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Uvaca 20

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I thought I'd post a few memories of Srila Prabhupada from Srutakirti's upcoming book "Srila Prabhupada Uvaca". Here is a nice one:


Today I am alone in Srila Prabhupada's quarters giving him massage. I feel very awkward. He is sitting on the mat cross-legged and I am sitting in front of him massaging his head with sandalwood oil. I am embarrassed because it is very apparent that he has been staring at my feet for awhile. I don't think I have ever felt this self conscious in the presence of my spiritual master.


To my amazement His Divine Grace said, "So, your mother is very beautiful?" Now, in a state of shock I answer, "Well, she is almost 50 now, but yes, she was a very good looking woman". He said, "Yes, I can tell. I was noticing your feet. Your feet are very nice. They say that means that your mother is beautiful. I was checking. I wanted to see if it was actual."


Srila Prabhupada is very personal with his disciples. He cares for us, looks out for us and is interested in us. Jai Srila Prabhupada!

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