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A Scary Doll Story

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The Doll`s Action and Lines that Fit


If you dreamed of presenting a simple

fairy tale that uses dolls, be sure

that somebody who can read between

the lines what your dolls are saying

while you are managing the strings

make them move and talk in a certain

way that convey to the audience the

message of the story that scares the

hell out of those who watch the play

as it unfolds before the watchful

eyes of those who love to see a hor-

ror play portrayed by dolls.


Those who therefore like to watch a

puppet show on TV are entertained

by the cocky antics and jerks staged

on the set by puppets the viewers

love. For example, Hermit, the Frog,

or Miss Piggy, or Bert.


But there`s however this horrible

doll story which D`UNKNOWN almost did

not release it for viewing because its

considered to be one of scariest of

them all.


Aired on Cable TV by your favorite

TV-Broadcast Network, it`s a doll

story where the world was ghastly

entertained by the bizarre creativi-

ty of the play set on stage for all

to see, without exceptions to those

who have weak hearts.


Alleged to be orchestrated by Osama

Bin Laden`s Doll Company, it does

not for the grace of me can fathom

how they were able to do it after

a group of terrorists hijacked

four US commercial airplanes target-

ed to smash, precisely, one at a

time, into the Pentagon in Washington

D.C., The White House where the US

President resides, and the Twin Tow-

ers of the World Trade Center loca-

ted in Manhattan, New York, USA.


It is therefore a scary doll story

that became a reality after somebody

stole the Book of Horrors archived

in the enchanted library of fairy-

land located somewhere far beyond the



In other words, the doll story that

was copied from the pages of the book

containing the most horrible tales was

stolen perhaps by a thief hired by the

doll-mastermind who have sold the du-

plicate copy to an UNKNOWN SYNDICATE

that produces the most horrible sto-

ries readers only get to view after

those who are interested in bank rol-

ling it get to see them first. One of

them I know was Adolph Hitler who was

delighted to watch The Holocaust, a

horrific tale that described how six

million of Jews were annihilated in-

side the Gas Chambers of Death.


The Doll Story therefore is fairytale

about a bunch of suicidal dolls who

were able to avenge the early demise of

their most beloved, Doll Master, who

left the world without notice leaving

behind his servant dolls stranded for-

ever on Earth. The Doll Master have

actually promised these dolls, who la-

ter became suicidal, that the former

would take them to a place where the

Supreme Doll resides, once the Doll

Master can arranged with the space a-

gency a Rocket ship that would take

them all to that eternal abode where

the Supreme Doll who is called by His

Mother, " Damodara" resides together

with His eternal playmates who loves

to play sincerely with dolls.


Unfortunately, the plan did not mate-

rialize after the Doll Master`s most

trusted dollmaker cut the strings

the Doll Master have tied to the arms

of his servant-dolls. After these sil-

ver strings were severed, it immmedia-

tely broke the Doll Master`s fragile

heart, a very unfortunate incident

because the dollmaker was in a hurry

to become the next Doll Master once

the Master of the doll kingdom dies as

dolls in different sizes and shapes a-

wait their turn.Others taken by child-

ren who dreamed of playing with dolls

even before they were born.


When the dollmaker became the chief of

all the servant dolls, he therefore

wasted no time of trading them for one

stupid servant robot from a buyer who

hates dolls.N`vermind if the dolls fall

into the hands of people who practice

witchcraft and voodooism. When the dolls

knew they will be taken to the Valley of

Eternally Dammned, they therefore made

an escape plan by which they were able

to do after a year of planning when they

boarded an airplane that took them to the

land of milk and honey in the guise of

being the pilots and navigators themsel-

ves of that plane


There the dolls set on stage a plan to

hijack four airplanes lying idly on one

of the several airports in the land of

milk and honey. Thus on that fateful

day of September 11, 2001, these suici-

dal dolls were able to slam and smash

the planes into the New Rock City`s

most famous Twin Towers housing the One

World Trade Center, and a building de-

signed like a Pentagon that housed the

most sophisticated intelligence equip-

ments known to dollmankind, an act OK`d

by the Master when the dolls who have

nothing to lose found the dollmaker and

Co. holding money-making ventures in-

side these ill-fated buildings.


Well, I guess there`s no need to tell

you how this scary doll story ended

since you can watch it on CableTV in

your homes as the climax of this scary

doll story unfolds before our very eyes,

courtesy from BBC or CNN.


(To Be Continued)


[This message has been edited by melvin (edited 09-22-2001).]


[This message has been edited by melvin (edited 09-22-2001).]

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Vewy scarewy Mel made me rethink my childhood bedtime stories.

This reminds me of a song by a little known Poet-singer of the 70's called Tim Buckley.He put one album out called 'Happy Sad' Where he expressed in one song 'The movies pave a chaos tale' which I keep getting replays of all the time. Basicly it is something Srila Sridhara Maharaj stated that, "if you can think it within your consciousness, it is possible" Then when I see all these movies that are released to take us on a white knuckle ride thru terror, is it any wonder that some naive or maladjusted minds in some faraway land can't differentiate between reality and the movies.

So you have cliffhangers trying to defy gravity hanging vertically upside down, only when imitated in reality you just fall to the ground DOA. And because in movieworld they're running out of themes to push the edge they cook up bizarre tales to take the audience one step further over that edge.

Maybe what some western filmakers in their fertile imaginations don't understand is the mind of some little Arabian boy who may have been brought up in the desert on a volatile mix of hashish and poppysap, child molestation, and Arabian nights. Could translate into some horror story when fuelled by the misconception of martyredom and the promise of virgins in heaven.

Of course western culture if you'd call it that, isn't that far removed from this either.


As Srila Sridhara Maharaj has told 'Your world is in your mind" It all rests in consciousness, this is why we are advised to fill it with the beauty of Krsna and Mahaprabhus ways.

Hare Krsna. Scarewy prabhu!

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