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Bush and Blair should read Srimad Bhagavatam!

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Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went on to teach

that for each and every moment he is

engaged in some karmic activity, the

conditioned soul forgets his real id-

entity. Sometimes, when he`s tired, he

hankers for mukti, but at other times

he thinks that by working hard to gra-

tify his senses, he`s happy. In either

case, he is covered by illusion. Thus,

for the illumination of such a bewil-

dered soul, like US President George

W. Bush, the Supreme Lord Bathala Sri

Govinda Krishna has presented the Ve-

danta sutras, the Puranas and the Sri

Bhagavatam. These are all intended to

guide all the leaders of this world,

especially US Pres.G.W.Bush and Bri-

tish Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair,

in going home, back to Godhead.

Lord Chaitanya has given further ins-

tructions by explaining that when con-

ditioned souls such as those mentioned

above are accepted by the mercy of the

spiritual master and is guided by the

Supersoul and the various Vedic scrip-

tures, they become illuminated and can

make progress in spiritual realization.

It is because Bathala Sri Hari Krishna

is always merciful upon His devotees

that He has presented all these Vedic

literatures by which they can unders-

tand their relationship with Him. In

this way, one is gifted with the ulti-

mate goal of life, to be Krishna cons-

cious eternally.

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These are all intended to guide all the leaders of this world, especially US Pres.G.W.Bush and British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, in going home, back to Godhead. (Melvin)


Why you don’t try to talk about that ‘Bathala Sri Hari Krishna’ to Osama Ibn Laden, Hassan Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Al Kadafi, and other leaders of the world of the same creed? Do you known that according to Koran Jihad is a community’s duty? That is their duty. No ‘world leader’ like them should allow any other creed to survive. This obviously might include your belief in that 'Bathala Sri Hari Krishna' or even in your Philipine’s ‘niño.’



[This message has been edited by Satyaraja dasa (edited 10-16-2001).]

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Duty should not be misconstrued as spiritual, neither can religion be considered personal relationship. Both can become impediments if the Absolute Truth has not been fully realized in the heart through Divine Grace.


Unfortunately, partial realization is often mistaken as complete and religions, movements, etc. develop their own momentum, losing touch with their original spiritual impetus.


In spite of so many paramparas, the Supreme must continue returning again and again Himself, in order to re-establish the `principles of religion`. In other words, everything deteriorates eventually in the material world.


Our only firm foundation is in connection with that same Supreme through His Divine Grace, personally or impersonally.


valaya RR

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Politicians like US Pres. Bush

and UK Prime Minister Blair

will never surrender to Krishna.

And that goes, too, for Osama

Bin Laden. So as long as these

leaders won`t surrender to our

Lord Hari, these bombings and

terroristic attacks will conti-

nue. That is if you believe

that Lord Vasudeva is the cause

of all causes, the reason why

these haribol events happen. O.K?

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Politicians like US Pres. Bush

and UK Prime Minister Blair

will never surrender to Krishna.

They don't have to. They have their own religion and they are happy enough with it. It is only when people are not happy with what they have, that they begin to look elsewhere.


Bin laden is following his religion and is out to kill the infidels. Bush et al., are following their religion and are out to destroy the evil doers. So everyone is doing what they think is the right thing to do.


Bin Laden is calling Bush as evil and as the leader of infidels. Bush is calling bin laden as the evil doer. So everything is fine.





[This message has been edited by shvu (edited 10-17-2001).]

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So as long as these leaders won`t surrender to our Lord Hari, these bombings and terroristic attacks will continue. (Melvin)


Actually there is no guarantee that surrender to Hari may cause peace to this world. After his surrender to Hari Arjuna had to face the most destructive war that the planet had ever knew. In the other hand, Jalandhara was a big demon who has defeated Hari in a battle and after this feat he could relish a very prosperous and peaceful kingdom for 200 millions years.


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Politicians like US Pres. Bush

and UK Prime Minister Blair

will never surrender to Krishna.

And that goes, too, for Osama

Bin Laden. So as long as these

leaders won`t surrender to our

Lord Hari, these bombings and

terroristic attacks will conti-

nue. That is if you believe

that Lord Vasudeva is the cause

of all causes, the reason why

these haribol events happen. O.K?



melvin...I see now you are nuts! Why in the world would anyone in the world expect Bin Laden or Bush to surrender to as you say.."Our Lord Hari"..I understand you would like to convert the entire world to your faith, but it just ain't gonna happen mr. missionary!


Don't get me wrong I like Lord Vasudeva...But I jijaji... unlike many ...

do not think the entire world should be converted to ANY one Religion..!


Now..both these leaders have there own faiths one Christian the other extreme fundamental Islam.


My advice to Bush is to look deeply within his own Christian faith at this trying time.


