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Sometimes I really wonder whether the various topics that are discussed at Spiritual Discussions make sense. Do debates like who is the Samsthapak Acahrya of Gaudiya Sampradaya make sense when Hinduism in in grave danger of survival. I mean when the Islami militia worldwide is getting united for we-know-what, India/Hinduism is under a grave threat by the so called jehadis, Christainity backed up by the rich west is doing we-know-what, and India is gettin raped, I think we have better things to discuss ans do.

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I dont think on the day when someone will point a gun on the head of jndas or dayal_govinda and ask him to give up all his faiths and take up a new one, will they be able to convince him that Srila Prabhuprada was or was not the sampsthapak acharya. At that time whether they are shot or not would be immaterial because WE would be surely lost. Then neither SP nor Goswami are going to be here to stop the gun shot but turning upside down in their graves about what they thought and what is happening

I request the intellectuals to come down to reality and discuss things that matter

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