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The Peace Formula

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om ajnana timirandasya jnana jnana salakaya caksur unmilitam jnena tasmai sri guruve namah


May this thread be one of many threads weaving a cloak of Love for Krsna with which to shelter the world.


May the assembled devotees recognise fully the sublime message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and carry this message far and wide, and in the process also be swept along in the inundation.



Glory to the Sri Krsna Sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years together. Thus the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death, is extinguished. This sankirtana movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge, it increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it helps us to have a taste of the full nectar for which we are always anxious.

humbly submitted, with thanks and prayers,

Jayaradhe dasi


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Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

I wasn't offended, nor do I equate the sankirtan movement with the mundane hippie/commie peaceniks. I just needed an excuse to post some humor...


Stone: And we're glad you did! But this leaves me wondering a couple of things. One is how the heck do you do this (get the cartoons into yoru posts)? The other is amazement that you're here. I understood you were riding out to kill bad guys. One of my old gurukula students is a a Navy SEAL. The last time I saw him was a couple of years ago, when he was teaching at their jump shool in Arizona. I've lost touch with him, so I'm not sure where he is or what he's up to.


And, speaking of SEALs, a true story of Sept. 11:


My older daughter, who works and studies in San Diego, has a 6:30 am swim class at Mesa College. Among the students in that class were a couple of SEALs. Krishnamayi doesn't have a TV and whenshe gets up at 4:00 am, she chants japa and serves her Jagannath Deities, then hps on her bicycle and rides the 7 miles (mostly uphill) to school. So she had no idea of what had happened in NYC and Virginia when she went to swim class. In the middle of class, a couple of uniformed SEALs came and pulled their shipmates out of the pool. One of them approached the instructor and said, "Ma'am, you need to drop them from this class."


RandOM: sankirtan yagna ki jai!

Stone: Megadittoes from Hawaii!



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More about The Peace Formula, harinam sankirtan:


Tue Sep 25, 2001 12:39 am

sankirtana and prasadam distribution


Dear prabhus, Hare Krsna!

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I simply want to express my happiness and appreciation for the important, positive and urgent work that our Prabhupadanugas are performing in this hour of need.

Let's distribute free food only if it is Krsna prasadam. Let's use our hard earned money (or other people's hard earned money) only to help people understand Krsna's message and engage in His service. Distributing transcendental knowledge and love for God is much needed at this time, even more than ever before. Humans have now the weapons to blow off this whole planet, something that Hiranyaksa only came near to.

At this time, we shoud pray to the Lord to descend in the form of His Holy Name and execute His mission: paritranaya sadhunam, vinasaya ca duskrtam dharma samsthapanarthaya.

Actually, I would even come to the point of approaching the families of the victims to ask them to engage their money, time and energies in the sankirtana movement for the upliftment of human society, so that by working together we can prevent worse tragedies.

When 70% of the world population or more is threatened with destruction in a global war, the relatives of these 8,000 or so victims of 11 Sept attack should feel particularly sensitive to help us to counteract the horrible influences which have led to such disaster and are going to cause even greater destruction.

If they use the money they receive simply to build monuments for their dear departed ones (which will be swept away by the greater war) or to build a "safe future" for themselves (on the brink of global disaster), to get themselves a pension (with insurance companies tumbling and stock markets panicking) or to gratify their own senses into oblivion (thus preparing for a next animal or vegetal birth) such use of Krsna's energy will go to waste if not worse.

Actually we must accept the fact that ignorant people are going to give money to other ignorant people. We can't scream or insult them into reason. We may get angry at fools, but generally that's not going to make them any wiser.

I think we should rather go to the recipients of such ignorant charity, and try to help them to engage properly whatever they have in Krsna's service (prasadam distribution, transcendental literature, etc).

This does not mean asking them to give the money TO US (so that we use it for OUR OWN sense gratification or social status symbols, or our children's). This means engaging them personally in activities which are bona fide service to the Lord and hence to humanity and to all living entities of the universe.

