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Darshan with Srila Bhakti Vaibhav Puri Maharaj

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Today I was blessed with darshan of Srila Bhakti Vaibhav Puri Maharaj.


I arrived with some rose flowers and fruit as an offering. Unfortunately the foot bathing ceremony was already over when I arrived. The house was filled with many devotees to greet and honor him.


Visnu Maharaja, his disciple, gave a brief introduction about association with sadhus. First Puri Maharaja offered respects to all the assembled Vaisnavas. I found this very humble on his part. Then Puri Maharaja spoke about the power of the Holy Name. He gave the story of Haridas Thakur and the prostitute. How by the power of his purified chanting the prostitute became purified as well. He said we should chant 3 lakhs of rounds every day (24 hours of chanting daily). He said now we are doing 2 hours of japa mantra (25,000 names) but throughout the day we should be chanting. When we are working, cooking, eating, even when we go to the bathroom we should internally be chanting the Lords Holy Name.


Then he started to praise Srila Prabhupada (and he called him Prabhupada). How he came without a paisa, he was completely alone. He used to go and chant in the park. He mentioned that he went to visit that park and visited that tree Srila Prabhupada would chant by. Maharaja explained that he realized that nobody cared for someone chanting there. But everyone was greeting him with Hare Krsna. And it is because of Srila Prabhupada that everyone knows the Holy Name. He was saying how Prabhupada was struggling but because he had the blessing of his guru, all of the parampara, and Mahaprabhu he was successful. Slowly people started coming to him. And one friend invited another friend. And in that way the whole movement spread.


I really appreciated how Maharaja was talking about Srila Prabhupada. Even though I already knew it. He always talked very nicely about Srila Prabhupada in Vrindavan, Mayapur, and Visakhapatnam. He said Srila Prabhupada had set up everything for Krsna Consciousness in the world.


In the end he proceeded out around the house surrounded by many devotees. Tomorrow he will go to the temple to greet the deities and see Srila Prabhupada's quarters. Tomorrow I will continue telling about his programs (he has one in the morning and one in the evening).


Hare Krsna

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Please be sure to fill us in on the rest of his stay. One of the best "Memories" videos out there (maybe even the best) was done with Srila Bhakti Vaibhav Puri Maharaj. At one point he started to cry, and it was just so moving. It is great to see him traveling around the world preaching even at 89 years old. There was a posting on here of his travels that I would encourage everyone to check out.



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Today Puri Maharaj came to take darshan of the deities at 9:00 A.M. When he first arrived the temple authorities greeted him and gave him a garland from the deities. He really appreciated the temple and the beauty of the deities (he commented on this). He paid obeisances to the three altars and to Prabhupada even though it was difficult for him to do so. He noticed the blackboard (actually whiteboard) in the temple with the sloka of the day from the Bhagavatam and was asking about it.


Then they took him to see Srila Prabhupada's quarters. From there he went to Prabhupada's garden surrounded by many devotees. When he came out he talked with Lokanath Swami. He said that coming to Prabhupada's temple was the perfection of his trip. Maharaj was crying as he said this. Lokanath Maharaj told all the assembled devotees to pay obeisances to Srila Puri Maharaj. With that everyone bowed down to him. As they were coming up Srila Puri Maharaj started to lower himself to the ground. His disciples tried to prevent him but he pushed his disciples away and paid dandavats to all the devotees for a long time. When he arose his face was covered in copious tears. It was a very emotional moment for everybody. Maharaj goes into ecstacy very easily and the mood was very heavy by his humility.


Maharaj even acknowledged me. The devotee who was driving Maharaj needed someone to watch his twin 2 year old children. So I was watching them. When Maharaj saw me with the two kids he was looking at the kids with a funny look (like what was I doing with two more kids). Then the devotee driver came by and told Maharaj these were his kids. Then Puri Maharaj gave me a very funny look (like "Where did you get this husband from?") It was very embarassing especially since I have known him for some time.


Then we headed for the program at the devotee's house. The program started with a half-hour kirtan. Then Srila Bhakti Vaibhav PuriMaharaj entered the room surrounded by all the devotees. He first offered his pranam mantras to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, and then offered the pranam mantras to our Prabhupada. He started off talking about what is our purpose. He said we should want bhakti,service for the sake of service. But what should our mood be? We should pay obeisances to all living entities, from people, to cats, to dogs, to trees, to the cow. But we are not worshipping the body of the cats, dogs, ants. We are offering our respects to the Lord who dwells within all living entities. He said this is the Indian culture.We should strive in this life to see the Lord. The guru can show us the way because he can see the Lord. When his eyes are closed he can see the Lord, and when his eyes are opened he can see the Lord. This is why the guru should be worshipped as the Lord is worshipped. And he can show us the way to develop this bhakti.


