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Of course a Krsna Consciousness person has to do his or her duty in fighting against these demonic terroists... (Suriaz)


Who told you that? It was Krsna Himself or some of your acaryas? To react one should at first identify his offender. One cannot make a public opinion on a false premise and simply make a national war against a supposedly foe, who is weak, hated by your people and far away your home.


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Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

Of course a Krsna Consciousness person has to do his or her duty in fighting against these demonic terroists... (Suriaz)


Who told you that? It was Krsna Himself or some of your acaryas? To react one should at first identify his offender. One cannot make a public opinion on a false premise and simply make a national war against a supposedly foe, who is weak, hated by your people and far away your home.

Dear Satyaraja dasa:

The above words were written by me and not Suryaz.


My answer to you is simply: "No Comments."




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 09-17-2001).]

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Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

Of course a Krsna Consciousness person has to do his or her duty in fighting against these demonic terroists... (suriaz)


Satyaraja: “Who told you that?”



Oh no! - Satyaraja - you read with haste. Or perhaps it was that I wrote with dis-clarity.


Leyh who made that statement, not I.


My argument is that terrorist fanaticism regardless as to the denomination is an attack at the freedom in choice making. And such an attack is an attack on the soul, the jiva (as opposed a maha-maya constituent; althugh that may also be there). Such, turns bhakti (regardless as to the denomination - since bhakti is not strained) or in other words the will to love into slavery. It turns free choice – which is the essential ingredient for bhakti or love into an orchestrated pseudo symbol of love ViZ slavery. I say slavery because under such conditions a person is bound by the ropes of a perverted culture and/or persoans and forced through the implementation of fear (taboo the creation of ‘otherness” etc.etc) to love the religion of the terrorists fanatics. That is the issue. The issue is free choic


Satyaraja: “To react one should at first identify his offender. One cannot make a public opinion on a false premise and simply make a national war against a supposedly foe, who is weak, hated by your people and far away your home.”


No Satyaraja, that was not my point. My point is as restated:

The war against terrorism transcends nationalism, politics, and religions that safeguard the notion of freedom and sustain the notion of freedom in choice making (and you have to remember freedom in choice making is ultimately correlated to the jiva; it is not essentially of maha-maya). At least that Leyh (even if choices are misdirected at time, at leas that freedom must be there).


Terrorism impinges on the jiva’s innate freedom. Its culminative expression is designed to force people into becoming a slave to religion as opposed to becoming the lover of religion. Such slavery is worse than anything else. Why? Because it transforms that which should be bhakti into slavery. That is the fundamental issue here. That is why the lover of God (regardless as to what religio(n) religious denomination, nationality, or political party he/she belongs to) opposes this terrorism, this fanaticism.


Moreover, I do not know what you are hearing in Singapore. Certainly in Australia everybody knows this is not a nationalist, country or political thing. It is not a nation-to-nation war, political party-to-political party war. One’s next-door neighbour could be the next suicide terrorist (depending on his type and degree of fanaticism in beliefs). The war is about a type of fanaticism that takes away free choice and free choice is a must if bhakti – regardless as to the denomination- is to survive.


Terrorist networks have planned these attacks for many years previous to their orchestration. These fanatics can be born in and hold citizenship of any country (and they do). In fact the more diverse their nationality, the better it is for the mobilisation of the terrorist networks and their attacks freedom (freedom is a fundamental issue if bhakit is the persist).


This is not a new thing (just look at history. Our own history too. Most of us in our own movement during the early 1980’s experienced something of this; to a much lesser degree no doubt; but certainly some elements were there. It cannot be denied).

In the present Islamic terrorist picture, now they have built up very strong networks world-wide (in terms of qualified men, financial support and arsenal bases etc. - Oh and they would love to have a whole nation on their side too). So much so that these terrorists now feel powerful enough to launch attack on a greater scale in the west than they have done so before, - but hey! Leyh, they might strike just as hard in Singapore tomorrow. It is not a thing that just started today, they have conspired for this.



