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John sang Krsna 'fore George

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John Lennon recorded/sang Hari Krishna before George Harrison.

In 1968, Magical Mystery Tour 12" LP was released.

Those of you who can (or can't) recall, reread last stanza:


I Am the Walrus (Lennon/McCartney)


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.

I'm crying.


Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.

Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.

Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.


Mister City Policeman sitting

Pretty little policemen in a row.

See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.

I'm crying, I'm crying.

I'm crying, I'm crying.


Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.

Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,

Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.


Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.

If the sun don't come, you get a tan

From standing in the English rain.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.


Expert textpert choking smokers,

Don't you thing the joker laughs at you?

See how they smile like pigs in a sty,

See how they snied.

I'm crying.


Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.

Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.

Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.

Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo.


George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" became #1 Hit Worldwide in April 1971, almost 3 yrs later.

Just to set the 'record' + 'records' + recordings straight.


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2 nights ago, Pacifica Radio played Beatles' Christmas tapes.

They were interviewed every Christmas from Dec1964 on...

During Christmas 1968 or '69 someone asked them:

"What would you like for breakfast?"

John Lennon clearly stated,

"I'd like Corn Flakes blessed by the Hare KRSNa Mantra."

www.Pacifica.org can now be heard 24/7 worldwide.

It's being streamed through internet at 2600.org

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KRSNa-candraji: It's true. I also couldn't help but notice.

NYC media is playing down not only George Harrison's great contribution.

As Talasiga pointed, it happens to many. Too many.

Present powers that be have a different agenda.

8Dec2001 Saturday Night at Strawberry Fields, Manhattan we sang till 1am in pouring quasi-freezing rain.

Sharing umbrellas, singing in 7 sometimes 8 part harmony.

CBS Channel 2 was there filming us.

I didn't check if we were actually aired/shown.

We sang Taxman, one of George's most direct uppercut smash against Anglo-American Kaliyuga politics.

Amazing how all the young kids your age & younger knew all the lyrics to so many Beatle songs.

I was so impressed.

Seeing that alone was worth all the adhidaivik tapasya.

Hopefully NYC will build at least a Gazebo roof for next year.



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Seriously, can anyone tell me what 'I am the walrus' is supposed to mean? I remember reading that the FBI spent a long time analyzing this and other Beatle's songs convinced they carried some sort of anti-war message meant to undermine the U.S. military. But in the end they gave up because it didn't mean anything they could figure out.

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Originally posted by Avinash:

Avinash (formerly Animesh)

If you are the former Animesh,

how come you are only a "junior" member ?

What happened ?


Are you trying to confuse the FBI ?

Posted Image



Hah !

But you can't fool

this Fiji Born Indian.

Posted Image


But seriously, Avinash

I think you will find that, if indeed

the US FBI are investigating South Asians -

it is the prospect of a Muslim terrorist element

that is instigating it.



have you ever seen a walrus with only one tusk ?

Ekadantiyum Atlanticum !



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Originally posted by Tarun:

John Lennon recorded/sang Hari Krishna before George Harrison.

In 1968, Magical Mystery Tour 12" LP was released.

Those of you who can (or can't) recall, reread last stanza:


I Am the Walrus (Lennon/McCartney)


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.

I'm crying.


Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.

Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.

Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.


Mister City Policeman sitting

Pretty little policemen in a row.

See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.

I'm crying, I'm crying.

I'm crying, I'm crying.


Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.

Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,

Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.


Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.

If the sun don't come, you get a tan

From standing in the English rain.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.


Expert textpert choking smokers,

Don't you thing the joker laughs at you?

See how they smile like pigs in a sty,

See how they snied.

I'm crying.


Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.

Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.

Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.

Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo.


George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" became #1 Hit Worldwide in April 1971, almost 3 yrs later.

Just to set the 'record' + 'records' + recordings straight.

Indeed this is accurate without question

straightening all further straits i.e. Lennon was 1st to sing 'Hare Krishna' in Beatle History.

I swear the above to be true and right on!


Tarun sir... can ya fill us in with how the mantra chanting in

"Give Peace A Chance"..fits in here?



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Jijaji-ji: I'm no Beatle buff/aficionado.

So many books available in your local library for that.

At www.beatlelyrics.com there's a few album covers missing.

Many songs are listed as being on albums they were NOT on.

From 1964-70 I followed/collected Beatle's Capitol Recordings.

Capitol put out these albums (nearly accurate sequence):

1) Meet the Beatles - Feb1964

2) Second Album - April-May1964

3) Something New - with Hard Day's Night: yA nizA sarva-bhUtAnAm

4) Beatles '65 - Mr Moonlight - Candraji-prabhA/jyoti

perhaps here, sequentially speaking, Capitol issued pre-Ed Sullivan, pre-Feb1964 songs' album called:

5) Early Beatles - Anna, Chains, Misery, Taste of Honey

6) Beatles VI - Baby's in Black, Every Little Thing

7) Help - 1st Sitar use by George? Hide You're Love Away

8) Yesterday and Today - Dr Roberts, And Your Bird Can Sing

9) Rubber Soul - Norwegian Wood

10) Revolver - Taxman

11) 1967 - Sgt Pepper's

12) Magical Mystery Tour - Fool on a Hill

Apple Records took over circa here 1968

13) Double White Album - Piggies

14) Abbey Road - Here Comes Surya

15) Let It Be - Across the Universe

"Give Peace a Chance" was recorded by Plastic Ono Band just after Beatles broke up, no?