Please forgive me if I wanted to say something on the matter, but I really felt the need to do so.

Your humble servant,

Parama Karuna d


Tue Sep 25, 2001 5:32 am

Re: sankirtana and prasadam distribution


Excellent analysis of the situation. I believe that by preaching the message of the Bhagavad-gita, by propagating the chanting of Hare Krishna and by distributing Krishna prasadam, the world can be saved from further disaster. To be executed effectively, this plan will require vaisnavas worldwide to cooperate in the spirit of brotherhood. If we pray to Krishna to inspire everyone to set aside their differences so that they may work together to please Srila Prabhupada, we will be able to do the greatest service for humanity

in this hour of need.


I agree entirely that devotees should not hesitate to ask the families of vicitims to donate to the sankirtana movement. For

devotees to give money to those who are not practicing Krishna consciousness is the exact opposite of what should be done.


Your servant, Locanananda dasa




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stone: to place graphics into your post, they first must be on the web already. Then by using HTML code, type the following:


[img src="http://www.whatever.com/picture.jpg"]


except use < instead of [ and > instead of ] .




harinama sankirtana yagna ki jai!



ps -- gotta love them seals. I lived in San Diego for a few years, and crossed paths with a few. As a grunt, tho', we don't mix with swabbies! Posted Image

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From Chakra:


I appreciate all the points mentioned in Locananda Prabhu's article, but would like to remind everyone that due to the circumstances, there might have been a question of cancelling the Spanish Fork India festival altogether. Using the festival as a way of helping the families of the fireworkers who lost their lives during the rescue mission, may have enabled them to continue the festival as planned. At the same time, the festival helped distribute the Holy name of the Lord to the public.


In view of the extent of the damage, the amount donated was probably not helping a lot. But our gesture shows that we are able to act responsibly as good citizens, not only when it serves our own purpose. This was surely appreciated by society at large.


Your servant,

Hayagriva Das

(former HKS-disciple, serving in Germany and Belgium)


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Posted Image


Posted Image


<font size="5" color="#0000A0" face="Arial, Helvetica">Hare Krishnas

Conduct Public Memorial</font></p>



<font color="#800000" size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica">Text and

photos by Bir Krishna das Goswami</font></p>



Chapel Hill, N.C., USA, Sep 16, 2001<span style="font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:

EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">?The Hare Krishna</span> Community in North

Carolina conducted a memorial march and memorial service to honor those who have

lost their lives in the recent terrible tragedy in New York and to express their

solidarity with all of America in this time of crisis.</p>



Devotees chanted and prayed during a one-mile parade down the main street in

this university city, carrying banners stating: "God Bless America"

and "Unite and Pray for Peace" and waving American Flags.chapelhillstagewithsigns.jpg</p>



The parade ended at a stage set up in the main park in Chapel Hill, situated

on university property. The stage program consisted of representatives from many

of the major faiths in America including a representative from ISKCON who spoke

on the topic "America the Beautiful and God."</p>



Thousands of plates of prasadam were distributed to the crowd.</p>



The organizers of this event were Laxmi Nrsimha Prabhu, Pattarajni Prabhu,

and Ekabuddhi Prabhu, all of whom are senior disciples of His Divine Grace Srila




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The Peace Formula by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada is the inspiration for this thread. Devotees have been distributing this leaflet in great quantities in the past few weeks. This leaflet was originally distributed in the beginning years of the worldwide Sankirtan movement, starting in the late sixties. This can be printed out inexpensively, and distributed on harinam or in any other innovative ways one can think of. I say we flood the world with the simple formula for peace!


Next post: The Peace Formula

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The Peace Formula

by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


The great mistake of modern civilization is to encroach upon other's property as though it were one's own and to thereby create an unnecessary disturbance of the laws of nature. These laws are very strong. No living entity can violate them. Only one who is Krishna conscious can easily overcome the stringency of the laws of nature and thus become happy and peaceful in the world.

