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About Guruji Viswanath

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Dear Sir,

I wish to bring to your kind notice that in Bangalore, a great spiritual giant by the name Guruji Viswanath lives. He has started a socio-spiritual organization called "Manava Seva Kendra". The Kendra brought out a collection of the Satsang lectures delivered by Poojya Sri Guruji in the form of a book called "Perfection-A Gospel for modern age living". Poojya Sri Guruji is considered as an avatar of Ganesha. Even a documentary on his life has been brought out by the Kendra. People who have come in contact with him have all felt his divine powers. He takes upon himself the karmas of his devotees and makes their life simple and joyous. It is worthwhile if someone from your organization comes and interviews him. He has even been interviewed by national network of Spain. Visitors to your site can be greatly benefitted by his wisdom and thought.


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