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Careful ..............when you pray

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A thought.


I guess, we as human beings are granted mystical powers to a certain degree, as to induce a favorable outcome of an event. In other words, when one as an individual or as a collective group prays or desires sincerely for something, then one is likely to influence the odds of event to occur in one’s favor.


Changing the outcome of an event through prayers, may not be confused with an act of God. The out come of all events may occur with God’s permission but he may not necessarily sanction all the events.


In principal the difference lies in that, the act of God is always selfless and is meant for general good, while prayers maybe in essence a spiritual appeal to satisfy one’s selfish desire.


Unfortunately, even one’s prayers, for general good of the people, are normally tainted with some degree of selfish desires.


A prayer may be a wish list based on our desires and perception of the world.


Therefore, one must be careful what one asks in prayers for he or she may be liable for any gains accomplished.


Perhaps that is why just taking Hari's name and accepting his will may be the best bet.



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I remember reading an article on prayer once. As I recall it was a scientific test with a control group. One group prayed for people who were ill in the hospital (a random sampling) and another group prayed for another random sample of sick people. Those who were prayed for healed much quicker. This is all based on memory, but I am quite sure it wasn't a Christian experiment. I think it might have been in a very reputable journal like The Journal of the American Medical Association or something similar. Perhaps I'll research this further.



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Yes the idea of prayer constantly challenges me.


In England I was one of a small group of devotees who did healings through prayer and focus, sometimes hands, whatever was needed or accessed at the time. We did healings for indiduals on request, as well as sending our intentions of love all over the world. We did always pray that all would be in accordance with the will of the Lord. Now I see this as at least as valid as going to the doctor for help.


Still, the idea of prayer confuses me. When in doubt, I just do as Srila Prabhupada advised, and that is to pray for strength.


ys, JR

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