As a state is protected by the department of law and order, so the state of the Universe, of which this earth is only an insignificant fragment, is protected by the laws of nature. This material nature is one of the different potencies of God, who is the ultimate proprietor of everything that be. This earth is, therefore, the property of God, but we, the living entities, especially the so-called civilized human beings, are claiming God's property as our own, under both an individual and collective false conception. If you want peace, you have to remove this false conception from your mind and from the world. This false claim of proprietorship by the human race on earth is partly or wholly the cause of all disturbances of peace on earth.

Foolish and so-called civilized men are claiming proprietary rights on the property of God because they have now become godless. You cannot be happy and peaceful in a godless society. In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna says that He is the factual enjoyer of all activities of the living entities, that He is the Supreme Lord of all universes, and that He is the well-wishing friend of all beings. When people of the world know this as the formula for peace, it is then and there that peace will prevail.

Therefore, if you want peace at all, you will have to change our consciousness into Krishna consciousness, both individually and collectively, by the simple process of chanting the holy name of God. This is a standard and recognized process for achieving peace in the world. We therefore recommend that everyone become Krishna conscious by chanting:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

This is practical, simple, and sublime. Four hundred and eighty years ago this formula was introduced in India by Lord Sri Chaitanya, and now it is available in your country. Take to this simple process of chanting as above mentioned, realize your factual position by reading the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and re-establish your lost relationship with Krishna, God. Peace and prosperity will be the immediate worldwide result.


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Submitted for the further enlivenment of the devotees:


Dear Locananda Prabhu,

Thanks for the encouragement. It was my desire that all devotees around the world gather at a specific time and chant the holy name in public [global chanting] during this recent catastrophe, but unfortunately my

suggestion to senior devotees was never taken up. I was very happy to read about

the kirtan at Union Square Park I am really inspired by your enthusiasm. As HH Hridayananda das Goswami wrote to me in support of global chanting "Srila Prabhupada wanted us to be brahmanas to society, a head for the headless society. It is a universal fact that priests in any society must minister to people in their times of distress, and must do so in the most intelligent, sensitive way. At a time when hundreds of millions of people are confused, angry, anguished etc, we should step forward and minister to them."

your servant



reply to this letter follows, and it keeps getting better...


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Hmm... Do you have some objections to Srila Prabhupada's Peace Formula? Do you think it should be set aside for the time being, that the chanting is not relevant at this time. And do you equate the prime benediction for humanity at large, the chanting of the Supreme Lord's names, the mahamantra, with the mundane peace movement. Do only hippies seek peace. (this written before I saw RA's previous post)


Mon Sep 24, 2001 12:59 pm

Re: Sankirtan


Dear Shashika Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All gloriesd to Srila Prabhupada! It is I who should be thanking you. It appears that your

suggestion has been taken up by Iskcon. According to a report on Chakra, all temples will be holding sankirtana on Sept. 29th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 P.M. as a prayer for peace.

On Saturday evening, we returned to Union Square Park to continue our ecstatic program of chanting, preaching, book

distribution and prasadam distribution. While we were chanting, large crowds would gather and many people could be seen chanting along with the devotees. Union Square has become the focal point for anti-war rallies, so there was a significant police presence at the park, but as long as we were chanting there was no trouble. As the chanting went on, the power of the Holy Name took over the entire scene, so much so, that when we ended the kirtana there was resounding applause.

Tonight, we have been offered an incredible opportunity to preach and distribute prasadam, and I will submit a report shortly afterwards to describe it in more detail.

Hoping you will be able to take part in one of these harinam programs soon, I remain


Your servant, Locanananda dasa


(edited for mistakes in doubleposting)




[This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 10-06-2001).]

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Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

Okay, I'm done now. I'll leave this thread alone. Posted Image


I do believe in sankirtan parties. Been in a few myself. I'm just in a different space now. Posted Image

I understand, brother. This was not put here to offend you, believe me.



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I wasn't offended, nor do I equate the sankirtan movement with the mundane hippie/commie peaceniks. I just needed an excuse to post some humor...


sankirtan yagna ki jai!

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