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I remember Srila Prabhupad in his book,

Journey To Other Planets, that " Life

Comes Life " which left a question mark

on me as to how it should be done. That

is why man invented the electron micro-

scope so that he would be able to see

what`s beyond what the eyes would want

to see.If you say, " You believe in God"

then the skeptic in me would challenge

you to show God before me, otherwise it

would be a waste of time proving to me

that God can be found in the Holy Scrip-

tures, when what the skeptic in me wants

are scientific evidences that God really

does exists. Failure to do so would only

make me more an unbeliever inspite of

the "Blaah--blaaah--blaah."

To see God, alive and animated, is to be-

lieve. Therefore we need material facts

to convince the skeptic in me that God is


Srila Prabhupad knew of his mortality be-

cause he was cloth in a material body,

subject to birth, death, disease, and old

age. Thus, when he died, Srila Prabhupad,

as an atomic particle changed into a new-

ly charged atomic-spark say, from Uranium

235 to Uranium 238 after having been split

by a colliding neutrino bullet fired from

the sky, of which the result released a

tremendous amount of energy equal to or

greater than the atomic blast witnessed

by the world when the Bird from USA, the

Enola Gay, dropped the nuclear bomb in

Hiroshima, Nagasaki on August 6, 1945.

When Srila Prabhupad took his last breath

on Nov. 14, 1977, it was as if an atomic

bomb was dropped from the sky that blas-

ted the ISKCON headquarters located in

Washington, D.C. to smittereens. Why?

Because Srila Prabhupad wasn`t yet ready

to die. Like a child, he wanted first to

ride on the bullock-cart to tour around

the different temples of the Lord located

in Vrndavan, India.

Srila Prabhupad was asking his disciples

to let him observe Parikrama Jaya-sita

(Maharaja Pariksit) together with Loka-

nath Swami. But this was not meant to be

because his disciples refused to grant

Srila Prabhupad his LAST WISH on the re-

commendation of Swamiji`s Kaviraja. At

that instant, it broke Srila Prabhupad`s

heart that eventually led to his death.

So, O.K. even if I could no longer see

His Divine Grace in the flesh.Ommmhhh..

What if I can get hold of Srila Prabhu-

pad`s DNA( The Building Block of Life),

I might one day deliver to you, Baby Boy

Srila Prabhupad.

That will be the day when all of those

who are responsible for Swamiji`s early

demise see the real Holy Ghost.





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I remember Srila Prabhupad in his book,

Journey To Other Planets, that " Life

Comes Life " which left a question mark

on me as to how it should be done. That

is why man invented the electron micro-

scope so that he would be able to see

what`s beyond what the eyes would want

to see.If you say, " You believe in God"

then the skeptic in me would challenge

you to show God before me, otherwise it

would be a waste of time proving to me

that God can be found in the Holy Scrip-

tures, when what the skeptic in me wants

are scientific evidences that God really

does exists. Failure to do so would only

make me more an unbeliever inspite of

the "Blaah--blaaah--blaah."

To see God, alive and animated, is to be-

lieve. Therefore we need material facts

to convince the skeptic in me that God is


Srila Prabhupad knew of his mortality be-

cause he was cloth in a material body,

subject to birth, death, disease, and old

age. Thus, when he died, Srila Prabhupad,

as an atomic particle changed into a new-

ly charged atomic-spark say, from Uranium

235 to Uranium 238 after having been split

by a colliding neutrino bullet fired from

the sky, of which the result released a

tremendous amount of energy equal to or

greater than the atomic blast witnessed

by the world when the Bird from USA, the

Enola Gay, dropped the nuclear bomb in

Hiroshima, Nagasaki on August 6, 1945.

When Srila Prabhupad took his last breath

on Nov. 14, 1977, it was as if an atomic

bomb was dropped from the sky that blas-

ted the ISKCON headquarters located in

Washington, D.C. to smittereens. Why?

Because Srila Prabhupad wasn`t yet ready

to die. Like a child, he wanted first to

ride on the bullock-cart to tour around

the different temples of the Lord located

in Vrndavan, India.

Srila Prabhupad was asking his disciples

to let him observe Parikrama Jaya-sita

(Maharaja Pariksit) together with Loka-

nath Swami. But this was not meant to be

because his disciples refused to grant

Srila Prabhupad his LAST WISH on the re-

commendation of Swamiji`s Kaviraja. At

that instant, it broke Srila Prabhupad`s

heart that eventually led to his death.

So, O.K. even if I could no longer see

His Divine Grace in the flesh.Ommmhhh..

What if I can get hold of Srila Prabhu-

pad`s DNA( The Building Block of Life),

I might one day deliver to you, Baby Boy

Srila Prabhupad.

That will be the day when all of those

who are responsible for Swamiji`s early

demise see the real Holy Ghost.





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O.K. Guys, I`ll tell you a secret.

