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The power of Manthra Japa

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Originally posted by shvu:

If one does manthra japa and is consequently saved from an illness, then that was meant to be his fate. So either way, fate does not change.




I diagree. It is possible to change fate through manthra especially the nama. Your point is baseless.


There is reason now to say Cheers.

[This message has been edited by shvu (edited 11-29-2001).]


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manthra, tanthra, yanthra.. give it all back to KRSNa.

Is our newfound spelling symptomatic of Airbound ANTHRAx nearby?

If so, make sure to:

offer your incoming ANTHRAx mANTHRA breath into your outgoing.

And vice-versa.

Moreover, keep your tanthra & yanthra aligned by dhanthra.

Most of all, avoid ureTHRA re-entrance.

Why? 9 month rent lease mandatory.

dharmArtha kAma moxAdi prema pumArtho mahAn: Liberated Love

Above 3 modes: moxa with prem on top - MahAprabhu's Gift

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is it possible to re write ur fate !!for eg if an ill fate of death or some thing ill occurs could we change it through manthra japa!


Mantra-japa, yantras, mudras, and so on are processes prescribed by Pañcaratras as a way to attain vidya, the cause of mukti. Some sustain that Pañcaratrika-vidya may end all sort of karma and therefore it may convey moksa.


Other schools of thought within sanatana-dharma, however, do consider Pañcaratrika-vidya as a mere superstition and it may never convey real vidya. They state that sruti texts mention that vidya is attained only by the study of sastras (sastrayonitvat - Vedanta-sutra 1.1.3), and that the Tantric process is ineffective to promote vidya.


Some other schools adopt Pañcaratrika-vidya in some stages of the evolution of the knowledge and reject it in further stages.


Anyway, all schools unison agree that only jñana can change karma and therefore jñana can change fate. So, even the defenders of nama-mantra-japa agree that it is jñana that is the cause of karma’s change and not actually the mantra itself.



[This message has been edited by Satyaraja dasa (edited 11-30-2001).]

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Some seekers may opt to seek after vidya by the path of Vedic sacrifices, some others by the path mentioned by the Pañcatratas, doing mantra-japa, mudras, yantras, fasts, and so on. Some other may opt to seek after that vidya by a mixed process, Vedic and Pañcaratric.


Vedic texts, as well as Pañcaratric texts would say that sacrifices and Tantric methods would transform karma, otherwise beginners won’t follow any of these disciplines.


These paths, however, are meant to surpass the stage of karma to enter into the stage of jñana, that may cause real vidya. When the stage of karma is surpassed, the method employed to surpass it should also be abandoned. (Vedanta-sutra 3.4.13)


In other words, one should not perform karma throughout his whole life. Therefore either Vedic sacrifices meant for karmic desires, either Pañcratric methods meant to reach the same end should be abandoned.


As there is no Vedic sacrifice specifically prescribed to attain vidya, similarly there is no Pañcaratric method that can provide this aim. Not even nama-mantra-japa.


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I diagree. It is possible to change fate through manthra especially the nama. Your point is baseless.


There is reason now to say Cheers.

My Gullible friend,


You are either very naive or very very dumb. Let me help you understand, which of these 2 categories you belong to.


Why don't you quit your job, sit at home, and chant your maha-mantra asking for your middle class car to magically turn into a Porsche? You know very well, that it will not work, which is why you get up in the morning and go to work like everyone else. The only thing you can get out of chanting your maha-mantra is a dry mouth and nothing else.


If mantras could change a person's life, India would have been a haven on earth, given the huge number of mantras they have. If you have ever been there, you would have noticed the pathetic state of India, where countless people do not have enough to eat. So much for their mantras.


Mantras changing life styles, producing showers of gold coins, etc happen only in old Indian stories and not in real life.


A very good idea: Why don't you think before you talk? That way, you can avoid, making ludicrous comments.




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Originally posted by shvu:

Why don't you quit your job, sit at home, and chant your maha-mantra asking for your middle class car to magically turn into a Porsche?

By the way, if you are transcendental enough to quit your job and not care for money, why would you crave to transform your ordinary car into a Prosche? Shvu, do you see how superfluous your argument is?


I suggest that you do some reading on what the principle of karma and reincarnation are. That would help you refrain from posting something as silly and shallow as this. Your fate is the result of your past karmic actions, which are the causative forces. So long as you perform fruitive activities, your cycle of karmic actions and reactions will continue. But, if you can even start your spiritual quest and chant the Mahamantra, then atleast those acts will cease to be karmic. And hence there won't be any fateful karmic reactions.


If a person can fully surrender to the Lord, then all his activities become akarmic. Hence, he becomes transcendental and not affected by fate.


If mantras could change a person's life, India would have been a haven on earth, given the huge number of mantras they have. If you have ever been there, you would have noticed the pathetic state of India, where countless people do not have enough to eat. So much for their mantras.

First it is a naive assumption that all (or even many) Indians chant mantras or are spiritual. They are not. Most hanker after material things and at best visit a temple customarily. So, they will be bound to material problems.


Second, if you are transcendental, you won't be bothered whether you are materially prosperous or not. It ceases to interest you. To recount the words of Asvakosha, "Joy and suffering find a place only in the mind that seeks them. A mind that is bereft of (the need for) worldly pleasures, has no place for the resultant joy or sorrow which they entail. Such a mind is what sets a Bodhisattva apart, though the mundane shall never fathom whether he is blissful, happy or sad for the mundane shall not even realize what these 3 states mean".


Hope that helps you.


A very good idea: Why don't you think before you talk?

