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Scientist says he can create meat without killing animals

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From Ananova News:


Scientist says he can create meat without killing animals


A Dutch scientist says he can create artificial meat in laboratories without killing animals.


Wiete Westerhof, from the University of Amsterdam, plans to use the same method used to produce artificial skin.


He believes he will be able to grow lumps of meat weighing up to 50kg in large containers.


The meat would be produced using collagen particles and muscle cells taken from "animal donors" who would not be harmed.


The muscle cells would then grow and multiply on the collagen.


Mr Westerhof anticipates containers able to hold more than 5,000 litres, in which the meat would grow in a nutrient solution.


This liquid would contain 62 ingredients, including 20 amino acids, 12 vitamins and various enzymes.


"The product will have the structure and taste of lean meat, but animals won't have to suffer for it," said Mr Westerhof.


The dermatologist says pork, beef and chicken meat could all be produced artificially as well as kangaroo, whale and shellfish.


Mr Westerhof and two businessmen own the worldwide patent to the method and are looking for investors.


Story filed: 15:36 Thursday 20th September 2001


>strange man very strange!





[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 09-22-2001).]

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I had this sort of conversation at work. Everyone knows I'm a vegetarian, so every few weeks I just get grilled (pun intended) on it. They ask so many bizarre and extreme questions that I finally realized that my being vegetarian really makes them feel insecure. They must know they are doing something wrong, because their reactions are like by my simply existing I am offending them on a really deep level.


So at one point they asked me about eggs. Hey no animals are killed with an egg. It is unfertilized. My response was this may be true but it is made up of the same material. I pointed out that I bet they couldn't tell the difference between a burger made out of cows meat or human flesh. They agreed.


So I said if someone could grow a human heart in a petri dish would they eat it? Same material, but it really isn't a heart from a human. Or how about a liver. Why not eat human organs grown in dishes since no humans were killed by it. That more or less floored them.


They always ask really bizarre, extreme questions, so I sometimes like to give them bizarre and extreme answers to shut them up. Two of them, I won't mention here, were really gross but they couldn't argue with the logic.



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Haribol Gauracandra:


I live in a tiny tiny community and there were only two vegetarians and one moved. Posted Image


Now I seem to be the only one here. My co-workers also love to "grill" me and it "fries" me!


I have also noted that they all seem offended by me - the simple fact that I am a vegetarian upsets them and I too had come to the conclusion that it has to be guilt on their part even if it is at a subconscious level.


The other woman I work with goes on murder sprees each fall with her husband and young daughter and I actually have to take her first day back off work sick to avoid the gory details. She relishes bringing up something meat related on a daily basis.


I have tried the subtle approach and am now ready for your method - gross them out!!


I am going to use your ideas and would appreciate anymore gross out things to say to these people.


Basically, I would just like for them to shut up. I know they are all doing this to try to get to me and I ignore them but they persist.





Originally posted by Gauracandra:

I had this sort of conversation at work. Everyone knows I'm a vegetarian, so every few weeks I just get grilled (pun intended) on it. They ask so many bizarre and extreme questions that I finally realized that my being vegetarian really makes them feel insecure. They must know they are doing something wrong, because their reactions are like by my simply existing I am offending them on a really deep level.


So at one point they asked me about eggs. Hey no animals are killed with an egg. It is unfertilized. My response was this may be true but it is made up of the same material. I pointed out that I bet they couldn't tell the difference between a burger made out of cows meat or human flesh. They agreed.


So I said if someone could grow a human heart in a petri dish would they eat it? Same material, but it really isn't a heart from a human. Or how about a liver. Why not eat human organs grown in dishes since no humans were killed by it. That more or less floored them.


They always ask really bizarre, extreme questions, so I sometimes like to give them bizarre and extreme answers to shut them up. Two of them, I won't mention here, were really gross but they couldn't argue with the logic.




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eew - are they that gross? I am kinda sensitive and some things tend to disturb too much. are there any mildly gross things that won't disturb me that I can use on them? Posted Image


Originally posted by Gauracandra:

Living Entity,


You can email me at Gauracandra@Indiadivine.com to hear of some of the gross out things I say to combat their bizarre questions.


The best approach I have found that also shuts them up is this sentence: When they ask "Why are you a vegetarian?" just say "I believe that there is so much pain and suffering in this world, that if I can simply avoid adding more pain to the world by controlling what I eat I should". That usually shuts them up for atleast a week.


But it really does offend them. I don't ever bring up being a vegetarian, yet they always ask me about it. It is so foreign to them. When you are vegetarian or when you eat meat, that very decision helps you perceive the world in a certain way. They must know deep down they are doing something wrong because their reactions are always so over-blown. Its like they all circle around like monkeys around the black square obelisk wondering what it is.