I was having this simulated tests

to prove that we can really bring

back to life Srila Prabhupad, but

to do so, Swamiji needs us to ani-

mate himself before us, like one

Big Bird sitting with the small

bird on the Nara tree- The Param-

atma and the atma together in one

body, not made of material ele-

ments(stable) but the unstable

ones(radioactive). This was per-

ceived by a Japanese named Tomiyu-

ki Tanaka, a film director who

gave us the movie, GODZILLA( God`s

lila) who became a monster on 1954

about nine years after the atomic

bomb was dropped in Hiroshima and

Nagasaki, Japan. From hereon, eve-

rything in Japan became animated.

This is all because the people who

lived there were exposed to the nu-

clear radiation as a result of

those blasts. The people in Japan

have no sense of direction and only

they could think of is animation,

from Astro Boy to Sun Goku in the

telemovie series, Dragon Ball Z.

When I discovered how I could

bring back to life in the animated

form, Srila Prabhupad, I have to

start reading all over again the

science of nuclear physics and as-

tronomy. All these branches of

knowledge can be decoded by the

book authored by Srila Prabhupad,

and they are Srimad Bhagavatam and

Srimad Bhagavad-gita. Everything

about this wonderful science can

be found in those books, such as

CLONING(Expansions of the Lord).

But be very careful because you

might be able to find a way to

invent the most deadly nuclear

bomb, The Brahmastra. I`ll deal

with you, guys, regarding this sub-

ject on my next posting. O.K.?


The Key to solve the riddle is in

the words: HAREKRISHNA.

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???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????




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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

your questions are missing

Posted Image



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The Art Of Cloning



All living things whether animals or

plants have one thing in common-that

they are formed from a basic unit we

call The Cell made of life-giving

substance known as " Plasma " that

contains more or less 30 chemical e-

lements that gave rise to complex

chemical substances(compounds)we at-

tribute as PROTEINS, fats, and carbo-


Proteins are the Building Block of

Life that gave meaning to our GENES

(DNA) necessary for man`s growth and

maintenance of life. Fats and carbo-

hydrates, on the other hand, are com-

binations of carbons, hydrogen, and

oxygen. These are sources of energy

needed to activate The Cell. Mineral

salts, which make up less than 1% of

The PLASMA are nevertheless important

because they serve as chemcical regu-

lators in the manufacture of tissues.


The Cell


Cells, therefore contain substances

known as enzymes, hormones, and vita-

mins that speed up chemical reactions

that take place within the cell`s

plasma without being affected by such

a change. To all intents and purposes,

The Cell is simply a BLOB bounded by

a living wall we call The Membrane.

Someliving things like PROTOZOANS are

animals and the ALGAE are plants that

are made up of a single cell. Others

have considerable numbers. There maybe

as many as 50,000,000 sperm cells that

compose The SEMEN, or 10,000,000,000,

red blood cells in 10 ml. of human

blood. As such, there are millions of

cells in the hair, the skin, and nails

that die everyday without being aware

of this fact.


The Stem


In plants, their cells are grouped to

form tissues that serve a special pur-

pose. Tissues, in turn, are combined

to form an ORGAN in order to perform

certain tasks for the Organism, and

example of which is The Stem. It`s the

equivalent of The Stomach in man.

Plants have Roots anchored to the soil

which are used to absorb water and mi-

nerals from nature conducted upwards

through The Stem.


The Systems


Organs therefore are grouped together

to form systems e.g. Digestive system,

etc. In plants, it is known as the ve-

getative system composed of roots,

stems, and leaves. The purpose of

which, The Stomach in man, is to digest

the raw materials it took from nature

where its converted to food needed by

the Organism to develop and grow.

Finally, the various systems of such

a living thing are combined to form

the so-called Living Individual. It

could be a lion. a bird, a heep, or

a tree. Among them, Man is the most

successful and dominant because of his

creativeness and his conscious choice

of what is GOOD and what is NOT.

Man, in short, is a cultural Organism

that have the intelligence and co- op-

erative behaviour for adjusting to an

environment where others like him ga-

ther together as a social group. Be-

cause of these unique traits, man there-

fore has the ability to evolve into a

SUPERMAN he`s destined to be, but not

as an IDIOT.

If man, in other words, can prolong his

life like the SUPERMAN, then there`s no

doubt man can conquer re-birth, death,

old age, and disease.


Cloning As An Art


How to prolong man`s life is where the

art of cloning comes when man shall con-

sent to use his GENES where it could be

cultured in an environment suitable of

creating life, from its embryonal state

to the neonatal stage, inside a simu-

lated maternal womb that is equal to or

approximately that of a Human UTERUS.

The main problem here is where to find

a suitable womb for our cloned-man say,

melvin108, for the clone-scientist to

implant this type of MUTANT seed.


Any cloned-women volunteers out there?




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