My advice to bin laden is for him to commit suicide as he is following a perverted desert religion founded by a criminal pedofile bloodthirsty villian.....

(I guess he is just emulating his own saint) anyway suicide is the only option for bin laden...after he publicly renounces the Fanatic Mohammed on Al-Jazeera television!


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¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

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((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

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If Bush and Blair ever took the time to read the Bhagavatam, they would be rolling on the floors with laughter at the tortoise incarnation, pig incarnation, etc.


With due respect, such ideas of karma, surrender to vAsudeva, etc come out of superficial understanding of hindu literature. This in turn is a consequence of publishing books and making them available to all, without discrimination. People read these books like they would read a story book and conclude, they have understood everything and then proceed to spout absurd ideas, which even, prima facie, fail to stand the test of logic.


But I guess, this is unavoidable, with Indian religious organizations wanting to go global, and trying to gather as many people as possible. We will only see more and more of this in future.



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Shvuji: But I guess, this is unavoidable, with Indian religious organizations wanting to go global, and trying to gather as many people as possible. We will only see more and more of this in future.



Satyaraj: Is this the Hindu version of Jihad? Actually one thousand years of Muslim domination has caused strong impressions into Hinduism, isn’t? Unfortunately most of the present days converted Gaudiyas cannot see the strong Islamic influence into their sect, including the idea of sadhana as a duty (Jihad) and Zoroastrian proselytism where Maya plays the role of Satan.


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for the illumination of such a bewil-

dered soul, like US President George

W. Bush, the Supreme Lord Bathala Sri

Govinda Krishna has presented the Ve-

danta sutras, the Puranas and the Sri

Bhagavatam. These are all intended to

guide all the leaders of this world,

especially US Pres.G.W.Bush and Bri-

tish Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair,

in going home, back to Godhead.




melvin again we see your missionary imagination festering.


you say.."These are all intended to

guide all the leaders of this world,

especially US Pres.G.W.Bush and Bri-

tish Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair,

in going home, back to Godhead."


sure....why do you have to see everything tinted with your (Gaudiya reality tunnel)?

To think that the only way the world is gonna be saved is through YOUR religion is nothing short of fanatical, and based in fantasy!


No one religion has even ever been able to convert all of INDIA or BENGAL or even NAVADVIPA, what to speak of the ENTIRE PLANET AND ALL THE LEADERS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES!




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¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*




[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-17-2001).]

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5. How the Indian tradition Mayavada [excuse me for using the M word] is poison and how the founder was an insane person who was actually an incarnation who came down to mislead people. A classic example of an insane incarnation.



>>> LOL Posted Image


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¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

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((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

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I see that JIJAJI is condemning MELVIN here about his religion.


Now I am a very confused person - isn't everyone here following Krishna Consciousness (a Vaishnava).


Or are there actually several different religions in these forums. [or are there a million indian/hindu-ee types of religion that people just make so much fuss about].



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Originally posted by FaithlessDevotee:

I see that JIJAJI is condemning MELVIN here about his religion.


>>There is NO condemnation about his religion..it's about his fanatical stance that ALL problems will cease if the leaders of the world come to his religion!

....big difference


Now I am a very confused person - isn't everyone here following Krishna Consciousness (a Vaishnava).


>> sorry to confuse ya!


Or are there actually several different religions in these forums. [or are there a million indian/hindu-ee types of religion that people just make so much fuss about].



gee whiz....


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¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

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((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

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"There`ll be only one religion

after the WAR, and that is


dicted by the great Mahajana.

And there will only be one

Law Book for conditioned souls

like, Jijaji, et al, and that

is Srimad Bhagavatam," accord-

ing to His Divine Grace. OM TAT



[This message has been edited by melvin (edited 10-17-2001).]

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"There`ll be only one religion

after the WAR, and that is


dicted by the great Mahajana.

And there will only be one

Law Book for conditioned souls

like, Jijaji, et al, and that

is Srimad Bhagavatam," accord-

ing to His Divine Grace. OM TAT


I was not aware of this. All glories to the great Mahajana, who made this prophecy. I left out one important thing to be learnt from iskcon in the above list.


8. They can learn about the stupid, pea-brained scientists who try to explain things by logic and reason, the materialistic rascals with their "imperfect senses". Since the above combo [bush et al.,] are people who can actually do something about it, they can ban all science related activites in their countries and go back to an Indian life style of say, 0 AD. People can live with oil lamps, clay pots and depend on rain for agriculture. If it does not rain, they can starve for days and think with pleasure and pride about the "sensible" decision they made by giving up "material" science. That would be the way to go !


Hare Krishna




[This message has been edited by shvu (edited 10-17-2001).]

