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Letter to a Terrorist

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Let the whole world witness the real unity of the United States of America! I've posted it on `Spiritual Discussions` because I see in all this the indestructible spiritual strength of the greatest nation on this planet. God bless you all!!!


An email from Charles Brennan, 18 year old

An open letter to a terrorist:


Well, you hit the World Trade Center, but you missed America.

You hit the Pentagon, but you missed America. You used helpless

American bodies, to take out other American bodies, but like a

poor marksman, you STILL missed America. Why? Because of something you guys will never understand.

America isn’t about a building or two, not about financial

centers, not about military centers, America isn’t about a

place, America isn’t even about a bunch of bodies. America is

about an IDEA. An idea, that you can go someplace where you can

earn as much as you can figure out how to, live for the most

part, like you envisioned living, and pursue Happiness. (No

guarantees that you’ll reach it, but you can sure try!). Go ahead and whine your terrorist whine, and chant your

terrorist litany: “If you can not see my point, then feel my

pain.” This concept is alien to Americans. We live in a country

where we don’t have to see your point. But you’re free to have

one. We don’t have to listen to your speech. But you’re free to

SAY one. Don’t know where you got the strange idea that everyone

has to agree with you. We don’t agree with each other in this

country, almost as a matter of pride. We’re a collection of guys

that don’t agree, called States. We united our individual states

to protect ourselves from tyranny in the world. Another idea, we

made up on the spot. You CAN make it up as you go, when it’s

your country. You guys seen to be incapable of understanding that we don’t

live in America, America live in US! American spirit is what

it’s called. And killing a few thousand of us, or a few million

of us, won’t change it. Most of the time, it’s a pretty

happy-go-lucky kind of Spirit. Until we’re crossed in a cowardly

manner, then it becomes an entirely different kind of Spirit. Wait until you see what we do with that Spirit, this time. Sleep

tight, if you can. We’re coming.

Charles Brennan -------

I think this pretty much sums up the American point of view. The Reluctant Messenger


The world's religions and science are pieces to a puzzle

that need one another to achieve a complete picture.





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Aman Peter,


I am against any form of terrorism, but I believe in logical thinking and not jingoism. May be it is time to think if the foreign policies of the USA, created this kind of terrorism. For years, the USA propped up successive dictator regimes in many Islamic countries and in Africa, to serve their own economic ends. The USA trained and armed Osama to teeth. And all these years, many countries including India and Tibet were bled, either directly or indirectly, due to these foreign policies.


Since 1992, Saddam claims, 1.5 million lives have been lost in Iraq due to US attacks and sanctions. His numbers may be exaggerated, but the fact is while the attacks on WTC seem spectacular, more lives have been lost in Iraq, Palestine, India, Tibet, Sudan etc. due to US policies and attacks.


In my opinion, any form of terrorism is abominable...whether it is terrorism in the name of Islam or terrorism in the name of democracy.


Let us work on stopping both. Otherwise, in a vicious cycle, one breeds the other.

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Originally posted by karthik_v:

Since 1992, Saddam claims, 1.5 million lives have been lost in Iraq due to US attacks and sanctions. His numbers may be exaggerated, but the fact is while the attacks on WTC seem spectacular, more lives have been lost in Iraq, Palestine, India, Tibet, Sudan etc. due to US policies and attacks.

I think Saddam started a war in Kuwait karthik_v.Also they have been allowed to sell enough oil to take care of basic human needs but somehow it doesn't seem to filter down from the top.Saddam gased the Kurdish population in Iraq.Was that also the fault of the US?I also find it interesting in your attempt to take the broad view,[which is the right approach I believe]you neglect to mention the innocent victims in Isreal who have died via these suicide bombers.

Please explain how the US is responsible for lives lost in India.

Tibet?Might be more fair to blame the Chinese.

Sudan?Are you refering to Clinton's destroying that chemical plant?We do owe the world an apology for Clinton.


I didn't vote for him but on behalf of my misguided countrymen,I apologize.


