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Universal Laws of Leadership

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Had to share this, from another place:


Fri Sep 7, 2001 2:32 am

Universal laws of leadership


Dear prabhus,


Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace

Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!


Since we have been discussing lately the topic of how to implement our vision

of a genuine Krsna Conscious society, I'd like to share with you a very good

article I found recently in the Detroit Free Press titled "Rules of leadership include good and bad." Since every group needs leaders, I think it's important to meditate deeply on what exactly constitutes good leadership qualities and also what is to be avoided. This article provides good food for

thought on this subject, and I was amazed at how accurately it describes the disastrous leadership style we see in pseudo-ISKCON in the negative items.

Most of the items are very positive, though, and these are points we should ponder quite deeply and think how we can implement them.


Your servant and godsister,




Here are the universal laws of leadership:


The law of authoritarian style:

Authoritarian leaders lead by control and fear. It's a "my way or the highway" approach. They believe their right to leadership comes with their title. This style works in the short term because those weaker than the leader will obey. The problem is this style guarantees rebellion and therefore falls apart in the long term.[


The law of authoritative style:

Authoritative leaders lead by example, respect and trust. Their position of leadership is earned. An authoritative leader is not interested in control. An authoritative leader is clearly and simply in charge. [srila Prabhupada

ki jaya!]


The law of example:

Leaders know they are watched, imitated and modeled. Everything they do is an example to those they are leading, and so they think and behave accordingly.


The law of vision:

"Without a vision, the people perish." Visionary leaders think long term. Because they know where they are going, everything they do has a clear purpose. Their vision guides their leadership.


The law of dictators:

Dictators are impostors trying to look like leaders. Dictators foster blind, fearful and dependent followers. Dictators lord their power over their followers.


The law of leaders:

Genuine leaders create not disciples, but other effective leaders. This is because leaders teach, even mentor, those whom they are called to lead.


The law of listening:

Without the ability to listen, leaders are only capable of responding to what is going on inside their own heads and hearts. That's a dangerous thing, even for the best and wisest of leaders. When listening, leaders can respond to what is going on inside the heads and hearts of those being led. An effective leader needs both sources of information.


The law of understanding:

"Seek first to understand, then to be understood." Most leaders -- most people for that matter -- seek first to be understood. "If only I could get them to understand, then they would follow me." From that misguided notion comes tremendous effort to make people understand. There is an agenda, and it will be pushed. Like many other paradoxes of life, just the opposite is true. Once you seek to understand first, your chance to be understood skyrockets. So does your chance to lead.



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Someone else in that egroup added this:


Fri Sep 7, 2001 3:16 pm

Universal laws of leadership



Dear Prabhus,

Pranama. Jaya Srila Prabhupada!


Some more taken as is from the Net. Not sastra but thoughtful still.

The Eight Universal Laws of Leadership,

As Practiced Daily by the

USS DECATUR (DDG 73) Supply Department


1. Maintain Absolute Integrity

Keep Your Word

Choose the Harder Right Over the Easier Wrong

Guard Your Principles

Do the Right Thing


2. Know your Stuff

Know your People

Learn from the Bottom Up

Learn from Your Subordinates

Never Stop Learning


3. Declare Your Expectations

Get Your Expectations Clear

Make Your Expectations Compelling

Develop a Plan

Promote Your Expectations and Implement Your Plan

Listen to Feedback and Adjust Your Strategy

Be Faithful to Your Expectations


4. Show Uncommon Commitment

Meet with Your Followers Face to Face

Make a Public Commitment

Keep Going When the Going Gets Rough

When the Situation is Impossible, Think Outside the Box

Accept the Risk that Goes with Commitment


5. Expect Positive Results

Develop Your Self-Confidence

Become a Positive Thinker

Visualize the Results You Want to Achieve

Maintain Your Enthusiasm


6. Take Care of Your People

Be the Leader When Things Go Wrong

Give Their Needs Priority

Really Care

Assume the Responsibility

Share the Gain


7. Put Duty Before Self

Focus on the Mission

Rejoice in the Success of Others

Consider Yourself Last

Share the Pain

Demonstrate High Moral Courage


8. Get Out in Front

Go Where the Action Is

Set the Example

Be Willing To Do Anything You Ask Your People To Do

Take Charge

Be an Up-Front Leader


Paraphrased by William A. Cohen, THE STUFF OF HEROES


Do we see that in ISKCON'S leaders?


Your servant, xxxxxxx das



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