Then Leyh said:

Leyh: “Thus, a Krsna Conscious person would dedicate the fight against these demons to Krsna and not to the country or political party.”



My reply to this is as follows:

Krishna Consciousness or no Krishna Consciousness the terrorist issue is not a nationalist thing; nor is it of “country or political party.” It is an attack on freedom, and freedom in choice making is original to the jiva not the body. Moreover freedom in choice making is one of the most essential parts of bhakit. Without it how can there be bhakit? Now you tell me that.



[This message has been edited by suryaz (edited 09-17-2001).]

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2001 - May 23rd. Taleban’s authorities from Afghanistan has confirmed that all Hindus shouls wear a yellow thread sew in the pocket of their shirts to identify themselves. Theses authorities allege that this rule was done to ‘protect’ Hindus. The world has seen this picture before at 1939 during Hitler tyranny and now it is seeing easily identifying his disciples. One should remember that those who don’t learn history are condemned to revive it again.


Telban’s saga of disrespectful behavior towards all the other religions give us enough motivation to worry on their real aim with this rule, that seems to be a kind of ‘religious clearance,’ according to their disdain and intolerance towards other religions and traditions, as for example by insistently violating an destroying old Buddhist statues that were part of humankind heritage within Afghanistan.


We are not worried if you are a religious or even an atheist. We only hope you could help us to avoid a new genocide in the name of ‘religion.’ Do not keep silent!


Send us an e-mail to alastair@om-int.com


We will send your e-mail to ONU. You do not need to identify yourself!


Thank you!


Obrigado===========Ao Secretário Geral, Conselho de Segurança e Assembléia Geral das Nações



For the General Secretary, Security Council and General Assembly of ONU

Nós, os abaixo-assinados estamos estupefatos pela decisão do governo do Taleban no Afeganistão de exigir que todos os Hindus usem uma fita de pano amarela costurada no bolso da camisa para que sejam identificados.


We, below signed, are astonished with Afghanistan’s government (Teleban) that requires all Hindus to wear a yellow string sew in the pocket of their shirt to identify themselves.


Nós pedimos o seguinte:


We ask you:


1. That Taleban’s government should be notified by the most strong and unequivocal way clearly showing that the whole world would not accept this Human Right’s perversion .


1. Que o governo do Taleban seja notificado de forma mais forte possível e inequívoca que o mundo

não aceitará esta perversão dos Direitos Humanos.



2. That the nates or its members could revert this Teleban’s obscene politic in the case of its recognition as a state government.

2. Que nates das Nações Unidas ou seus membros outorgarem ao reconhecimento do Governo do Taleban, esta política obcena seja revertida .