By watching the Taliban and Osama we see they are religious fanatics to a far extreme.


Given the chance what do you think they would have in plan for India?


Hare Krishna


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Originally posted by karthik_v:

Aman Peter Prabhu,


I am not taking a lopsided stand against the US and I have been dead against organized Islam, if you had read my other posts in other threads. Second, I am all for freedom and wouldn't lose it by any means. So, I am with you if you want to eliminate the Islamic terrorists.


But, I would be happier if Islamic terrorism itself is eliminated. Because, you can always eliminate one Islamic terrorist and produce 20 more. That would be counter-productive. The answer is to eliminate Islamic terrorism along with the terrorists.


Also, many don't realize the level to which these Islamic terrorists have penetrated countries like India and the USA. I am from India and I have seen it at grass-roots level. I have lived in Kashmir during the peak of militancy and know how they operate. Have you ever thought how they may strike back if the USA and its allies launch a war on Afghanistan? Imagine the possibility of an Islamic terrorist, exploding a vial of ebola or anthrax virus on top of a high-rise building. That will kill millions in days.


Also, several thousands of former-Soviet scientists have been rendered jobless after the USSR fell apart. They are ready to work for the highest bidder..I believe many already do. So, destructive technology is not out of the reach of these Islamic terrorists. And the recent attacks on WTC showed that they don't even need technology to be highly destructive.


That is why I feel a pragmatic approach is better than jingoism. That is why I stated that we should also rectify those policies pursued by the USA that would spawn future terrorists.


I agree with everything you've said. Please don't mistake me for Johnny Rambo! Unfortunately, I believe that there is little choice now except to declare total war, as has been done. During times of war, discussions about pragmatism and philosophy can be demoralizing and detrimental to the fighting spirit, whereas `jingoism` can inspire the unified efforts required.


Of course I realize the consequences inevitable in a conflict with an enemy such as this! That's precisely why this is not the time to question ourselves. Many a gunfight was lost in the American wild west, because the one with the fastest draw and the best weapon was unable to pull the trigger. Hopefully, as I said before, we will all learn from this, if we live through it. Then there will be endless introspection and self-questioning, at least in democracies such as the United States. That is a great part of America's strength, probably the most important at that, but now our efforts must be focused in a different way.


The decision to engage in all out war is certainly a difficult one and Americans are not so easily provoked. Once having begun, however, there must be no indecisiveness or turning back until the enemy has not only been vanquished but completely squashed, never to rise again. The inability to do the needful, unpleasant as it so obviously is, has been one of our major mistakes in the past and it has certainly contributed to our present situation.


Us vs. them need not be seen as good vs. evil or right vs. wrong, though this can be a strong motivation for some. Actually, it's a matter of survival. Yes, we could all be living simpler lives, without skyscrapers and so on, but we are together here on the internet, aren't we? Thus, by reaping the benefits we all share in the complicity and must assume some responsibility in the coming battles, even if it's just to keep up our own morale by firmly fixing our inner resolve. We can only imagine the strength of resolve needed by our avowed enemies to continue doing what they have proven themseves capable of. Keep the faith, prabhu!







[This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 09-17-2001).]

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Originally posted by karthik_v:

Aman Peter,


I am against any form of terrorism, but I believe in logical thinking and not jingoism. May be it is time to think if the foreign policies of the USA, created this kind of terrorism. For years, the USA propped up successive dictator regimes in many Islamic countries and in Africa, to serve their own economic ends. The USA trained and armed Osama to teeth. And all these years, many countries including India and Tibet were bled, either directly or indirectly, due to these foreign policies.


Since 1992, Saddam claims, 1.5 million lives have been lost in Iraq due to US attacks and sanctions. His numbers may be exaggerated, but the fact is while the attacks on WTC seem spectacular, more lives have been lost in Iraq, Palestine, India, Tibet, Sudan etc. due to US policies and attacks.


In my opinion, any form of terrorism is abominable...whether it is terrorism in the name of Islam or terrorism in the name of democracy.


