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Nulcear Rocket: USS Urukrama

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We will be naming our spaceship in

going to Krishnaloka as the USS Uru-

krama, the name which described our

Lord Vamanadeva, who took only three

steps to cover the whole universe,

starting from Patalaloka to Brahma-

loka after asking from Bali Maharaj,

the grandson of Prahlada Maharaj, if

He could own a piece of land whose

domain is owned by the king of the

demons, Bali Maharaj.

How it was possible, we will be nar-

rating it to you, guys and girls,la-

ter once we have come up with a blue

print of its structure and design

that is tailor-made for our nuclear

spaceship, USS Urukrama.


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya



[This message has been edited by melvin (edited 09-06-2001).]

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maitreya, oh maitreya...

maitreya muni whom i

believed to be christ

himself after the lord

descended to heaven on

the day after his resur-

rection from the dead.

christ who ascended to

heaven found himself in-

side a buddhist temple

in kashmir, india. there

he meditated on the form

of lord vishnu and went

home back to godhead af-

ter receiving his spiri-

tual body, sarupya mukti,

which makes him eligible

to enter the kingdom of

god, krishnaloka.

all glories to maitreya!

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