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Advanced Military Technology and Mahabharat days

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Originally posted by Caitanyachandra:

How advanced is the USA armed forces compared to Indian armed forces and how does this all compare to the days of Mahabharat where one soldier could wipe out an entire village, city, and world with a few sounds.

I suppose you have read the Mahabharat, as I have. Basically, every Pandava was capable of invocing different types of special weapon with their bow and arrow. Elemental weapons, Brahmahastra weapon, things equivolent to nuclear weapons (minus the radiation I suppose). Arjuna had Shiva's weapon which was capable of MASSIVE destruction, but I don't think he ever used it.


Even the Kauravas were all able to fire thousands of mantra-enhanced arrows.


Don't forget that in 18 days, 18 million troops died during the Mahabharat war. More than anything we've seen in modern history.


As for modern US versus modern India ... United States military has very advanced equipment, but they are not as rugged as some of these mountain fighters that you'll see in the mideast and India. India has a big infantry ... hopefully they will never have to use it. But basically India is our ally in case Pakistan or China go awry. Hopefully they neither of them ever will get antsy to fight ...

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Everyone is blaming terorist leader

Bin Ladin for the destruction of

Pentagon and the World Trade Center

and the innocent lives wasted in-

side those ill-fated commercial air

planes that went down, killing hun-

dreds if not thousands of those

who were inside these buldings that

were turned to rubble in less than

30-40 minutes. Well there just got

to be a fall-guy, after all, even

the most brilliant of minds can not

fathom how such a dastardly act was

carried out under the noses of the

most powerful country in the world.


I hate to think that backward coun-

try like Afgahnistan amd its Ta-

liban may have something to do with

it, and that Pakistan is under the

pressure cooker to hand Bin Ladin to

the USA for crimes the terrorist lea-

der of El Quaida have committed a-

gainst the American people and the

rest of the democratic world.


We must remember, Pakistan was once

a part of India and those who live,

past or present, in this Muslim count-

ry mostly took their birth on this

sacred land, Bharata-varsa. In the

eyes of the Lord, Pakistanis are still

His children-at-heart. If only the Pa-

kistanis and Hindus unite, regardless

of religious affiliations, they would

at last, find themselves transported

to the time when India(Bharata-varsa)

truly was the Superpower of the world.


Wake Up! Pakistanis and Hindus for you

are all brothers and sisters of one

God the Father, Vasudeva. You are the

Aryan race, and it`s now the time to

show us your divine heritage. All these

so-called advance-learning and techno-

logy from the West were actually borro-

wed from the timeless Vedic wisdom, the

source of which came from the Lord Him-

self, Vasudeva(Lord Krishna).



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Does OSAMA Bin Laden even exist?

The name itself sounds like a spell-bounding mantra.


For all we know this could be another moon-hoax via the camera. The space program was justifiable for military build-up. Now OSAME is another excuse for the latter. Will America ever learn?


Another thought.

America has had more than enough time to destroy Sadam and OSAMa. The last 20 years for that matter. Are you telling me United States was not able to destroy a wandering terrorist in the last 20 years.


Does not make sense to me. Conspiracy theory.

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originally posted by kc dasaI suppose you have read the Mahabharat, as I have. Basically, every Pandava was capable of invocing different types of special weapon with their bow and arrow.

This is nothing special. Anyone who knows how to speak Sanskrit can invoke different types of special weapon with their bow & arrow.


According to modern history, bow & arrow was invented by Native Americans...


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Scientists spend money, time and they struggle hard to invent something and then they are blamed to have stolen technologies from India. Is this justified?

Have you ever seen any just statements about scientists, come forth from a iskcon devotee? Scientists are dumb, good_for_nothing idiots with their "imperfect senses". Instead of simply accepting the stories in the holy books as true, like any person with "good sense" and "perfect senses" will do, they are attempting to rationalize things such as genetics, for instance. Can they possibly get any dumber than this?


In brief, a scientist is a rascal and fool number one.





[This message has been edited by shvu (edited 09-17-2001).]

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This is nothing special. Anyone who knows how to speak Sanskrit can invoke different types of special weapon with their bow & arrow.

If only Bin laden knew this secret Information !


Those ignorant guys are spending lots of money smuggling in weapons, ammunition and training people to use them, while all that they have to do is to learn to speak sanskrit. After which, they can throw away all the guns, make bows and arrows and invoke different types of weapons in true Mahabharata or Ramayana style. There will be fire on all the 4 ends of the compass, elephants will burst into flames, etc.


Beware, chaitanya....this info may fall on the wrong eyes. Let us keep this sanskrit technique a secret.




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Originally posted by shvu:

Have you ever seen any just statements about scientists, come forth from a iskcon devotee? Scientists are dumb, good_for_nothing idiots with their "imperfect senses". Instead of simply accepting the stories in the holy books as true, like any person with "good sense" and "perfect senses" will do, they are attempting to rationalize things such as genetics, for instance. Can they possibly get any dumber than this?


In brief, a scientist is a rascal and fool number one.





[This message has been edited by shvu (edited 09-17-2001).]

Far from that. There are many scientists in ISKCON itself, but the difference is these people search for the truth and don't want to restrict themselves to doctrines. On the other hand, many mainstream scientists are highly dogmatic and have agendas. A case in point is the recent opposition to Astrology courses in the Universities, by Indian scientists.


Their only opposition was that astrology doesn't fit into modern scientific logic, but they couldn't explain how an astrologer can predict even one incident correctly. My argument is if astrologers can even predict 10% of the future, then there has to be a science behind that..so an open mind should explore that. But most scientists won't.


So, who is close minded? ISKCON or the mainstream scientists?

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Who is closed-minded? Pretty well anybody with convictions. Those who defend `open-mindedness` so adamantly are obviously `closed-minded` on that issue! If we weren't all closed-minded to some extent, whatever we might have in the form of brains would surely fall out!


Where we should try to excercise caution is in what we hold convictions about. I see it as a pyramid. The top of my mind is easily changed, but the broader bottom part keeps the basic foundation strong; therefore that must be altered very carefully, piece-by-piece, if at all.

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I don't think it is correct to say that modern day mainstream scientists are stealing ideas from our scriptures. If it is believed that the stories written in Puranas are fictitious, then it is obviously wrong to say that modern day scientists have copied ideas from those. If it is believed that the stories are really true, then also we can not say that the scientists have copied ideas from these books. Just saying that we had knowledge of deadly weapons does not tell us how we can make these weapons at present. We need to know the process also. If the process is really mentioned in our ancient books, then one needs to have good knowledge of Sanskrit to utilise that. Are the scientists of today have that much knowledge of Sanskrit? Many claim that the weapons like Brahmastra, Agneyastra etc. can we invoked by those who have mastered the respective mantras. Have modern day scentists mastered these mantras?

And why is it that after scientists discover/invent something new, we say that we already new this? Why don't we say it earlier?

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There is a major war ahead. Boeing just slashed 20k-30k jobs in a millisecond. USA is thinking of stacking up on military spending. NOt for nothing...;D



Far from that. There are many scientists in ISKCON itself, but the difference is these

people search for the truth and don't want to restrict themselves to doctrines. On the

other hand, many mainstream scientists are highly dogmatic and have agendas. A case in

point is the recent opposition to Astrology courses in the Universities, by Indian

scientists.end shvu

I like the first point. lot of goods cholars came out of the iskcon fallout (prabhu's death).


All scientists have an agenda. Just like all devotees have an agenda. becauset hey both have conviction.


pleaes explain on that astrology subject more. 10% of what? how do you predict 10% of the future.

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