3. That the ONU should amplify the terms of economic sanctions effective by now.


3. Que as Nações Unidas ampliem os termos de sanções econômicas correntemente em vigor.


1. Alastair Mitton - London UK

2. Robert Mitton - London UK

3. Paulette Budd - London UK

4. Andrew Peake - London UK

5. Pippa Howell - London UK

6. Cecile Kusters - Arnhem, the Netherlands

7. Sarah Malpas - London UK

8. Susan Donnelly - Newcastle UK

9. Paul Donnelly - London UK

10. Pauline Bartholomew - London UK

11. Is0bel McMillan London UK

12. Fiona Adamson

13. Minka Emina Kulenovic La Jolla, US

14. Cath Dolan, London, England

15. Liz Murphy, Murcia, Spain

16. William M. Rueter, Wisconsin, US

17. Jaclyn A. Knapper, Tennessee, US

18. Louise Morris, Tennessee, US

19. Joe Stoud, Matsuyama, Japan

20. Keiko Stroud, Matsuyama, Japan

21.Larry Asher, Nepal

22. Phyl Asher, Nepal

23. Reiny de Wit, Nepal

24. Helen Johnston, Nepal

25. Isaac Thompson, Northern Ireland

26. Anne Thompson, Northern Ireland

27. Paul Carter, Vancouver, Canada

28. Lois Carter, Vancouver, Canada

29. Bronwyn Short, Vancouver, Canada

30. David Short, Vancouver, Canada

31. Mark Calder, Sydney, Australia

32. Graham Wintle, Surbiton, UK

33. Geoff Chivers, Surbiton, UK

34. Derek Nathan New Malden UK

35. Mary Nathan New Malden UK

36 Rosalind Preston, London UK

37 Marlena Schmool, UK

38 Jack Album, Reading UK

39. Louise Creme, Reading, UK

40. Barbara Stern, UK

41 John Stern, UK

42. Suzie Greene Tedesco, USA

43. Isabella Tedesco, USA

44. Alan Cumming, USA

45. Nick Philippou, USA

46. Eddie Roche, USA

47. Kenny Goss ,USA

48. KIm Bowen, USA

49. Sterling Anderson,USA

50. Maia Anderson, USA

51. Asa Anderson, USA

52. Adrian Anderson, USA

53. Peter Bowen, UK

54. Molly Bowen, UK

55. Phillip Hinton, UK

56. Elizabeth Hinton, UK

57. Makaela Gilchrist, UK

58. Carol Eden, UK

59. Rachel Horner, UK</DIV>

60. Peter Jones, London, UK

61. Christopher Corner London UK

62. David Salter, London UK

63. Michelle Kirschner, London UK

64. David Wise. London UK.

65. Ric Cantor, London UK

66. Laurence Sassoon

67. Alan Levy, London, UK

68. Barbara Desborough London UK

69. Sue Alhadeff, London UK

70. Noelle Ferris, London UK

71. Henrietta Bisgood, Ireland

72. Shane Bisgood, Ireland

73. Mary Ryder, Ireland

74. Ben Ryder, Ireland

75. Audrey Bisgood, Ireland

76. Katie Dehaene, Ireland

77. Edward Bisgood, Ireland

78. Sandra Iggulden, Ireland

79. Richard Iggulden, Ireland

80. Alexander Bisgood, Ireland

81. Louisa Bisgood, Ireland

82. Kate O'Toole, Ireland

83. Bill Whelan, Ireland

84. Paul Brady, Ireland

85. Liz Devlin, Ireland

86. Dick Clement, Los Angeles, USA

87. Jonathan Lynn

88. Paul Hirsch, Pacific Palisades, USA

89. Stephen Gyllenhaal, Los Angeles, USA

90. Robert Achs, New York, USA

91. Joan Reibman, M.D., New York, USA

92. Lori Stevenson, MPH New York , USA

93. Sebastian Bonner, New York City, USA

94. Karen Levine, Brooklyn, USA

95. Dick Koral, Brooklyn, USA

96. Penny M. Polokoff, Brooklyn, USA 97 - Marcos L. Susskind, Sao Paulo, Brazil 98. Abram S.

Huberman,Sao Paulo,Brazil 99. Marcelo Nudel,Sao Paulo,Brazil 100. Wolf Huberman Neto,Sao

Paulo,Brazil101. Nathan Blatyta-São Paulo, Brasil102. Raul S. Levy - São Paulo, Brazil.103.

Alexandre Fix 104. Eduardo Len - São Paulo, Brazil 105. Jaime Prades - São Paulo, Brazil106. Antonieta Novaes - São Paulo, Brazil107. Fabio Malavoglia - Sáo Paulo, Brasil108. Ivany Turíbio - São Paulo, Brasil


109. Marcos Tadeu Zangari



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Prabhupada: They should follow what their spiritual master says. Book selling, there is no question of moral and immoral. They must sell. Just like in fighting. Where there is fight, the soldiers, to gain victory, there is no question of moral and immoral. He must.

The above was taken from another thread. Leyh, I don't know if you remember the Viet-nam war or knew anyone that was fighting there. During the war and even afterwards, those soldiers were given a very hard time by so-called pacifist objectors. It had an immense effect on many individuals that remains until the present day in some cases. As you know, America came out the loser in that conflict.