Let us work on stopping both. Otherwise, in a vicious cycle, one breeds the other.

Hear, here!



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Originally posted by dasanudas:

Where is this AMAN name coming from sounds a little Palestinian to me.

I agree with all the servants of God.

But how we gonna get them to agree with us! Posted Image

St.Amand, from some obscure French saint, of which I am neither. jndas just confirmed that I've somehow previously registered as valaya, so goodbye amanpeter as soon as it can be arranged. I'll keep the Email as it is for now. Course you devotees can call me whatever you like..."I yam what I yam!" (Popeye)



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karthik_v, In this world the struggle for existence continues on all levels, like it or not. The freedoms we enjoy to discuss these matters over the internet or to practice our spiritual/religious beliefs, etc. etc. are only available due to the sacrifices and/or struggles of others. For certain things, I will fight viciously and to-the-death. This present war is one of them.


Perhaps your `higher` philosophical points can be addressed later, prabhu, if we're still in one piece. Right now, it's us against them. I am firmly convinced of the differences as well as the need to support our side wholeheartedly. Perhaps a visit to Afghanistan or some similar `culture` might help to convince you. Freedoms won at great expense can be so easily and quickly lost. Will you, or any of us for that matter, be in a position to regain them?


You might want to read the post on another thread about the treatment of women, including disfigurement by acid attacks, or are such incidents and the belief systems they are a product of, not important to you? Perhaps this too can be blamed on America?

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War is hell, but the alternative can be much worse. Must each new generation be reminded anew? Were we all spoiled by the apparent ease with which desert storm was won? Is everything o.k. as long as our TV still works and the pizza's are just a phone call away? Whatever else comes out of this, I believe it will be a wake-up call on all sides and an impetus towards real spiritual committment.


Lest we forget, Lest we forget...

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Originally posted by Maitreya:

I think Saddam started a war in Kuwait karthik_v.Also they have been allowed to sell enough oil to take care of basic human needs but somehow it doesn't seem to filter down from the top.Saddam gased the Kurdish population in Iraq.Was that also the fault of the US?I also find it interesting in your attempt to take the broad view,[which is the right approach I believe]you neglect to mention the innocent victims in Isreal who have died via these suicide bombers.

Please explain how the US is responsible for lives lost in India.

Tibet?Might be more fair to blame the Chinese.

Sudan?Are you refering to Clinton's destroying that chemical plant?We do owe the world an apology for Clinton.


I didn't vote for him but on behalf of my misguided countrymen,I apologize.


By watching the Taliban and Osama we see they are religious fanatics to a far extreme.


Given the chance what do you think they would have in plan for India?


Hare Krishna



Hare Krishna.


Saddam certainly is a criminal for invading Kuwait and I have no sympathies for him. But, the US carpet bombed their cities going by intelligence reports on Saddam's purported hide-outs. Many targets destroyed included hospitals and water-supplies. Contaminated water caused many an epidemic and even mild illnesses like gastroenteritis killed hundreds of children as medicines and hospitals were non-existent. I think such a large scale and sustained retaliation was disproportionate, more so as it failed to eliminate Saddam and caused misery to the civilians. Some sanctions were relaxed past 1998 and even if Saddam hadn't usrurped that money it was too little to rehabilitate the millions in Iraq.


China committed more atrocities in Tibet..it still does. But the USA never retaliated against them like they did against Iraq. Instead they sold them weapons and fighter planes. And gave them MFN status. Is it because Kuwait is a rich ally worth defending and Tibet a poor wretch?


For 21 years India has been furnishing evidence against Sikh and Islamic militants who operate from the US and Canada and destabilize India. But, the US never even extradited them on the grounds that there was not enough evidence. Also, the US sold arms and funded Pakistan, which in turn trained these militants. USA did that because all along Pakistan was an ally to fight the USSR and they were also buying arms from the USA. So, quest for economic gains indirectly destabilized India.


I am dead against Islamic terrorism. India, like Israel, has suffered a lot at their hands. I have lived in Israel and I sympathise with them and not the Islamic terrorists. I also believe that Islamic terrorism exists independent of what the USA does.