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Living Entity,


You can email me at Gauracandra@Indiadivine.com to hear of some of the gross out things I say to combat their bizarre questions.


The best approach I have found that also shuts them up is this sentence: When they ask "Why are you a vegetarian?" just say "I believe that there is so much pain and suffering in this world, that if I can simply avoid adding more pain to the world by controlling what I eat I should". That usually shuts them up for atleast a week.


But it really does offend them. I don't ever bring up being a vegetarian, yet they always ask me about it. It is so foreign to them. When you are vegetarian or when you eat meat, that very decision helps you perceive the world in a certain way. They must know deep down they are doing something wrong because their reactions are always so over-blown. Its like they all circle around like monkeys around the black square obelisk wondering what it is.



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Posted Image They do try to make me feel like a freak.


It is odd how they always bring it up. Like you I don't mention otherwise.

Originally posted by Gauracandra:

Living Entity,


They must know deep down they are doing something wrong because their reactions are always so over-blown. Its like they all circle around like monkeys around the black square obelisk wondering what it is.




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Just like Gaucandra Prabhu, I too have faced awkward questions at work as I am a vegetarian. Often, I am combative when I respond. Once in chicago, a colleague sarcastically asked me why I won't eat beaf...is it because cows are sacred? I responded with a question..."Will he bar-be-cue and eat his pet dog?" He was shocked and muttered that I was being insensitive. I triumphantly declared that just as dogs are pets in many American households, so are cows in India. If he found killing and eating his pet abominable, by the same logic, we did too. He hasn't commented on my vegetarianism ever after.

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I've used that one myself Posted Image It works wonders Posted Image There was one lady who owned a cute little Shitzu (sp?) and so she started grilling me on being vegetarian. So I started talking about wouldn't it be great if they opened fast food restaurants that served dog meat. Like we could have Shitzu burgers.... I was being really joking and funny (I thought) but she was grossed out and said that would be horrible. Then I pointed out how millions of other animals are killed, so what is so special about a cute little dog. Yep, that one works wonders Posted Image



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I guess making up labels showing pet pictures, pasting them on bottles of barbeque sauce, then leaving the anonymous `gifts` on co-workers' desks might really be asking for it, eh?


Have to admit I've been out of the workplace for awhile, but perhaps that would be a good day to wear your oldest clothes, say on a `casual Friday`?

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Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Originally posted by valaya:

I guess making up labels showing pet pictures, pasting them on bottles of barbeque sauce, then leaving the anonymous `gifts` on co-workers' desks might really be asking for it, eh?


Have to admit I've been out of the workplace for awhile, but perhaps that would be a good day to wear your oldest clothes, say on a `casual Friday`?


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Yea, I'll have to make it jokingly because there is only a total of five employees including me so I have to at least pretend to be friends - kinda sorta - Posted Image

Originally posted by valaya:

I guess making up labels showing pet pictures, pasting them on bottles of barbeque sauce, then leaving the anonymous `gifts` on co-workers' desks might really be asking for it, eh?


Have to admit I've been out of the workplace for awhile, but perhaps that would be a good day to wear your oldest clothes, say on a `casual Friday`?


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Hey jijaji.


Nothing to add to this discussion. Just wanted to let you know that I am refraining from eamiling anyone for the time being. My computer appears to have been infected with that stupid NIMDA virus. I am in the process of cleaning it off my system. Did not want to in advertantly emai it out to anyone.

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Leave it to the Dutch.

Holyland aka Netherland has a greater density of Healthfood (Biologisch) Stores than California.

Nederlanders are much more environmentally aware than Amerikans.

I worked for Pitney Bowes in Glendale, NYC during PrabhupAd's time.

The Boss finally called me in & humbly said (with his head hanging):

"You mean to say you actually don't eat any meat at all?"

Another worker came in & began repeating the same questions.

The way the boss was hanging his head lower & lower...

I couldn't help but think...

he was physically reflecting how those poor animals...

sans prior notice... get it in the neck.

You had to see it to believe it.

Something like that cowfaced-human/humanfaced cow diorama.

Bhakta Howie aka HrdayAnanda's essay is okay

for backpatting,

Publik Relations, yet it shies away from with Vedik Philosophy.

He fails to distinguish between karma & karma-phalam.

Cows are not reaping their karma; their reaping their phalam.

Cowkillers are creating new vikarma...

for which they'll have to be killed.

Thus, the key is to stop cowkillers & eaters, not the cows.

This is a chance to speak truth amidst an ocean of lies.

Instead, Bhakta Howie suggests we be more compassionate.

Bhakta Howie forgets 'howie' PrabhupAd preached concerning Vietnam.

SP said the same thing:

"So long you send animals to slaughter, you'll be sent to war."

I'm not saying we should be insensitive.

True sensitivity means to tell it like it is,

so they/we can all avoid further future suffering.


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