I was in the Canadian military at the time and was myself influenced adversely by `friends`, causing me to make decisions that have unfortunately affected my entire life. This is a war all of us, the whole world, must win!. Whatever it takes to inspire sustained determined resolve and strong united morale in the general populace must be done! Devotees certainly have a deep influence on everyone and if I can help focus that force as one, I surely will, by any means. Also, when I encounter what I see as demoralizing negativity in friends and neighbours, I'll speak to them , too. This is Can'tada, so there's lot's of that going around, you can be sure.


If you want to fight for Krsna while other's may be fighting for their homeland, families, or the just the right to visit Disneyland safely fine! Just fight! In other words, prabhu, become strong rather than allowing your mind to find excuses for personal weakness and lack of committment. We won't be able to help you there, neither will misuse of the philosophy of Krsna-conciousness, in an unrealized attempt to convince others as rationalization for your(false)self. Now is definitely not the time for vacillating!!! Peter/valaya




[This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 09-17-2001).]

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If you want to fight for Krsna while other's may be fighting for their homeland, families, or the just right to visit Disneyland safely fine! Just fight! In other words, prabhu, become strong rather than allowing your mind to find excuses for personal weakness. We won't be able to help you there, nor will misuse of the philosophy of Krsna-conciousness, in an unrealized attempt to convince others as rationalization for your(false)self. Now is definitely not the time for vacillating!!! Peter/valaya


If you want to fight for Allah while other's may be fighting for their homeland, families, or the just right to visit Mecca safely fine! Just fight! In other words, prabhu, become strong rather than allowing your mind to find excuses for personal weakness. We won't be able to help you there, nor will misuse of the philosophy of Allah-conciousness, in an unrealized attempt to convince others as rationalization for your(false)self. Now is definitely not the time for vacillating!!! Osama Ibn Fatah


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Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

If you want to fight for Krsna while other's may be fighting for their homeland, families, or the just right to visit Disneyland safely fine! Just fight! In other words, prabhu, become strong rather than allowing your mind to find excuses for personal weakness. We won't be able to help you there, nor will misuse of the philosophy of Krsna-conciousness, in an unrealized attempt to convince others as rationalization for your(false)self. Now is definitely not the time for vacillating!!! Peter/valaya


If you want to fight for Allah while other's may be fighting for their homeland, families, or the just right to visit Mecca safely fine! Just fight! In other words, prabhu, become strong rather than allowing your mind to find excuses for personal weakness. We won't be able to help you there, nor will misuse of the philosophy of Allah-conciousness, in an unrealized attempt to convince others as rationalization for your(false)self. Now is definitely not the time for vacillating!!! Osama Ibn Fatah

Satyaraja you just do not get it.


This is not a war against Allah or any religious denomination that does not attack the intrinsic nature of the soul (Viz:free will). It is a war against slavery in the guise of religion. And the use of fanatical terrorism to insure its orchestration and peoples commitment to such





[This message has been edited by suryaz (edited 09-17-2001).]

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Originally posted by suryaz:

Satyaraja you just do not get it.


This is not a war against Allah or any religious denomination that does not attack the intrinsic nature of the soul (Viz:free will). It is a war against slavery in the guise of religion. And the use of fanatical terrorism to insure its orchestration and peoples commitment to such



[This message has been edited by suryaz (edited 09-17-2001).]

Thanks suryaz prabhu! Excellent summation. Some like to debate themseves just for the stimulation provided. Kind of a mental masturbation...often these same individuals are found to oppose whatever is presented by others, seeking similar stimulation. None of this has anything to do though with my point, which is simply discussion ends when war begins. The only real decision at that point is which side is one on. Of course, there are those unable to commit themselves either way, for whatever reason. Best not to let them confuse others, if at all possible.



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Originally posted by Maitreya:

You know I am really surprised

to see people in other lands offer their condolances and support to the US.

I thought they all hated us over here.