The reason I am taking a broader approach is that the US foreign policies are also fuelling Islamic terrorism. It strengthens the fundamentalists and alienates moderates among Muslims. If I were a Muslim and I see the US carpet bombing Iraqi children, I guess I am unlikely to sympathise with the US. Similarly, the decades old US policy of "horses for the courses" has weakened stable democracies like India..which should be a natural ally of the US.


The US has often propped up dictator regimes (Pakistan is a case in point) and that has led to terrorism directly.


That is why I belive that the problem should be approached openly. There is no doubt that we should eliminate the Islamic terrorists but we should also eliminate terrible policies and actions on the part of the USA that groom such terrorists. Otherwise, we will eliminate one Osama but create many more.


I hope being open doesn't make me sound like anti-US, which I am not. In fact I believe that US is the haven for peaceful ideals.


As far their plans for India, I think already Osama has a presence in Kashmir. The recent attacks of LeT are proof of this. He has also stated that after the USA, India is his #2 enemy. Now, if the USA attacks them with Pakistani support, I think they will step up more attacks on India. More so, to divert the attention of the Pakistani people who are anti-US and pro-Afghan.


Your servant,


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Maitreya:Please explain how the US is responsible for lives lost in India. Tibet?Might be more fair to blame the Chinese. Sudan?Are you refering to Clinton's destroying that chemical plant?We do owe the world an apology for Clinton.


Satyaraj: Do you know that Bush gave 53 million dollars in aid to Taliban? Even after Taliban’s rules on to pursue Hindus and Buddhists (mainly Tibetan)?


Please check out these info as we got it and posted them in the other thread. Please don’t be so silly! USA’s foreign politic is a mess, a calamity!


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Originally posted by amanpeter:

karthik_v, In this world the struggle for existence continues on all levels, like it or not. The freedoms we enjoy to discuss these matters over the internet or to practice our spiritual/religious beliefs, etc. etc. are only available due to the sacrifices and/or struggles of others. For certain things, I will fight viciously and to-the-death. This present war is one of them.


Perhaps your `higher` philosophical points can be addressed later, prabhu, if we're still in one piece. Right now, it's us against them. I am firmly convinced of the differences as well as the need to support our side wholeheartedly. Perhaps a visit to Afghanistan or some similar `culture` might help to convince you. Freedoms won at great expense can be so easily and quickly lost. Will you, or any of us for that matter, be in a position to regain them?


You might want to read the post on another thread about the treatment of women, including disfigurement by acid attacks, or are such incidents and the belief systems they are a product of, not important to you? Perhaps this too can be blamed on America?

Aman Peter Prabhu,


I am not taking a lopsided stand against the US and I have been dead against organized Islam, if you had read my other posts in other threads. Second, I am all for freedom and wouldn't lose it by any means. So, I am with you if you want to eliminate the Islamic terrorists.


But, I would be happier if Islamic terrorism itself is eliminated. Because, you can always eliminate one Islamic terrorist and produce 20 more. That would be counter-productive. The answer is to eliminate Islamic terrorism along with the terrorists.


Also, many don't realize the level to which these Islamic terrorists have penetrated countries like India and the USA. I am from India and I have seen it at grass-roots level. I have lived in Kashmir during the peak of militancy and know how they operate. Have you ever thought how they may strike back if the USA and its allies launch a war on Afghanistan? Imagine the possibility of an Islamic terrorist, exploding a vial of ebola or anthrax virus on top of a high-rise building. That will kill millions in days.


Also, several thousands of former-Soviet scientists have been rendered jobless after the USSR fell apart. They are ready to work for the highest bidder..I believe many already do. So, destructive technology is not out of the reach of these Islamic terrorists. And the recent attacks on WTC showed that they don't even need technology to be highly destructive.


That is why I feel a pragmatic approach is better than jingoism. That is why I stated that we should also rectify those policies pursued by the USA that would spawn future terrorists.

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