He gave the example of Dhruva Maharaj. As a child he was forbidden to sit on thelap of his father. So he decided to go to the forests and engage in tapas. But Narada said no you are too young. Still Dhruva was going to go to the forest. So Narada instructed him to chant certain mantras and to gradually reduce his intake of food (1 month eat certain amount, second month less, by sixth month no food at all). So Dhruva followed this instruction. After a long time of tapas, Dhruva, with his eyes closed, he saw a light. When he opened his eyes the Lord was standing before him. At that moment he saw so much beauty. So beautiful no one could describe the beauty of the Lord. Dhruva Maharaj said that what he was seeking was just glass compared to this jewel.So this should be our goal. To see the Lord. And how can we do this? By chanting the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra. We should follow Haridas Thakur's example and chant 3 lakhs of mantra every day (24 hours per day). We cannot even imagine what that would be like. Even while sleeping Haridas would be chanting the Maha Mantra.


He also spoke about Bhagavatam and how Sastra is also our guru. Then he was praising Prabhupada for translating Bhagavatam. He was telling about how many volumes were translated and how we get benefit from these books.


I'm so sorry I have a bad memory (I should have brought a notepad). He mentioned a few slokas. How we should offer everything in service to Krsna (from Bhagavad Gita). There will be another program tonight and I will try to give a more detailed report. It was very enlivening and purifying. Afterwards we had a very nice kichari and fruit salad. I know later he will be going out for a walk. He was planning to walk from 1 till 5 pm but his servants told him he needed to take rest. He will only go from 3 till 5 to see the area.



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Just came back from the program, actually I left before it finished. Maharaja was signing books for devotees and they were waiting for prasada. I know that they took him to the beach in the afternoon but I don't know details. Maybe tomorrow I can ask the servant.


This evening we are a little shaky because we had a temblor that was short but kind of intense. I know that some devotees will sleep completely dress and with shoes on, just in case. The only good thing about it was that I did remember to chant the Holy Name, I think it is because of Maharaja's association.


Tonight, Maharaja was talking about Raghunath Das Goswami and how he was so detached even though he was a multi-millionaire's son and how Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was always enquiring about him from his servant Govinda.


He also spoke about the intimate associates of Mahaprabhu: Ramananda Ray, Swarupa Damodara, Sikhi Mahiti and Madhavi Mata. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was always weeping in separation of Krishna and only His intimate associates understood His mood.


Later he told the Ajamila story and the importance of remembering the Holy Name at the moment of death.


He made Vishnu Maharaja sing "Bhajahu Re Mana" and while Visnu Maharaja was singing Puri Maharaja was saying in little words the meaning of the song, he was using his hands a lot to express emotions and he seemed very happy.


Unfortunately he is leaving tomorrow. Posted Image

Mexico will get the mercy for a while.


I'm very grateful to Sri Guru and Gauranga for give me the chance of having darshan of Srila Puri Maharaja and I pray for more of that trascendental association.


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This has been wonderful reporting, Atma! A thread I also hate to let go of. Maybe that tour site will continue with descriptions of the saga? I can see from these pastimes that Srila Puri Maharaj is a true peace ambassador. How fortunate, opportune, for America to have been graced with his presence at this time. (Strange that he departed when he did, too.) Reading all this I see how he is in a sense nondifferent from Srila Prabhupada as he carries his humble loving mood and also loves Srila Prabhupada so much. I feel as if, even by only reading about it, I have had some contact with my beloved guru. Thank you so much for sharing this nectar.


ys, Jayaradhe

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If you want to see a great video try to get the "Memories" video featuring Srila Bhakti Vaibhav Puri Maharaj. Its is really, really good. The videos are made by Siddhanta Prabhu. Does anyone know their website(if they have one)? The old name was Illumination TV (ITV for short). But a deal was made with Iskcon TV (ITV also) to buy out that name. If anyone knows of a web address for the videos please post here.



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Thanks, I hope someone comes up with how to get these, seems like it was mentioned to me where but now I forget. MC?


Anyway I saw the first memories video the Monday right after Radhastami and was simply amazed, moved to tears, enthralled. Did not know there was an extensive series of these videos. The Hare Krsna Youth put on a Prabhupada night every Monday and serve a feast, they cooked themselves, afterwards. these kids are great, they are smart, hip, devoted, respectful of all, young and old, and just a pleasure to be around. Their dedication to Srila Prabhupada is very encouraging. I wish I was a devotee when I see them.



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Tonight I was blessed again with darshan of Srila Puri Maharaj. Posted ImageI'm very happy, one moment of association with the pure devotee, vaisnava thakur,makes me forget all the problems in this material world.


He came back because he is flying from here to Australia.