The peacetime resentment against the USA

by those who should really be grateful

may be analagous to the resentment

on another platform ?





originally posted by Maitreya

at http://www.indiadivine.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000670.html :


Speaking for just myself,

I find this to be the basic underlying principle of my life.

Deep rooted resentment towards Krishna.







[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 09-17-2001).]

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Originally posted by amanpeter:

[bNone of this has anything to do though with my point, which is simply discussion ends when war begins. The only real decision at that point is which side is one on. Of course, there are those unable to commit themselves either way, for whatever reason. Best not to let them confuse others, if at all possible.

Well I hope my confusion doesn't confuse others, but I am beginning to think I don't know what to think. I am just trying to be honest here with this moment of doubt I have. My daughter, who has been living in the woods for a few months, has been having prayer meetings and light focuses with other rainbow kids who arrived in the past few days. That, and the strongly pacifist leanings of most people I know around here, takes little to restimulate similar sentiments strong within me, and then I think: Is it better to pray it away?


Hm, even as I wrote that the answer came: both are necessary. Right? Or can it be done without the violence? I mean after all, we're talking miracles here anyway, as far as i am concerned, tryng to ferret out 10,000 people willing to do the suicide thing, and countless thousands of others willing to do all they can to support the terrorism.


Then, too, if chivalry is dead, what is it all for anyway? simply gross aggressions and counteraggressions?


Not meaning to demoralise, prabhu (or anyone else), just giving you an opportunity to defeat this doubt. Come on, you can do it.





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Just as your relationship was growing with BB and Valaya.

Don't worry JR you won't be asked to join the front line neither will Valaya.

But I understand what you are saying about the young some tend to see it as the preceeding generations playing with their future existence, it's a daunting thought that these maniacs if their back is up against the wall, may resort to chemical means or annthrax, ebola etc. Remember they don't play by any book, it's the no rules squad. Not valiant Kings facing off on the battlefield.

In one sense the Rainbow family have their heads in the clouds. But then again that's gotta be better than face down in the mud. As devotees we're taught to have our everything, mind, heart and soul in Vrndavan our only recourse is to remember our sweet Lord in all circumstances, whatever we do. Both choices need to be accepted and respected. If the Ksatriyas are fighting for freedom of choice. That's what the rainbow clan are choosing- peace over war. Personally I don't think anyone can rest in peace untill these destabilizeing influences are eliminated. And War is no peace at all. They haven't been able to do it in the Middle East since Cain and Able.And I don't think America has a magic wand or bullet. Also I don't see anything short of Divine Intervention that will solve this dilemna. It will take a massive call from the whole heart of Humanity for the Lord to intercede. Will it be answered by Balaram with His club, Jesus from a cloud, from Radha with love or Krsna in His Viswa rupa.

I'd say the invisible computers in our hearts right now are recording every souls stand, working overtime to sort the databanks as to what we all give our consensus to. Stay focussed the wave is peaking.

Gaurapremanandi Hari hari bol

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That is really an interesting world indeed!


Do you know too that Bush gave 53 million dollars in aid to Taliban? Even after Taliban’s rules on to pursue Hindus and Buddhists?


Bush Gift of 43 Million in May to Taliban Was in Defiance of Congress



Afghan People Captive to Taliban? | Op-Ed By Tamim Ansary



The Dalai Lama | Addresses, His Excellency Mr. George W. Bush The President



Getting Behind Mr. Bush? | Op-Ed By, Marc Ash



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Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

If you want to fight for Krsna while other's may be fighting for their homeland, families, or the just right to visit Disneyland safely fine! Just fight! In other words, prabhu, become strong rather than allowing your mind to find excuses for personal weakness. We won't be able to help you there, nor will misuse of the philosophy of Krsna-conciousness, in an unrealized attempt to convince others as rationalization for your(false)self. Now is definitely not the time for vacillating!!! Peter/valaya