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Originally posted by melvin:

"There`ll be only one religion

after the WAR, and that is


dicted by the great Mahajana.

And there will only be one

Law Book for conditioned souls

like, Jijaji, et al, and that

is Srimad Bhagavatam," accord-

ing to His Divine Grace. OM TAT



[This message has been edited by melvin (edited 10-17-2001).]

How utterly out-of-touch with reality you are, only one religion after the war and that of course is the one YOU follow? Posted Image


The EGO of Fanatics is HEATED with EGO-FEVER and DELUSION which places them FALSELY ABOVE all else..!

Funny..... they can ONLY recognize this behaviour in other Fanatical Groups outside themselves, while all along they themselves are poisoned with this EXCLUSIVENESS that spurs HATRED!

Posted Image



¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-17-2001).]

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for the illumination of such a bewil-

dered soul, like US President George

W. Bush, the Supreme Lord Bathala Sri

Govinda Krishna has presented the Ve-

danta sutras, the Puranas and the Sri

Bhagavatam. These are all intended to

guide all the leaders of this world,

especially US Pres.G.W.Bush and Bri-

tish Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair,

in going home, back to Godhead.

Evidently it is time for someone to knock some sense into the bewildered souls [viz., Bush, Blair, etc] and get them to join iskcon. Then they can,


1. Learn Iskcon's concept of "Vedic literature".


2. Learn the only true interpretation of Sanathana dharma and also how some other interpretations were right only for a certain time and circumstance, but are no longer valid now [16th century onwards].


3. How classic Indian literature, magically got in new verses, overnight during the 16th century and also learn about the unique concept of "hidden" avatars. About lost and found [also found & lost] shastras. About how "dark form" actually means "golden form" and how "golden form" means chaitanya and so on.


4. About great Indian Thakurs [pure devotees with perfect senses], who were capable of travelling back in time and seeing other people's dreams.


5. How the Indian tradition Mayavada [excuse me for using the M word] is poison and how the founder was an insane person who was actually an incarnation who came down to mislead people. A classic example of an insane incarnation.


6. How all the Indian Gurus who have come to the US thus far are all rascals, except for one "pure devotee" who was authorized by Krishna himself.


7. Read BG 2.0 [aka BG as it is], the modern, modified version of the original BG 1.0 (by Vyasa). The problem with 1.0 is, it is outdated and does not tell some important things that modern people ought to know. To fix this problem, one empowered soul came out with BG 2.0, which supplies all the "missing" information.


After enlightened by the above knowledge, their avidya will be destroyed and following this, they will be all set to return to Godhead. They will have to do one more thing, however, and that is to abolish cow slaughter, which is a big crime. However slaughter of other types of animals doesn't matter and can continue as before [don't ask why].




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Originally posted by melvin:

"There`ll be only one religion

after the WAR, and that is


dicted by the great Mahajana.

And there will only be one

Law Book for conditioned souls

like, Jijaji, et al, and that

is Srimad Bhagavatam," accord-

ing to His Divine Grace. OM TAT



[This message has been edited by melvin (edited 10-17-2001).]

Only ONE law-book left and ONE religion...?


Sounds like a scarry thing, especially if you belong to one of the groups that is condemmed in that book you claim will be the last on the planet earth after this WAR!


Advaitavadins will be on the run as they are already condemmed as demons in Iskcon's Bhagavat Puran. The Buddhist will be in even a worse position as they are non-vedic. Also the other Vaishnava sects in India will be challenged to give up their commentaries on SB as there will be ONLY one version accepted after the WAR!


What lunacy!


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¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

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((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

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Bush and Blair should read Srimad Bhagavatam!


Can one imagine them happily eating rice prasadam with their hands, seated on a bare floor, and after that answering to the nature’s call calmly passing urine and stool on streets? Or wearing white dhotis, sikhas and a big Iskcon’s japa-mala bag with their ‘gurus’ photo?



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It's just a fantasy that boosts the EGO's of follower's.


To think that the world will be under ONE religion and under one LAW-BOOK i.e.....Srimad Bhagavatam is nothing short of insane FUNDAMENTALISM..!


It is MEGLOMANIA to think that YOUR Religion will be the only for all people.


I mean take a look at India, Bengal or even Navadvipa...Chaitanya Vaisnavism has never been able to convert all those people?


How in the world do you expect it to gain GLOBAL ACCEPTANCE as the ONLY RELIGION with the ONLY LAW-BOOK.


How utterly imbecile!


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¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-18-2001).]

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of course we are just fault-finders..


¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


Wrong, Jijaji prabhu, not just fault-finders, but envious fault-finders! Ignorance packaged as bliss and presented with self-righteous virtue...back to the beads, Melvin!


valaya RR


[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 10-18-2001).]

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