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Premananda Bharati

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Dear Friends,


I am here placing a copy of a posting from another list, because it is interesting and some of you may wish to pursue it.


I myself have read a book by Premananda Bharati published a century ago in New York, though I cannot recall the title and do not have it to hand (probably 'Sree Krishna, the Lord of Love'). It was in two sections, first a good 'non-Mayavad' summary (despite his Sankarite name 'Bharati') of Sri Chaitanya's teachings, then a translation of SBhagavatam 10th Canto very close to the 'Krishna Book'. The English writing was of a very high standard, effortlessly lucid but very elegant.


I have heard (but not seen myself)that there is evidence that this Baba Premananda was known to Srila Bhaktivinoda. In fact one would be surprised if this were not so. But this also suggests that when Bhaktivinoda mentioned a 'great personality who would preach Mahaprabhu's message in the West' he was in fact referring to this Premananda, which may surprise some.


Here is the copied posting:




Multiple recipients of list RISA-L <risa-l@lists.sandiego.edu>

Request for Help with Information

"Gerald Carney" <gcarney@hsc.edu>

Thu, 6 Sep 2001 17:56:41 -0700 (PDT)


Sender: risa-l@lists.sandiego.edu






For several years I have been doing research and publishing articles about the career of Baba Premananda Bharati (1868-1914), a Bengali Vaishnava teacher who came to the United States in 1902, founded the Krishna Samaj in New York City, published a well-received devotional book "Sree Krishna, the Lord of Love," and established the first temple to Krishna in the United States at Los Angeles in 1907. I have done extensive research in the United States, England, and India about his life, activities, religious teachings, and his anti-colonial political vision of India. While I certainly have enough material to complete the biography that I am now working on, there are three potentially-important items of information that I have been unable to locate. I am taking the liberty of contacting the members of several listserves in which I participate, with profound apologies for cross-posting, to see if any of you have any suggestions about where I might locate leads to this informatio!

n. Please reply to me off-list if you have any suggestions. Please understand that I have searched the Library of Congress, the British Library, the Indian National Library, and various on-line library and antiquarian book services to no avail.


1) Baba Bharati's novel "Jim," which was written to answer Kipling's "Kim." The full novel was (self-)published by 1910-11 but does not appear in library holdings.

2) The book "Baba Bharati in Madras," which was published in Madras in 1911-12 by G.C. Loganatham.

3) Information about the life and activities of Rose Reinhardt Anthon, Baba Bharati's closest American disciple, who returned to Chicago in 1914 following Baba Bharati's death. She lived in Chicago at least until 1940.


Please reply off-list if you have any information or suggestions. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jerry Carney




Jerry Carney

Professor of Religion

Hampden-Sydney College

Hampden-Sydney VA 23943

434-223-6268 (W)

434-386-5592 (H)








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