If you want to fight for Allah while other's may be fighting for their homeland, families, or the just right to visit Mecca safely fine! Just fight! In other words, prabhu, become strong rather than allowing your mind to find excuses for personal weakness. We won't be able to help you there, nor will misuse of the philosophy of Allah-conciousness, in an unrealized attempt to convince others as rationalization for your(false)self. Now is definitely not the time for vacillating!!! Osama Ibn Fatah

That's right, Satyraja prabhu. War is war and bullets have no morality. The only question on the front lines is, "Friend or foe?" Those who don't have an immediate answer are treated as foe and eliminated. It's called self-defense and although we may believe our real selves to be spiritual, few of us wish to become martyrs. On the other hand, our enemies are lining up to do so. That's what we're up against!


BTW, I don't see anything or anyone interfering with pilgrims visiting Mecca except for threats of terrorism from their own kind and, of course, trampling by fellow `pilgrims`. I wonder though if you could answer this philosophical inquiry, being our resident pundit and all: If Mecca should somehow become a large radioactive hole, would it still be a place of pilgrimage? Guess then the Koran's instruction that each Moslem must vist once before they die would take on a whole new meaning!!!




[This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 09-17-2001).]

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Originally posted by valaya:

Aw bummer! I so wanted to be a suicide bomber!!!



I've been looking for someone to wear this backpack and go into McDonalds.


It's easy, once inside you scream MAC ATTACK!!! and push the button.


Nah, that won't work.We would miss your jokes and you reminding us of Radha dasyam all the time.


Maybe I'll get a robot.



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Originally posted by Maitreya:

I've been looking for someone to wear this backpack and go into McDonalds.


It's easy, once inside you scream MAC ATTACK!!! and push the button.


Nah, that won't work.We would miss your jokes and you reminding us of Radha dasyam all the time.


Maybe I'll get a robot.


Wouldn't want to waste my final shot like that. The target I had in mind does begin with the letter `M`, though...



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Valaya: I wonder though if you could answer this philosophical inquiry, being our resident pundit and all: If Mecca should somehow become a large radioactive hole, would it still be a place of pilgrimage?


Satyaraj: In spite of my supposed erudition and my evident great arrogance, I am unfit to understand the way that Hari sports His lilas. Just imagine a holy place like Vraja being transformed into a lethal device. Everyone who gets in contact with the dust of the place is immediately killed. Is that dust less holy due its lethal condition? Wouldn’t the pilgrims who knowing or unknowing could be killed by this dust be transferred to an upper platform?


I do understand that Mecca is a holy place and that inside the Kaaba there is a powerful salagram-sila. Everyone who dies near that place will have some spiritual profit in spite of his mundane belief.



[This message has been edited by Satyaraja dasa (edited 09-18-2001).]

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Originally posted by valaya:

Wouldn't want to waste my final shot like that. The target I had in mind does begin with the letter `M`, though...



NO!!! Not Maitreya! He was only joking! He needs to fulfill his Vrindaban adventure!


Besides, we need his McAlfisms here. Posted Image



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Not Maitreya! He was only joking! He needs to fulfill his Vrindaban adventure!


Last kartika some of the Gaudiya seers told us that that was the last kartika that we could go to Vraja. After that a big event would happen and no more planes would come to Bharata for several years. Many of Vraja’s holy places would be transformed into poisoned places (radioactivity?), and no more communication would be possible between Eastern and Western bhaktas.


Maybe this time they were right in their prevision, as the whole scene is getting dark.


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1) Wouldn't want to blow up Maitreya, I'm sure he's gotten `bombed` enough times all by himself! Besides, I'm hoping he'll lug back gallons of Radha-kund water for us all. I've still got enough for a few years, but if we lose access to the Holy Places...


2) Can't help wondering how many would go on a pilgrimage that meant certain death! Might be one way to avoid those awful crowds... Also, would they be entitled to all those virgins on arrival in `heaven`, like the suicide bombers? Maybe there's a formula like, say, 20 instead of 50. I mean really, prabhus, half-a-dozen would be more than enough pour moi! RR

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