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Maybe not QUITE dead. Locanananda prabhu serves as a wonderful example of chivalry in action.


A reply I received in response to concerns about rallying support for a Godsister:


Sun Sep 2, 2001 10:57 pm

Re: Women are mothers....



...Many of us know what it is like to not have one dollar to your name, but we can

hardly imagine what it must be like to have four children without a dollar to your name. Shanta Dasi is our godsister. When Srila

Prabhupada was asked about how men should relate to a godsister, he suggested that we look at Lady Subhadra who stands between Lords Jagannatha and Balarama. in this way, we should protect our godsisters, he said.


For me, doing something to help a devotee in need is as important as seeing to the needs of my own family. If I can do one, I can do the other. I believe if this had happened in Srila Prabhupada's presence, if a woman and her children had been abused by someone posing as a devotee in his society, Srila Prabhupada would have arranged for her free room and board and the free gurukula education of her kids. When the Mahamantra abuse case was exposed by Padmapani Prabhu, everyone in Iskcon was informed of the family's plight, that they were destitute, but not a single Iskcon devotee responded to Padmapani's appeal for financial help. Many of them sent words of encouragement, but only the Prabhupadanugas have done something substantial. This is the measure of character, how you respond to someone else's call for help. The Prabhupadanugas have shown their superior character, and Srila Prabhupada is very pleased.


Your servant, Locanananda dasa






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