Must've been recorded early 1971?

So Beatles split up mid-1970? Which month?

George's All Things Must Pass triple album released ~Nov1970.

Jesus Christ Superstar album also released then.

Jimi Hendrix passed away Sept'70.

Hair Musical Album with full Hare KRSNa mantra was already out.

Some puzzle pieces missing.

I didn't mean to type John sang Hare KRSNa first.

I meant to type John recorded Hare KRSNa first.

Who can say for sure who sang Hare KRSNa first?

Maybe Ringo. Maybe Paul.

Wasn't "Let It Be" Paul's Catholic/Christian reaction to George & John leaning East toward KRSNa Consciousness?

Wasn't Sexy Sadie (sAdhu) about MahArsi Mahesh Yogi?

Wasn't Donovan's Hurdy Gurdy Man about PrabhupAd?

Donovan sang those nice bhajans in Brother Sun, Sister Moon.

If we think of all these persons, places, as we leave our present bodies, do we take birth on a planet where a BhUmi/Earth's 1960s' facsimile is about to re-occur, Vietnam all over again, MahA-mantra inclusief?

Is there a Tompkins Square Park replica in every (Ford) Galaxie?

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All Glories to Shrila Prabhupada


Dear Tarun:


>>>Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.


So what does this line from John's song compare to My Sweet Lord?


Give us a break--he may have said the words Hare Krishna in a Song--which had the FBI--more than anyone else seriously delving into the meaning in it.


I guess at the End of the Day it comes down to this--the Walrus Song--is about nothing meaningfull and My Sweet Lord--is about the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Which Song brought the Holy Name into serious consideration?


I like John's Music--but there IS no 'Equal' to the Profound Messages found in George's Music--not even John's.


Your Servant,


Bhakta don

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Donji: Yes, I dug them both.

From Feb1964, I preferred them both.

Partially because all my female schoolmates mostly wore I Love Paul & I Love Ringo buttons.

What about "Give Peace a Chance's" last stanza:

"Allen Ginsberg, Hare Krishna, Hari Hari Krishna

All We are Saying is Give Peace a Chance"


Both John Lennon & ZrIla PrabhupAd were assassinated.

So much for "World Peace" on this planet.

Even if you're strict vegetarian.

Either FBI, "Instant Karma" or Envious ZiSyas will bump you off.

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If you are the former Animesh,

how come you are only a "junior" member ?

What happened ?


I was hoping that jndas ji would make me senior member. I was even ready to bribe him with chocolates. I don't know why he did not like that offer. May be that chocolates will spoil his teeth and then he will not be able to eat prasadam.


Now I have to wait till I become senior member based on the no. of posts I make. I don't know how long I have to wait. Posted Image

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Avinashji: How long must you wait??

Used to be 1 year or 10,000 miles, whichever comes first.

But after 9/11, so many better offers are available.

Don't hesitate to chop around (in Spanish there's no 'sh').

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gaurji: I'm still pondering your 'Walrus' inquiry.

Part of your answer John himself revealed in 'Glass Onion'.

FBI trying to understand Beatle lyrics is tantamount to Hiranyakazipu trying to understand KC.

As Bhakta PrahlAd told his dear old Dad,

"Even if you took lessons in it, still you could not understand!"


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It doesn't matter who used 'Hare Krsna' first, the fact that they did is very nice. I heard a story that it was Yoko Ono who pulled John Lennon away from Krsna Consciousness. The story I heard was that she and John approached Srila Prabhupada and she told Srila Prabhupada that she wanted to be with John forever, in every lifetime. So she asked Srila Prabhupada if he could recite some mantras that would bind their souls for eternity. She was very persistent but Srila Prabhupada said he couldn't (or wouldn't). When the body dies the souls go on to whatever their destination that awaits. It was after this that her interest waned.


So not only did she break up the Beatles, but she also.... Posted Image



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Yoko reminds me of the saying my mother used to offer: "If you've got nothing good to say, then say nothing at all".


When you hear her conversation with Srila Prabhupada you will know why I edited this post, to just say nothing at all.


[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 12-15-2001).]

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That post from Gauracandra Prabhu on Yoko was interesting. But from what I read in SP biography and Lilamruta, I thought, Yoko was always antogonistic towards KC. There was one incident when Lennon plays Hare Krishna in various melodies on his piano, while the devotees are cooking prasadam. Yoko walks down the stairs and tells John to stop 'that' as she was getting a splitting head-ache.


