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Yesterday in one posting a url was provided regarding some research being done. It revolved around a person who came to California in 1907 and had established a temple. Apparently this person had written a book in response to a book written by Kipling.


If any of you have this url please post it. Why was this posting deleted/overwritten on these forums? Any information from the readers on this topic would be appreciated.



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The devotee's name was Baba Premanand Bharati.


From the Encyclopedia of American Religions, 3rd Edition, 1989, Gale Research (ISBN 0-8103-2841-0):


Surendranath Mukerji (died 1914) better known by his religious name -Baba Premanand Bharati- was among the first Hindu teachers to come to America, arriving around 1902 from Bengal. He was a student of Swami Brahmanand Bharati and a follower of the Krishna Consciousness Movement (ultimately more well known thanks to 'Hare Krishna' movement of the '70's) and founded the "Krishna Samaj" (now defunct).


Bharati, the nephew of a prominent Bengali judge, formed the Krishna Samaj in N.Y.C. and lectured to popular audiences in other eastern cities. He eventually moved to L.A. where a temple was constructed and he had his greatest following. In 1909 he returned to India where, with a few of his American disciples, he opened a mission in Calcutta. The mission failed for lack of financial support and he & his followers returned to America. He died in Calcutta in 1914. The temple dissolved in America soon after Bharati's death.


In the years immediately after his death, Bharati was attacked by people opposed to the growth of Hinduism in America, such as Elizabeth A. Reed, whose study of Bharati and the other early gurus was a significant factor in building public support for the Asian Exclusion Act passed in 1917. The strength and devotion of Bharati's disciples, however, kept his memory alive over the years.


In the 30's, members of the Order of Loving Service (a California mystical group) dedicated the book "Square" as follows: " To Baba Premanand Bharati, who by his love, patience, and continued watchfulness has led me out of darkness into Light, out of out of weariness into Rest, out of confusion into Understanding, out of continuous striving into Perfect Peace."


In the 70's, members of AUM Temple of Universal Truth (founded in the 20's) were reprinting Bharati's writings in their periodical and selling pictures of "Our Beloved Baba Bharati".



Baba Premanand Bharati, Krishan. New York: Krishna Samaj, 1904

Baba Premanand Bharati, American Lectures. Calcutta: Indo-American Press, no date [1910?]

J. N. Farquhar, Modern Religious Movements in India. New York:Macmillan, 1915

Elizabeth A. Reed, Hinduism in Europe and America. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons 1914

Lalita {Maude Lalita Johnson}, Square. Laguna Beach, CA: Order of Loving Service, 1934

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:



This is very interesting. Still I would like to find this URL. You weren't the person to make the original posting. Perhaps a reader would have seen the URL, or the original poster could put it up for all of us. Thanks.



Well, here's the URL of two Hampton-Sydney College Web pages of the scholar (Gerald Carney) who is researching Baba Bharati:






I'm fairly sure that the deleted post referred back to something Mr. Carney was working on... sorry I can't be more help.


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Originally posted by Maitreya:

randOM came up with a deleted URL.Should I be worried?You are starting to scare me.


Posted Image



Don't be scared, but be amazed! BB reveals only the tip of the iceberg, perhaps because he is standing tall on top of a mountain that he climbed himself!


That's a lot different than taking a helicopter, which most of us can't afford anyway...valaya



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Originally posted by Maitreya:

But I still hear rumors that randOM can see us through our computer screens.

Then I'll have to find that mole! This was classified!


[Three can keep a secret if two are dead...] Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image


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Originally posted by amanpeter:

Now that would be silly! I'm talkin' about the `mask we wear for the world to look through` (Leonard Cohen). Got any of those around, prabhu?



Masks are all I know from time immemorial.Siddha-deha yet to be uncovered.


Good point to remember,but that is not what you meant when you wrote the post you little shape shifter, you.


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