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In the name of truth and fairness

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Audarya lila

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It has been brought up in another forum recently that the "dharma-dhvaji", or one who only shows the flag (external signs) of religion is worse than the atheist. For the atheist is being honest and true to all, whereas the dharma-dhvaji, hiding behind the external symbols of religion is being deceptive and is misleading the public.


This is what I meant by interspersing Gita slokas with hate. To externally show religion, but to act in a way contrary to the character of a spiritual aspirant is to simply show the flag of religion.


It is not a popular position to judge anyone, but facts remain as they are and I am not worried what people think about myself. Sentimentalists will say we should judge no one. But the spiritualists must have proper discrimination or judgement by which they can avoid asat-sanga. We must try to acquire viveka-chudamani, the topmost jewel of discrimination. Only then will our spiritual path be clear.


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Sentimentalists will say we should judge no one. But the spiritualists must have proper discrimination or judgement by which they can avoid asat-sanga.


Everybody has got some sentiments, though not to equal extent. I am not trying to say that we should not judge anyone. Being administrator of this site, you have every right to judge if the posts made here are proper. In fact, it will be wrong if you do not do so. But, my point is that we should not continue thinking of some bad incidents of past.

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Originally posted by jndas:


With the exception of the banned individual, can any single person here come forward and say I have censored your post? Have I ever censored Jijaji's anti Gaudiya Matha messages? Have I censored Satyaraja's anti Chaitanya vaishnavism messages? Have I censored a single of Shvu's atheistic messages? Your accusations are a joke.




It's TRUE...


Jndas is MORE than fair with those of us who see things differently. I lost it the other week and thought I was off for good, but jndas's allowed me to remain!

He said because my blow-up was directed towards him, he didn't take it as seriously as he would have had it been another forum member.

I thought that was very cool and showed him to be very human, not some distant moderator who swoops down on occasion to delete postings and people, with no explnation..! Frankly his acting such impressed me and made me respect him as a person.

He is the ONLY Forum moderator who gets in there in the trenches with us.



Jai Radhe,


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Could someone print one piece of evidence (letter, direct quote) where Jayasriradhe/Cintamani das blastphemed or directly criticized AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada or Bhaktisiddhanta Swami Prabhupad? I must refrain from joining in a spiritual fellowship that censors and banns a person on flimsy evidence or because another individual just doesn't like the banned person for personal reasons.


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