Again from Asvakosha:


"(Bodhisattva) who has meditated on the truth ceases to talk to the mundane. His words, like a stream, flow towards one and all, but the mundane veers away from its path. He feels no need for what the Bodhisattva says and even derides him. But the stream has long flowed to a distant place where the one not so mundane didn't fail to immerse himself and taste the waters."


Do you see a close parallel? If you do, you have reason to cheer, atleast in the future!




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By the way, if you are transcendental enough to quit your job and not care for money, why would you crave to transform your ordinary car into a Prosche? Shvu, do you see how superfluous your argument is?



You missed the point. One person asked above if it was possible to change fate by chanting some maha mantra [like overcoming an illness, death, etc]. I said whatever happens is fate, and so fate does not change.


Ram diagreed with me and said he believes, the nama [whatever it is] can change fate. Typically in this context, he means nama can help ovecome an illness, death, etc.


To this I said, then why bother to go out to work to get money? Sit at home and chant the name, and you should be able to get everything. It has got nothing to do with losing interest in money, as you minsunderstood. Nothing transcendental about it, either. And since you misunderstood my post, the rest of your posting is irrelevant too.





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karthik_v But, if you can even start your spiritual quest and chant the Mahamantra, then at least those acts will cease to be karmic. And hence there won't be any fateful karmic reactions.

Satyaraj: According to experts in mahamantra at first it causes release from all suffering and it causes all sort of material auspiciousness. It is said that mahamantra is like a desire tree that can give you everything. Including a Porshe, for certain.


So, mahamantra would transform bad karma in good karma in that stage. Those experts don’t mention akarma as a result of maha-mantra chanting. Rather they corroborate the idea that only jñana modify one’s karma by the destruction of karma-vasana.


If mantras in general may modify karma, why not maha-mantra?


If one is chanting maha-mantra with selfish desires it might give results, otherwise it would be only a fake!


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Philosophical Speculation: my favorite

So far I've heard, vaiSNav mantras can transform any manaH = material mind into Transcendental Awareness.

Material body must still undergo prarabdha-karmas, reactions already manifest.

But because no new vikarma or even sattvik-karma is performed, no new reactions will appear.

Unplugged fan idea/simile.

So, in order to avoid vaiSNavAparAdha, if we seem to see a devotee suffering while we see vikarmis apparently enjoying good health, we may become confused.

I remember talking with Nandaki at 340 West 55St about this.

My doubt was:

If deovotees follow all 4 regs, why do thry still suffer?

Shouldn't KRSNa free His bhaktas from at last all physical pain?

Nandaki was a superb mRdanga player;

he could literally make his mRdanga talk, converse with you.

His hands were so fast, you could not think that quickly.

Neither could your eyes (at any given moment) spot his fingers' positions.

Yet he was no Vedik scholar. Hmm.

Still, his answer was surprizingly right on target.

"There's no physical guarantee in KC; otherwise we'd/KRSNa'd get a cheap following."

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The above quoted URL from Letters to the editor:


Can I know what will be my future. Also, can I get rid of bad luck and if so how?

Dear Sadhaka,


Everyone's future in this world is the same. We are all moving towards death. Time is constantly ticking away, decreasing our life by the second. This is the only future that everyone can be certain of. It is possible to know other aspects of one's future and destiny, but the information is not as important as this.


For all the wealth in the world, one cannot buy back one second of time wasted. Thus there is nothing more valuable than time. Use your time valuably in spiritual pursuit. Then you will be able to know your ultimate future, and become free from the bondage of "destiny".


Bad luck is very simple to remove. You must take up a daily spiritual sadhana, for by spiritual strength only can destiny be changed. Spend at least 10 minuted a day in the morning doing nama japam. Recite the names of Hari and meditate on the sound vibrations of the divine names. Swami Shivananda, the great saint from Rishikesh, has advised that this is the simplest way by which we can become free from the influence of bad luck.


Actually there is no such think as "luck". Everything happens due to our previous activities. The Karmic reactions are comming to us from previous lives of activity. We must burn up the seeds of karma before they sprout into reactions. For our previous good activities we will experience enjoyment or happiness, and for our previous bad activities we will experience suffering or disturbance. Those who have knowledge of these laws of nature know there is no luck, but only the natural law. Develop your spiritual strength and you can burn the karmic reactions to ashes. The scriptures describe that just as dry grass is instantly burnt to ash, in the same way the chanting of Hari's name will burn away the sinful reactions. If you truly want to become free from the control of your karmic reactions, take up a daily spiritual sadhana. Spend ten minutes a day in meditation on the mantra:


hare krishna hare krishna

krishna krishna hare hare

hare rama hare rama

rama rama hare hare


This will benefit you immensely.


Yours in service,


Jahnava Nitai Das,

Bhaktivedanta Ashram


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Another relevant letter:


Is it possible to tell one's future?

Dear Sadhaka,


There are ancient sciences that enable one to know the destiny one has created for himself in previous lives. Our future is based on the previous activities we have performed and the karmic reactions we have accumulated. At the same time, free will is powerful enough to overcome any fate that one may have, provided it is powered from a spiritual source. It is like the water flowing in a river. Generally the water will follow the river bed, and it will not flow above the river bank. But it is possible if there is enough force for the water to make a new path. Such an occurrence is very rare. Thus, if a man sees a river flowing, he can "predict" the path it will follow. It will naturally follow the riverbed towards the ocean. Our futures can be known in a similar manner, but 99% of modern astrologers do not know the actual science behind it. They are simply interested in making money from the public. Only a spiritually powerful person has the purity and honesty to be able to tell your future in truth.


Yours in service,


Jahnava Nitai Das,

Bhaktivedanta Ashram


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