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How would Srila Prabhupada have reacted to the terrorist attacks?

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Originally posted by leyh:

I really wonder how His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada would have reacted to the attacks on New York City and the Pentagon.....

I believe that Srila Prabhupada would have told us that these incidents and much worse are inevitable, due to the heavy karmic burden of the world caused mainly by animal slaughter and abortions.


The only solution His Divine Grace ever offered was that we must accept Krsna as our sole shelter, read his(Prabhupada's) books in the association of devotees, and chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare constantly.






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Originally posted by amanpeter:

I believe that Srila Prabhupada would have told us that these incidents and much worse are inevitable, due to the heavy karmic burden of the world caused mainly by animal slaughter and abortions.


The only solution His Divine Grace ever offered was that we must accept Krsna as our sole shelter, read his(Prabhupada's) books in the association of devotees, and chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare constantly.




I think you're right...Srila Prabhupada was always preaching spiritual answers for material problems.

Just imagine Srila Prabhupada having a conversation with one of those fanatical terrorist leaders...



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Perhaps Sankaracarya would have a nice advice as follows:


A dewdrop trembling from a lotus petal

So uncertain is the life...not known for how long!

The entire world that you see around, know,

Is full of dole, disease, and conceit.


Seek Govinda! Seek, Seek, Seek Govinda!

Seek alone Govinda!...O mud-headed fool!


[from Sankara’s Bhaja Govindam poem (4)]


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There is one story of some bombings that were occuring in India. A reporter asked Srila Prabhupada what he thought. Basically he told him that unless you give your life to Krsna you will always be afraid. The material world is full of fear and death. We cannot escape this except by surrendering to the feet of the Lord.



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And what would Mahaprabhu's response have been? We have the account of his interaction w/the Kazi in Caitanya Caritamrta. I recommend getting a copy of Ed Dimock's new translation (it is a far more scholarly work than the ISKCON publication - no offense to Pradyumna and crew intended).


I know the fanatics are going to hit the ceiling over this one, but get real people! There is scholarship, and then there is scholarship.


I personally feel indebted to HDG for his own translation, but I feel I have to look at various publications from a critical standpoint. If you only have the BBT translation, then that will suffice.





[This message has been edited by Ananga (edited 09-12-2001).]

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Dear Ananga prabhu,


Haribol! Dandavats. I'm personally really glad that you mentioned Edward C Dimock's translation of Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, I have been looking for information on how to obtain it for a while as I am doing my Honours thesis on the Gaudiya Vaishnava Movement and need his book. Could you just kidnly provide information such as the Publisher, Date of publication etc for me so that I can at least search some libraries and bookshops for it? Your help is much appreciated. thank you. Hare Krishna!!


Your humble servant

Sudevi dasi

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

There is one story of some bombings that were occuring in India. A reporter asked Srila Prabhupada what he thought. Basically he told him that unless you give your life to Krsna you will always be afraid. The material world is full of fear and death. We cannot escape this except by surrendering to the feet of the Lord.



This is perfect advice Gaurachandra Prabhu.It's kind of like every question Krsna Das Babaji used to be asked he would always answer laughing and chanting KRSNA KRSNA. The answer to everything.

Fear leaves the heart that Krsna as Love enters.


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Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayan Maharaj said the last morning, after the hijackings and terrorst attacks in the US that he was praying to Govindaji for the souls of all the dead in the tragedy that they be santi. He said that the Mohammedans have for some time been creating havoc all round the world. <h3>Srila Vamana Maharaj is reported to say that the US will now with avengance attack the Muslims and when they are finished it will pave a way for gaudiya siddhanta to flourish even all the more. He also predicted large scale war as a result of their attack. </h3>

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Now they must do what should have been done before.But all things have their time.The world must be rid of this scourge once and for all.


This is not going to be pretty.The NATO alliance has joined President Bush in declaring this attack an act of war.Attack on one member is an attack on all.


Putin from the Soviet Union said the same.


The resolve to put aside our cheap oil prices and to tighten the belt has finally awakened in the Western mind.


Alot is going to depend on how the Arab govt's respond.


If they were smart they would just round up all those they have had on their payroll for the last so many decades and hand them over.


If they are stupid they will resist.That could be WW3 also known as hell on earth.


The danger for us is that we may get sucked into identifying even more with our false designations.


Hare Krishna

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Originally posted by gauraprema:

Dear Ananga prabhu,


Haribol! Dandavats. I'm personally really glad that you mentioned Edward C Dimock's translation of Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, I have been looking for information on how to obtain it for a while as I am doing my Honours thesis on the Gaudiya Vaishnava Movement and need his book. Could you just kidnly provide information such as the Publisher, Date of publication etc for me so that I can at least search some libraries and bookshops for it? Your help is much appreciated. thank you. Hare Krishna!!


Your humble servant

Sudevi dasi

Maybe I can help Sudevi. Just today I happened to be checking out half.com, which sells books for half price down to practically nothing, in conditions ranging from acceptable to like new, and saw several of those books there. Good luck in your search.


ys, Jayaradhe


PS Still holding that maha for you, just have to remember to go get your rmail address again in my inbox.



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SV Maharaj is reported to say that the US will now with avengance attack the Muslims and when they are finished it will pave a way for gaudiya siddhanta to flourish even all the more. He also predicted large scale war as a result of their attack.


Fortunately most of the prophecies made by these persons shows to be untrue. They are announcing this world war 3 and a pralaya at every new crises. But for certain they have 50% of chance to be right at any case at every prediction. A large scale war may occur at any time, but how one can be so sure about its result? Do you remember Vietnan? Just imagine if the Moors win this war and the future of any other religion besides Islam!


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Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

SV Maharaj is reported to say that the US will now with avengance attack the Muslims and when they are finished it will pave a way for gaudiya siddhanta to flourish even all the more. He also predicted large scale war as a result of their attack.


Fortunately most of the prophecies made by these persons shows to be untrue. They are announcing this world war 3 and a pralaya at every new crises. But for certain they have 50% of chance to be right at any case at every prediction. A large scale war may occur at any time, but how one can be so sure about its result? Do you remember Vietnan? Just imagine if the Moors win this war and the future of any other religion besides Islam!

Who is SV Maharaj? Whoever he is, he should stick to talking about Radha-Krishna tattva and Chaitanya's method of convincing people of all faiths that only Love incarnate will bring an end to all suffering, an end to all wars, a new era.



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I think you're right...Srila Prabhupada was always preaching spiritual answers for material problems.

Just imagine Srila Prabhupada having a conversation with one of those fanatical terrorist leaders...


ME: Yeah, he'd probably just call everything he doesn't agree with 'foolishness' and bore us (just kidding! - about the bore us bit)


Hare Krishna!

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