Perhaps, she was afraid that John would give away all the wealth to Krishna!

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Originally posted by Tarun:

Donji: John Lennon's song "Imagine" transcends Bhagavad-gItA.

That's not a hard thing to do, of course.

RAmAnanda RAy did it with flying colors.

See if any of George's songs can do that.


All Glories to Shrila Prabhupada


Dear Tarun:


If you think that Imagine has 'Trancended' Gita--you really are an id...


Bhakta don



[This message has been edited by Bhakta Don Muntean (edited 12-15-2001).]

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Donji: sarva-dharmam parityaja...

Imagine no religion means no bogus Kaliyuga creeds...

Munteanji: Don't u know a trapji when u c 1 ji?

When u get a chance to re/read GItAji, let me know ji.

Meanwhile, last night after Timessquare HarinAm, I returned by foot to Strawberry Fields.

Since George Harrison's passing away, quickly followed 9 days later by John Lennon's 8Dec assassination anniversary, more & more tourists are visiting 72St Central Park West, leaving flowers, snail-mails, emails, candles, photos, prayers & singing ever so sweetly...

words cannot ever hope to describe.

Last night's main/middle offering along with George's photo read:

"Our Darling George, You are Surrounded by Oceans of Love"

Last night's Timessquare HarinAm was extremely ecstatic.

Extremely. So much dancing, embracing, passerbys joining in.

Still, visiting Strawberry Fields completed my spiritual evening.

To all my vartma-pradarzaka gurus ki jaya! What more can I say?

Hare KRSNa Hare KRSNa KRSNa KRSNa Hare Hare Hare RAma...


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Monday Night 17Dec, WBAI Pacifica hosted MORC = Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade which held a lengthy discussion about George Harrison, John Lennon, PrabhupAd, ISKCON.

They were trying to decide whether ISKCON was a cult or sect.

They were wondering why George Harrison had often acted as a frontman or promoter for ISKCON.

They were comparing George Harrison to... (you ready for this?):

Recently captured Taliban's American Johnny Walker.

Why? In this sense:

They both gave up their previous culture, embraced an Eastern Culture in which they never really quite fit.

Both 'changed sides' so to speak.

People who knew PrabhupAd called in.

Phone lines were jammed. I could not get through.

If you want to politely, eloquently express your KC point of view:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Today is Dr Martin Luther King's birthday anniversary.

He would've been 73?

www.pacifica.org streaming 2600.com is playing his speeches.

www.wbai.org to

Not just his "I have a dream..." excerpt over & over again.

12 years before assassinating John Lennon our FBI murdered King.

After all, they have to keep themselves fit...

for doing what they do best.

Turns out they were also involved in PrabhupAd's untimely end.

They were lobbied, hired, of course.

"SwAmIji's brainwashing our children!"

"He's converting our kids into idol-worshippers!"

Or was it their foreign counterpart?

C ocaine

I mporters of

A merika

Both King & Lennon influentially spoke out against Vietnam War.

PrabhupAd quoted Veda which states:

"If you give good advice to a fool, he becomes angry."

No shortage of them in DC. War is their bread & butter.

Conclusion: "Don't throw pearls to swine." Schwein neither.

John's 1968-9 Christmas quote is still ringing in my ear:

What will you have for breakfast?

"I'll have corn flakes blessed by the Hare KRSNa mantra."

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  • 4 weeks later...

This morning on WABC Radio NYC a Connecticut caller stated:

"New York was begging for disaster. WTC attack was overdue."

Host asked, "How's that?"

"New York has been covering up John Lennon's murder for 22 yrs.

Certain US officials arranged for Yoko Ono to break up Beatles.

They + others later arranged for John's Dec1980 murder."

Then caller referred to Turin's Shroud on which Christ's image resembles John.

Last part a bit sentimental.

The rest is quite obvious.

Then caller cited lennonmurdertruth.com

Or maybe it's truthlennonmurder.com

Not-so-free Free Mason's consider it punya to 'remove upstarts'.

John was considered too peaceful, too popular & uncontrollable.

So 4 weeks after another contrived election, John was 'removed'.

They were getting ready to introduce Raygunomics.

Which previous Pres candidate Papa Bushel called "Voodoo Economics".

In other words, get your Rayguns ready. You're gonna need them.

"Give Peace a Chance? Are you kidding? Peace is bad for business."

In RAmAyan, RAvana was advised to make peace with RAm.

To which RAvana replied laughing, "Peace? Peace? Peace?"

Generals MacArthur, Patton, Rommel were one thing.

These crooked, cowardly Washington DC clowns are yet another.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tomorrow is George Harrison's birthday.

He would've been 58 or 59?

Big gathering expected at Strawberry Fields, Manhattan, NYC for all-night hearing, singing, chanting, playing, harmonizing, remembering, reminiscing, exchanging alas, what cannot last without so long Kaliyuga degrades, though within it lives FOREVER.

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