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Devotee and children still need help

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I've been meaning to post this for days, and was reminded of it when I went to find a post about chivalry. (Locanananda prabhu gave me permission to post this anywhere I wanted.)


Devotee Needs More Help



Dear Prabhus,

Our dear godsister, Shanta Dasi, and her four daughters are in dire need of financial assistance. For years, they were victims of abuse by her husband Mahamantra dasa who was recently arrrested and

put in jail for crimes of domestic violence. Shanta lives somewhere in Canada with the girls and they have practically no income. They obtain food from a free pantry, but there is no money to buy clothes for four growing children or school supplies for the new school year.

Please be kind to this very nice devotee who has complete faith that Krishna will provide what she needs to care for her children.Since she is living incognito, fearing that her former husband may

try to find her, I am requesting that devotees send me their contributions so that I can in turn transfer the money to her in

Canada. Please make your check or money order payable to:


Lewis F. Einhorn

565 54th Street

Brooklyn, NY 11220


Your compassionate gift will be very much appreciated. Thanking you in advance, I beg to remain


Your servant, Locanananda dasa


JR adds: It is my understanding, from previous exchanges, and also from an unmarked letter I got from Shantadasi herself, that her need for being incognito makes it not possible for her even to apply for government help at this time. Please dig in your pockets and I know every little bit helps, no matter how small. I have been there myself. Unfortunately I can not send her any more at this time myself.





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As long as Shanta dasi and her 4 children are either Canadian citizens or landed immigrants, they are entitled to government assistance which I believe is approximately $1400 to $1600 a month plus mother's allowance of $50 extra for each child if they are under 18 years of age. From what I've heard, Mahamantra was sentenced to a jail term for the vicious assault on his wife and banned from the Vancouver temple. Shanti dasi is entitled to a restraining order against him (legal aid for mothers on assistance is free in such cases) to keep him not only away from her and her place of residence but from making any contact with her, in the event that he does attempt to he will be incarcerated again.



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Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:

As long as Shanta dasi and her 4 children are either Canadian citizens or landed immigrants, they are entitled to government assistance which I believe is approximately $1400 to $1600 a month plus mother's allowance of $50 extra for each child if they are under 18 years of age. From what I've heard, Mahamantra was sentenced to a jail term for the vicious assault on his wife and banned from the Vancouver temple. Shanti dasi is entitled to a restraining order against him (legal aid for mothers on assistance is free in such cases) to keep him not only away from her and her place of residence but from making any contact with her, in the event that he does attempt to he will be incarcerated again.


p.s. That amount ($1400 to $1600) is the scale for a single mother with 4 children, the $50 per child is extra until the children are 18. I don't know her, only of her story and that there are many devotees in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island who do know her, who are enraged with her ex-husband and who she should also try to get in contact with for help if she is still in need of things like extra food and clothing for her and her children.




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