We had a very nice kirtan and when he arrived, they washed his feet and sang Sri Guru Carana Padma, it was really emotional. When all the prayers were over he looked at me directly in the eye (I was in front, been a weeknight not so many devotees were there) and he said: "Excuse me, please, I'm so tired, tomorrow we can have a program". He gave blessings to everybody and went to rest.


While we took prasada, excellent subzi, rice, halava and ice-cream (who wants to fast?), Visnu Maharaja told us that the reception in Mexico was excellent. Maharaj was received in the ISKCON temples in Mexico City and Guadalajara. Guru Prasada Swami the local GBC washed his feet and Puri Maharaj gave class in both temples. Really nice.


Tomorrow I'll be there for the program and I'll let you know what is the program for Australia.



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Originally posted by atma:

Tonight I was blessed again with darshan of Srila Puri Maharaj. Posted ImageI'm very happy, one moment of association with the pure devotee, vaisnava thakur,makes me forget all the problems in this material world.


He came back because he is flying from here to Australia.


We had a very nice kirtan and when he arrived, they washed his feet and sang Sri Guru Carana Padma, it was really emotional. When all the prayers were over he looked at me directly in the eye (I was in front, been a weeknight not so many devotees were there) and he said: "Excuse me, please, I'm so tired, tomorrow we can have a program". He gave blessings to everybody and went to rest.


While we took prasada, excellent subzi, rice, halava and ice-cream (who wants to fast?), Visnu Maharaja told us that the reception in Mexico was excellent. Maharaj was received in the ISKCON temples in Mexico City and Guadalajara. Guru Prasada Swami the local GBC washed his feet and Puri Maharaj gave class in both temples. Really nice.


Tomorrow I'll be there for the program and I'll let you know what is the program for Australia.



Dear atma:

Hare Krsna!Maybe you could ask Srila Puri Maharaj's opinion about the terrorist attacks on New York? After all His Divine Grace was at the Twin Towers recently to lead kirtan.I'm sure the kirtan was Krsna's arrangement.




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 09-21-2001).]

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Maharaja just left to take the plane to go to Australia. Here is the itinerary for there:

Arriving in Sidney on 23rd at 6 AM. He'll stay for 2 days at Ksastri's house. Phone: 0061-2-95257530, fax: 0061-2-90249013.

Departing Sidney to Brisbane on 25th. He'll stay in the Giriraj Gaudiya Math till 29th.


Today was really nice. In the morning he gave a short class and later he decided to go for a walk in the neighborhood because he said that he didn't know if he was coming back again, he wanted to walk in the streets of LA. he was disappointed that the palms and banana trees didn't have any fruits and when finally they located a tree with fruits (I don't know the name of it), he touched and smell it but he decided not to eat it.


They told us that he'll give another class before departing and one gurukuli girl and I showed up. To our surprise in the living room Visnu Maharaja was sleeping and Puri Maharaja was sitting alone in his bedroom. No one to loose an oportunity like that I went out searching for a man. Got one and brought him in with us. Then we had the sweetest darshan with Maharaj in his room. Maharaja remembered me from India and he started telling the devotee that I used to go to see him every day in Seva Kunj but the last 4 or 5 years he didn't see me (gulp!) He asked me if that was because I was living here (double gulp). He even remembered the time and circunstances! He really amazed me because he mentioned that was in the time when ISKCON was having all the problems with Narayan Maharaja.

He talked to the other girl too. I asked him if he was coming back next year and he said that he didn't know. Everything changes and whatever happens is the Lord will. The Lord desire.


The servant asked us to move out because he had to pack and Maharaja came out with us and gave a very sweet class. By that time we were 5 people listening. He spoke a lot about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His potency. The Holy Name and how Srila Prabhupada was the one that came to the West to distributed. Only him, he was the only one. Now are so many. He spoke a lot about how is not difference between the Lord and His name and how he should always chant even if we can't do it constantly in our beads. Spoke about the Goswamis in Vrindavan and recited the prayers to the 6 Goswamis.

Almost at the end an Indian family came and so typical Indian they went to Maharaja and grabbed his feet. Maharaja put his hands in the man's head and started reciting prayers for a long time and I was thinking: where is another man, they can get the mercy and they are not here. After them we also went to Maharaja and touched his feet.


He also said that in America is so much prosperity but things are now disturbed and the World War is coming. It is all the Lord's will.


Finally he took some prasada and he left us. So sad, who knows if I see him again.


I asked one of the servants what did he said in Mexico about the WTC tragedy and he told me that when Maharaja heard about it he inmediately started to say prayers to Lord Nrisimhadeva, for a long time. He told the devotees that war was coming.


Somehow or other, many people in that tower heard the kirtan and saw Maharaja just a few weeks before they died. So much advancement. Just a second of association with a pure devotee help us so much.


Jayaradhe if you want the memories videos let me know because I know Sidhanta and this weekend I'm going to his house.



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