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Questions about Hinduism

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Hello i am new member to this forum, I am a indian and a proud Hindu but i do not know much about my religon or any of its practices since i live in the U.S. Well mainly i been getting my information of the internet (I know which is not a good place) and i also have a translated Bhagavad Gita. I enjoy it very much and recently i saw many people with articles saying how hinduism is nothing but a religon of sex and even great epic Ramanaya (sp?) has much inapproiate material. Also another thing people say how Krishna in Mahabharata hides in trees to look at girls bathing, now i don't know much about the Mahabharata since i never read them and this may be a complete nonsense and that i have just been fooled by. But plz explain to me are this just mis-conceptions that people have or is it just part of our past. I don't care on the outcome cause i am always going to be a proud Hindu but i was just wondering about this.


thx in advance for any people with info




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O Nameless One,


I have seen a number of such sites that attack Hinduism. What you have to realize is that usually these are written by Muslims (or sometimes Christians) who are trying to attack Hindus. I've seen a number of such articles that are completely false, and fabricated. It may be a little difficult to sort out the truth from material on the internet. But don't worry Hinduism isn't some perverted religion. Some of the most beautiful and sublime concepts have come from the religious traditions of India. My advice is just be aware of this and find some people who actually have some daily spiritual practice to help advise you.




[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 10-23-2001).]

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Also another thing people say how Krishna in Mahabharata hides in trees to look at girls bathing, now i don't know much about the Mahabharata since i never read them and this may be a complete nonsense and that i have just been fooled by.


Yes, it's true that Krsna is often a very naughty boy. Check out the first post on `Krsna Meditations` thread... Better complain to His mother so she can give Him a good spanking!


valaya RR


[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 10-23-2001).]

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Hello, all you people there!


I'm just giving my community's spiritual support to all individuals who have to fight for the Truth.


Our little Amelitan Community in Finland meets lots of negative energy every day, as we live in a Nothern European country which is totally Christian. The state is supporting Christian church and though we don't deny the SPIRITUAL truth in Bible these people name us "outlaws".


Discussions with fundamental Christians are not easy, because they have the official support, when we are not even registrated!


Yet, we find Hinduism one of the greatest religions which can reach the God. This material Western culture can not separate our minds from The Greatest.


All is One...

Light and Love!


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recently i saw many people with articles saying how hinduism is nothing but a religon of sex and even great epic Ramanaya (sp?) has much inapproiate material.

What qualifies as "inappropriate" material, I wonder? Whatever it may be, the Ramayana is a big work and has all kinds of material.


Also another thing people say how Krishna in Mahabharata hides in trees to look at girls bathing, now i don't know much about the Mahabharata since i never read them and this may be a complete nonsense and that i have just been fooled by.

I have read the Mahabharata and there is no story of Krishna watching/playing with girls anytime as far as I can remember. However there exist other(later) works in which Krishna was made a more romantic figure. In some of them he does watch girls bathing, hides their clothes, etc. But what if he does? These stories were written to glorify the image of Krishna as a hero and bring out devotion in people. There is nothing wrong in that.


However, this is used by other religions to paint a pathetic picture of hinduism. The barbaric Hindus with their sex rituals and idol/animal worship. So what should people do ? Convert to their religion of course, which is the epitome of logic and sensibility. That is where it all leads to.





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If such propaganda is not initiated by Muslims or Christians, it is invariably started by the Dravidian parties.


First thing you should know is that he who spews hate is least interested in truth. Hate and truth are like oil and water.


Read through Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata or Ramayana for yourself and you shall be enlightened.


Personally, I would recommend the 'Bhagavad Gita as it is' by Srila Prabhupad, Mahabharata by University of Chicago Press and Valmiki Ramayana (Sanskrit-English) from the Gita Press of Gorakhpur.


You will relish reading them. And you will have strong reasons to be proud of being a Hindu.

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